Postman (2021) Scultura da Erno Toth

Scultura - Bronzo, 18,5x15,8 in
3.099,34 USD
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Venditore VamosiArt
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Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 4 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Scultura, Bronzo su Pietra
  • Dimensioni Altezza 18,5in, Larghezza 15,8in / 8.00 kg
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Adatto per l'esterno? No, Questa opera d'arte non può essere visualizzata all'aperto
  • Categorie Sculture sotto i 5.000 USD Figurativo Bicicletta
Story abot the sculpture: Many of my works draw inspiration from my childhood, which I lived in the countryside. Among them is this sculpture. Every year, as children, we eagerly awaited the arrival of the traveling circus in our village. It was the event of the year for us. Being in a majestic circus tent, seeing exotic animals[...]
Story abot the sculpture:

Many of my works draw inspiration from my childhood, which I lived in the countryside.
Among them is this sculpture.
Every year, as children, we eagerly awaited the arrival of the traveling circus in our village. It was the event of the year for us. Being in a majestic circus tent, seeing exotic animals - lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes that we had only seen in pictures until then, or holding our breath at the acrobatic stunts of circus performers on the trapeze, break-neck rides on bicycles, horses - these were experiences that we they talked to each other for months.
As a humorous person, I also adored clowns. I was close to their comedy, irony, self-parody, endless fooling around.
I especially liked their comedic performances on bicycles, which somehow inspired me to create several humorous sculptures of sculptures associated with a bicycle (or rather a pseudo bicycle).

I'm also a bit of a clown. I go crazy to the point of satiety when creating my sculptures and paintings, and I am glad that my work enriches people not only artistically, but also encourages them to experience life in a more humorous, light-hearted and relaxed way.

Important information:
Even if I state that there are 3-5 copies of a specific sculpture, each of them is actually an original. The technique of my work is atypical and I have to model every single piece of the same sculpture again and create a mold into which the bronze is then poured. Despite over 40 years of experience, even I cannot model any of the other variations of the same motif completely identically. There are minor differences between them, even though in principle it is the same work.
Sometimes it can happen that the work shown in the photo has already been sold in the meantime, and in the case of another order, I have to model this motif again from the beginning and have it cast into a new form. In this case, the time for sending the work is around 3 weeks, and it must be taken into account that this sculpture will differ in a few small details from the depicted work.
But the advantage is that, for the above reasons, the purchased work is unique, and a completely identical work can simply never exist.

About Erno:
His sculptures decorate squares, city streets, public buildings and exhibition halls not only in Hungary but also in Sweden, Finland, France, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, USA, Canada and in Taiwan.
In Hungary, his works are represented in collections of all major galleries, such as the Hungarian National Gallery, the Mihály Munkács Museum in Békéscsaba, the Janos Tornyai Museum in Hódmezővásárhely, the Ottó Herman Museum in Miskolc, the Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs and others.

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Artista rappresentato da VamosiArt
Erno Toth è un prestigioso pittore e scultore ungherese. Le sue sculture decorano piazze, strade cittadine, edifici pubblici e sale espositive non solo in Ungheria ma anche in Svezia,[...]

Erno Toth è un prestigioso pittore e scultore ungherese. Le sue sculture decorano piazze, strade cittadine, edifici pubblici e sale espositive non solo in Ungheria ma anche in Svezia, Finlandia, Francia, Austria, Gran Bretagna, Italia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Svizzera, Russia, Giappone, USA, Canada e a Taiwan .

In Ungheria, le sue opere sono rappresentate nelle collezioni di tutte le principali gallerie, come la Galleria Nazionale Ungherese, il Museo Mihály Munkács a Békéscsaba, il Museo Janos Tornyai a Hódmezővásárhely, il Museo Ottó Herman a Miskolc, il Museo Janus Pannonius a Pécs e altri .

Erno Toth è nato nel 1949 in Ungheria, dove si è laureato all'Università di Belle Arti di Budapest. È membro dell'Associazione degli artisti ungheresi, della Comunità dei pittori ungheresi e della Comunità dei laboratori artistici ungheresi.

Vedere più a proposito di Erno Toth

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