The ephemeral beauty in nature (2016) Installazione da Harumi Shimazu

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Venditore Harumi Shimazu

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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale Installazione, Installazione artistica
  • Dimensioni Altezza 196,9in, Larghezza 118,1in
  • Categorie Arte concettuale
Fragments of wax like flower petals are fluttering in the room. Glass balls are floating and swaying in space and they catch the light and reflect the room in their surfaces. I'm trying to represent the beauty and sadness of life with fragile materials. Ephemeral things occasionally bare the energy and the brightness of life. An insect,[...]
Fragments of wax like flower petals are fluttering in the room. Glass balls are floating and swaying in space and they catch the light and reflect the room in their surfaces. I'm trying to represent the beauty and sadness of life with fragile materials.

Ephemeral things occasionally bare the energy and the brightness of life. An insect, a bird and human beings are also the same. We are born, live and die. The brightness of short-lived life is intensely beautiful. On the other hand, time on Earth slowly ticks away. However, it will also burn out someday, becoming stardust. All of life is embedded within nature. Mother Earth usually reveals life gently, while its energy is sometimes violently exposed. I view nature as a vast living organism.

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Harumi Shimazu is a visual artist based in Tokyo, Japan. She graduated with a degree in painting at Kyoto University of Art and Design in 2005. In her painting she has examined motifs based on the natural world,[...]

Harumi Shimazu is a visual artist based in Tokyo, Japan. She graduated with a degree in painting at Kyoto University of Art and Design in 2005. In her painting she has examined motifs based on the natural world, specifically minerals, flowers, plants and vegetables, and uses microscopic imagery as source material for her near abstract works. More recently she has been working on site–specific installations and encaustic paintings, exhibiting domestically and internationally. She views nature as a vast living organism, and tries to represent the energy of life and the ephemeral beauty in nature. Through the work, she attempts to evoke or connect with the origin of life, primitive memories and the universe.

Selected Honors and Professional Experiences
2017 Work shop, Koyama City Kurumaya Museum of Art, Tochigi, Japan
2016 Artist in Residence, Chiang Mai × Nakanojo exchange program
Grants by Art Alliance and Nakanojo Biennale, 15 days, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2016 Presentation
 Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai university, Thailand
2016 Artist in Residence, Water Tower Art Fest 10th anniversary, Grants by Nomura Foundation, Art Alliance and Nakanojo Biennale, one month, Sofia, Bulgaria
2016 Work shop, Koyama City Kurumaya Museum of Art, Tochigi, Japan
2013 Artist in Residence, Nacha Artist’s Residence international symposium, 2 weeks, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2008 Mitsubishi corporation Art Gate Program 1st, Purchase
2008 Mitsubishi corporation Art Gate Program 2nd, Purchase

Selected solo Exhibitions
2017 Solo exhibition, Nicole Longnecker Gallery, Houston, US
2015 World mutually connected Vol.4, Gallery Saijiki, Tokyo, Japan
2013 World mutually connected Vol.3, Gallery at the Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Osaka, Japan
2012 The shine has been filled Vol.5, Ginaza Gallery 21, Tokyo, Japan
2011 A part of the Earth Vol.4, Gallery Kingyo, Tokyo, Japan
2011 A part of the Earth Vol.2, Gallery at the Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Osaka, Japan
2010 A part of the Earth Vol.1, Mi Cafeto, Tokyo, Japan,
2009 The shine has been filled Vol.4, Gallery at the Hyatt 1, Hyatt Regency Osaka, Japan
2008 The shine has been filled Vol.3, Gallery Kingyo, Tokyo, Japan

Selected Group Exhibitions
2017 Nakanojo Biennale, juried exhibition, Gunma, Japan
2016 Sharing the future, selected exhibition, Chiang Mai University Art Center, Thailand
2016 Water Tower Art Fest 10th anniversary, selected exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria
2016 Wax Work Site Vol.14, selected exhibition, Gallery Saoh, Tokyo, Japan
2015, 2013, 2011, Nakanojo Biennale, juried exhibition, Gunma, Japan
2015 Nakanojo Biennale Preview, selected exhibition, Seibu Shibuya Art Gallery,Tokyo, Japan

2009-2010 Studies fundamentals of contemporary art under Kenjiro Okazaki, Yotsuya Art Studium, Tokyo, Japan
2000-2005 Painting, Kyoto University of Art and Design
2002-2004 Attends the Art Institute at Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts, Osaka, Japan

Vedere più a proposito di Harumi Shimazu

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Installazione | 118,1x216,5 in
Non in vendita
Installazione | 208,7x98,4 in
Non in vendita
Installazione | 118,1x196,9 in
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Installazione | 118,1x118,1 in
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