raphael perez naive art biography artist statement resume (2012) Pittura da Raphael Perez


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Venditore Raphael Perez

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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Acrilico su Tela
  • Dimensioni Altezza 47,2in, Larghezza 78,7in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Arte naif Paesaggio
An interview with the painter Raphael Perez about an artist's book he created about his family, the Peretz family from 6 Nissan St. Kiryat Yuval Jerusalem Question: Raphael Perez, tell me about the family artist book you created Answer: I created close to 40 artist books, notebooks, diaries, sketch books and huge books.[...]
An interview with the painter Raphael Perez about an artist's book he created about his family, the Peretz family from 6 Nissan St. Kiryat Yuval Jerusalem

Question: Raphael Perez, tell me about the family artist book you created
Answer: I created close to 40 artist books, notebooks, diaries, sketch books and huge books. I dedicated one of the books to my dear family, a book in which I took a childhood photograph of my family, my parents and brothers and sisters.. I pasted the photographs inside a book (the photograph is 10 percent of the total painting) and I drew with acrylic paints, markers and ink on the book and the photograph, so that the image of the photograph was an inspiration to me Build the story that includes page by page..

Question: Tell me when you were born, where, and a little about your family
Answer: I was born on March 4, 1965 in the Kiryat Yuval neighborhood in Jerusalem
I have a twin brother named Miki Peretz and we are seven brothers and sisters, five boys and two girls

Question: Tell us a little about your parents
Answer: My parents were new immigrants from Morocco, both immigrated young.
My mother's name before the wedding was Alice - Aliza ben Yair and my father's name was Shimon Peretz,
My mother was born in the Atlas Mountains and was orphaned at a young age and was later adopted by my father's family at the age of 10, so that my mother and father spent childhood and adolescence together....
They had a beautiful and happy relationship but sometimes when they argued my mother would say "even when she was a child she was like that..." This means that their acquaintance and relationship dates back to childhood..

Question: What did your parents Shimon and Aliza Peretz work for?
Answer: My father, Shimon Perez, born in 1928 - worked in a building in his youth and then for thirty years worked as a receptionist at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem... My father's great love was actually art, he loved to draw as a hobby, write, read, solve crossword puzzles and research Regarding the issue of medicinal plants, as a breadwinner he could not fulfill his dream of becoming an artist, in order to support and feed seven children. But we are the next generation, his children are engaged in the world of creativity and education, a field in which both of my parents were engaged during their lives. My father died at the age of 69

My mother, Alice Aliza Perez, born in 1934, worked as an assistant to a kindergarten teacher, and later took care of a baby at home. She is a woman of wholehearted giving and caring for children and people, a warm, generous and humble woman.. and took care of us in our childhood for every emotional and physical deficiency.. My mother is right For the year 2023, the 89-year-old is partly happy and happy despite the difficulties of age.. May you have a long life..

My mother really loved gardening and nature and both of them together created a magnificent garden, my parents have a relatively large garden so they could grow many types of special and rare medicinal plants and my father even wrote a catalog (unpublished) of medicinal plants and we even had botany students come to us who were interested in the field... today they They also grow ornamental plants, and fruit trees...

Question: A book about the brothers and sisters
Answer: My elder brother David Perez repented in his mid-twenties.. He was a very sharp, opinionated, curious and very charismatic guy who brought many people back to repentance, and also helped people with problems through the yeshiva and the synagogue to return to the normal path of life, he died young at the age of 56

Hana Peretz: My lovely sister, raised eight children, worked in the field of education, a kindergarten teacher, and child care.
She has a very large extended family of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren...

My brother Avi (Abraham) Peretz studied in Israel at the University of Philosophy and Judaism, he married a wonderful woman named Mira Dorumi, a nurse by profession, and together they had three wonderful children, when they moved to the United States in their mid-twenties, where my brother Avi Peretz completed his master's degree in education, worked in the field Education and for the last twenty years is very conservative

The fourth brother is Asher Peretz - a great man of the world, very fond of traveling and has been to magical places all over the world, engaged in the creation of jewelry with two children.

I am Rafi Peretz the fifth and after fifteen minutes my twin brother was born
My mother still gets confused and can't remember who was born first :-)

My twin brother Miki - Michael Peretz, a beloved brother (everyone is beloved), a talented industrial designer, he has three children, his wife Revital Peretz Ben, who is a well-known art curator, active and responsible for the art field in Tel Aviv, they are a dynamic and talented couple, full of talents and action

The lovely little sister Shlomit Peretz - has been involved in the Bezeq telephone company for almost three decades, and is there in management positions, raising her lovely and beloved home.

The art book I dedicated to my family is colorful, rich in details, shows a very intense childhood, happy, cheerful, colorful, ... We were taught to be diligent and to be happy in our part and to see the glass half full in life, to have emotional intelligence and to put the relationship and love at the center with self-fulfillment in work that will interest you us and you will give us satisfaction.

Each of us is different in our life decisions and my family is actually a mosaic of the State of Israel that includes both religious and secular people from the entire political spectrum who understand that the secret to unity is mutual respect for each other... when my mother these days is also the family glue in everyone's gatherings on Shabbat and holidays..

Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist known for his naive style paintings of Tel Aviv city. His work captures the essence of the city and its urban landscape, highlighting its iconic buildings and sites. Perez’s paintings create an idealized atmosphere in which reality is beautified and presented in a dreamy, fantastic manner.

Perez’s work is characterized by its vibrant colors and cheerful depiction of life in Tel Aviv. The streets in his paintings are full of people and loving couples hugging and kissing, while the boulevards are lined with well-kept trees and bushes. Perez’s work presents a vision of Israel’s future as a promising startup nation, with a beautiful, clean, and naive cityscape featuring towering skyscrapers reaching towards the sky.

Through his art, Perez portrays Tel Aviv as a modern and advanced city. His paintings are a celebration of the city’s unique character and its place as a cultural hub in Israel. Perez’s work is a testament to the beauty and vitality of Tel Aviv and its people.

In addition to his naive style paintings of Tel Aviv city, Perez is also known for his homoerotic gay art. He was born in Jerusalem in 1965 and has been living and working in Tel Aviv since 1995. Perez plays an important role in actively promoting LGBT art and culture in Tel Aviv.

Perez’s artistic career began when he was still living with women. He often painted heterosexual couples, but even then, one discerned Perez’s inner conflicts and attempt to grapple with the complexities of couplehood. His early work deals with the complexity of the relationship between a man and a woman, presenting an estranged relationship in which there is no connection between the two.

Perez then moved to a stage of concealment, presenting men who do not reveal their faces and are debating about their sexual identity. He then created a large series of works dealing with the joy and idealization of homosexual life and love. These paintings are in a naïve style with pride flags in the background and loving couples on the streets of Tel Aviv, in lakes, in recreation places and iconic sites in the city.

Perez also created a series of Israeli soldiers, expressing his own personal experience as a gay man serving in the army. In these works he presents soldiers who are not afraid to show their love for one another.

In conclusion, Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist whose work captures the essence of Tel Aviv city and its urban landscape through his naive style paintings. His work presents an idealized vision of the city that is both beautiful and vibrant. In addition to his paintings of Tel Aviv city, Perez is also known for his homoerotic gay art which actively promotes LGBT art and culture in Tel Aviv.

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Tradotto automaticamente
Raphael Perez, conosciuto anche con il nome ebraico Rafi Peretz, è nato in una famiglia tradizionale e cresciuto a Gerusalemme. Suo padre, Shimon Perez, lavorava come receptionist presso l'ospedale Hadassah[...]

Raphael Perez, conosciuto anche con il nome ebraico Rafi Peretz, è nato in una famiglia tradizionale e cresciuto a Gerusalemme. Suo padre, Shimon Perez, lavorava come receptionist presso l'ospedale Hadassah Ein Kerem di Gerusalemme, mentre sua madre, Alice Aliza Perez, lavorava come assistente in un asilo nido e in seguito si prendeva cura di un bambino a casa. Raphael ha diversi fratelli, ognuno dei quali persegue percorsi diversi nella vita, dall'istruzione alla spiritualità fino ai viaggi.

Dopo aver prestato servizio nel Corpo d'artiglieria dell'esercito israeliano, Raphael ha dedicato 15 anni all'educazione in contesti terapeutici per bambini, insegnando arte e movimento. Si è laureato al Centro di Arti Visive di Be'er Sheva, dove ha studiato dal 1989 al 1992. Dal 1999 si guadagna da vivere con la vendita delle sue opere d'arte e dal 1995 lavora nel suo studio a Tel Aviv.

Nel corso degli anni Raffaello ha esplorato vari temi nella sua arte, in particolare le relazioni interpersonali. Il suo primo lavoro si concentrò sulle relazioni uomo-donna, prima di accettare apertamente la sua omosessualità all'età di 32 anni. Da allora, ha creato dipinti idealistici raffiguranti relazioni omosessuali in un ambiente domestico, raffigurando scene della vita quotidiana con tenerezza e affetto.

Oltre al suo lavoro artistico, Raffaello tenne per molti anni anche dei diari, documentando i suoi pensieri, le sue esperienze e le sue lotte personali. Questi diari sono stati esposti in mostre personali e collettive, fornendo una visione approfondita del suo percorso personale e artistico.

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Acrilico su Tela | 63x66,9 in
14.349,22 USD
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Fotografia | Diverse dimensioni
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Acrilico su Tela | 59,1x98,4 in
21.726,42 USD


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