Opere d'arte originali sulla natura in vendita

82.635 Opere d'arte originali, edizioni limitate e stampe: [...]

82.635 Opere d'arte originali, edizioni limitate e stampe:

Discover original contemporary Nature artworks on Artmajeur

Contemporary Nature artworks are a stunning depiction of the natural world that surrounds us. These original pieces are created by artists who use a variety of supports and materials, such as canvas, wood, paper, and even natural objects like leaves and stones. What makes these artworks unique is their ability to capture the beauty of nature in a way that is both realistic and abstract.

Pittura,  48x36,2 in
"L'oiseau du bonheur"! Pittura, 48x36,2 in
©2024 Johanne Proulx

Origins and History

Nature has been a subject of artwork since the beginning of time. However, original contemporary Nature artworks have their roots in the 19th century, when artists began to depict landscapes and natural scenes with a new sense of realism. The Impressionist movement in the late 1800s brought a new focus on the changing light and colors of nature, while the Post-Impressionists emphasized the beauty of the natural world in their works. In the 20th century, artists continued to explore the connection between humans and nature, and the environmental movement inspired many to create pieces that raised awareness of ecological issues.

Pittura,  22,1x17,7 in
Spring in watercolor and flowers Pittura, 22,1x17,7 in
©2024 Alla Prisakar

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

In recent years, original contemporary Nature artworks have undergone a significant evolution. Artists have begun to incorporate a range of new techniques and mediums to create dynamic and engaging pieces that speak to the beauty and complexity of the natural world. These works are important in the contemporary art market because they offer collectors a unique opportunity to own one-of-a-kind pieces that are both visually stunning and emotionally resonant. Whether through bold brushstrokes, intricate line work, or innovative use of materials, these artists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of Nature art and creating works that are sure to be treasured for years to come. As collectors continue to seek out new and exciting pieces, the market for original contemporary Nature art is likely to continue its upward trajectory, cementing its place as an important and valuable genre within the wider art world.

Pittura,  15,8x11,8 in
Bouquet Pittura, 15,8x11,8 in
©2024 Alyssa Pasquier

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists are continually exploring the dynamic relationship between humans and nature. Here are some well-known artists known for their exceptional work about contemporary nature artworks.

Andy Goldsworthy is an environmental sculptor whose work is inspired by the natural world. He creates site-specific installations using materials found in nature, such as leaves, stones, and ice. His work is often temporary, and the elements of nature play a significant role in the creation and eventual disintegration of his art.

Maya Lin is a sculptor and architect best known for her public installations that explore the intersection between nature, history, and memory. Her work often incorporates natural elements, such as water and stone, and is designed to encourage contemplation and reflection.

James Turrell is a light artist who creates immersive installations that explore the perception of space and light. His work often incorporates natural elements such as sky and horizon lines, and he uses light to transform the way we see and experience the world around us.

Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic artist who creates installations that explore the intersection between art, science, and nature. His work often incorporates natural elements such as water, light, and weather, and is designed to inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude were a husband and wife team who created large-scale installations that often incorporated natural elements such as trees and water. Their work was designed to challenge traditional ideas about art and the environment and to encourage viewers to see the world in a new way.

These artists are just a few examples of the many contemporary artists who are exploring the dynamic relationship between humans and nature. Through their work, they encourage us to think critically about our place in the natural world and to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the environments around us.

Pittura,  46x77 in
Great Blue Heron Pittura, 46x77 in
©2021 Elina Kharitonova

Notable original contemporary Nature artworks

Judy Chicago’s "The Dinner Party" is a groundbreaking artwork from 1979 that celebrates women’s achievements throughout history. The artwork is a triangular table with place settings for 39 important women, each represented by an ornate plate with intricate details. The artwork challenges the male-dominated art world and elevates women’s contributions to society.

Andy Goldsworthy’s "Stone River" is a stunning work of environmental art from 2001. The artwork consists of a winding river made entirely of stones, carefully arranged by Goldsworthy over the course of several weeks. The piece highlights the delicate balance between nature and human intervention, and encourages viewers to appreciate the natural beauty of the world around them.

Maya Lin’s "Wave Field" is a mesmerizing land art installation from 1995. The artwork consists of a series of undulating hills and valleys, carefully sculpted to mimic the movement of ocean waves. The piece invites viewers to explore and interact with the landscape, and encourages a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Anselm Kiefer’s "The High Priestess/Zweistromland" is a haunting artwork from 1985. The piece consists of a massive canvas covered in layers of paint, lead, and other materials, depicting a barren landscape with a river running through it. The artwork reflects Kiefer’s fascination with mythology, history, and the human condition, and invites viewers to contemplate the vastness and complexity of the natural world.

Richard Long’s "A Line Made by Walking" is a seminal work of land art from 1967. The artwork consists of a straight line cut into a field of grass, created by walking back and forth along a predetermined path. The piece challenges traditional notions of art and invites viewers to reconsider their relationship with the natural environment.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s "The Gates" is a massive public art installation from 2005. The artwork consists of 7,503 fabric panels hung from 23 miles of steel frames, creating a vibrant canopy of color in New York City’s Central Park. The piece celebrates the beauty and power of nature, and encourages viewers to engage with the world around them in new and unexpected ways.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Pittura intitolato ""L'oiseau du bonheu…" da Johanne Proulx, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
"L'oiseau du bonheur"! - Pittura, 48x36,2 in ©2024 da Johanne Proulx - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Natura, oiseau, personnage, fleurs, roses

Johanne Proulx

""L'oiseau du bonheur"!"

Acrilico su Tela | 48x36,2 in

2.207,76 USD
Pittura intitolato "Great Blue Heron" da Elina Kharitonova, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella i…
Great Blue Heron - Pittura, 46x77 in ©2021 da Elina Kharitonova - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Natura, great blue heron, bird, painting, colorful, color, pop art

Elina Kharitonova

"Great Blue Heron"

Acrilico su Tela | 46x77 in

6.063 USD
Collages intitolato "Wenn die Kometen ko…" da Renata Kos, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in…
Wenn die Kometen kommen - Collages, 57,1x47,2 in ©2023 da Renata Kos - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Natura, Paradies, Kometen, Utopie, Collage, Papiercollage, Mixedmedia, Malerei, Himmel, Mond

Renata Kos

"Wenn die Kometen kommen"

Collages su Tela | 57,1x47,2 in

4.920,74 USD
Pittura intitolato "Baie à Porquerolles" da Samuel Kouyoumdjian, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella…
Baie à Porquerolles - Pittura, 31,9x21,3 in ©2015 da Samuel Kouyoumdjian - Figurative, figurative-594, Albero, poequerolles, var, cote d'azur, mer méditéranée

Samuel Kouyoumdjian

"Baie à Porquerolles"

Olio su Tela di lino | 31,9x21,3 in

1.105,33 USD
Pittura intitolato "Гильза. Ирисы." da Olga Samar, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Гильза. Ирисы. - Pittura, 13,8x9,8 in ©2024 da Olga Samar - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fiore, irisdansunvasе, dessind'iris, naturemorted'iris, peintured'iris, expressionnismed'iris, impressionnismed'iris, peintureàl'huileiris, artistukranien, artukrainien, acheterunepeintureàl'huile, petitepeinture

Olga Samar

"Гильза. Ирисы."

Olio su Tela | 13,8x9,8 in

532,28 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "The Riverside" da Steffan Johnson, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
The Riverside - Pittura, 17,7x13,8 in ©2024 da Steffan Johnson - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Natura, painting of a river, Impressionism river painting, painting of rocks, peaceful painting

Steffan Johnson

"The Riverside"

Pittura su Tela di lino | 17,7x13,8 in

565,18 USD
Stampe disponibili
Scultura intitolato "SEMILLA" da Pin Vega, Opera d'arte originale, Legno
SEMILLA - Scultura, 37,4x8,3 in ©1992 da Pin Vega - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, SEMILLA, VIDA, REPRODUCCIÓN, MADERA, NATURALEZA, ELEGANCIA, ESCULTURA

Pin Vega


Scultura - Legno | 37,4x8,3 in

6.344,3 USD
Pittura intitolato "SUNFLOWERS - DELIGH…" da Elena Mashajeva-Agraphiotis, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per…
SUNFLOWERS - DELIGHTFUL PROVENCE 24 - Pittura, 39,8x29,9 in ©2024 da Elena Mashajeva-Agraphiotis - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fiore, nature, sunflowers, turnesol, summer, oil painting, flowers, impressionism, vibrant colors, yellow, blue

Elena Mashajeva-Agraphiotis


Pittura su Tela | 39,8x29,9 in

2.232,17 USD
Pittura intitolato "Hot summer time." da Marina Podgaevskaya, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Hot summer time. - Pittura, 39,4x55,1 in ©2021 da Marina Podgaevskaya - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, collectible art, colorful abstract, exclusive artwork, expensive original, interior paintings, multicolor abstract, original painting, picasso inspiration, podgaevskaya art, large size, red, green

Marina Podgaevskaya

"Hot summer time."

Olio su Tela | 39,4x55,1 in

5.986,43 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Fields" da Jerod., Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Fields - Pittura, 23,6x23,6 in ©2023 da Jerod. - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, rothko, richter, fields, campagne, champs, countryside, abstrait, expressionism



Acrilico su Tela | 23,6x23,6 in

1.385,05 USD
Scultura intitolato "GAIA" da Edison Casamín Socasi, Opera d'arte originale, Legno
GAIA - Scultura, 17,7x11,8 in ©2024 da Edison Casamín Socasi - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, MEMORIA

Edison Casamín Socasi


Scultura - Legno | 17,7x11,8 in

3.057 USD
Scultura intitolato "Solis Planum" da Kent Knapp, Opera d'arte originale, Metalli
Solis Planum - Scultura, 26x30 in ©2024 da Kent Knapp - Abstract, abstract-570, Fiore, flower, plant, garden, flora, blacksmith, metal, forged, ironwork

Kent Knapp

"Solis Planum"

Scultura - Metalli | 26x30 in

12.766 USD
Pittura intitolato "Spring in watercolo…" da Alla Prisakar, Opera d'arte originale, Acquarello
Spring in watercolor and flowers - Pittura, 22,1x17,7 in ©2024 da Alla Prisakar - Classicism, classicism-933, Fiore, watercolor on paper, watercolor, flowers, spring flowers, still life in watercolor, tulip, bouquet of tulips, bouquet of lilac, bouquet in a vase, spring bouquet in watercolor, Spring bouquet

Alla Prisakar

"Spring in watercolor and flowers"

Pittura su Carta | 22,1x17,7 in

744 USD
Stampe disponibili
Design intitolato "Flowers – Green/Pink" da Andy Warhol, Opera d'arte originale, Accessori
Flowers – Green/Pink - Design, 31,5x7,9 in ©2019 da Andy Warhol - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Fiore, SKATE, SKATEBOARD, ANDY WARHOL, FLOWER, POP ART

Andy Warhol

"Flowers – Green/Pink"

Design | 31,5x7,9 in

733,04 USD
Pittura intitolato "Impasto Pastel Flor…" da Tanya Mirelle, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Impasto Pastel Floral Art, Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas - Pittura, 59,1x39,4 in ©2024 da Tanya Mirelle - Abstract, abstract-570, Fiore, Abstract Art, Floral Painting, Modern Art, Impasto Technique, Colorful Decor, Contemporary Art, Textured Painting, Oil on Canvas, Art for Living Room, Bold Art, Abstract Expressionism, Floral Abstract, impasto oil painting, impasto floral art, palette knife art, thick paint strokes, modern abstract, modern floral, textured painting

Tanya Mirelle

"Impasto Pastel Floral Art, Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas"

Olio su Tela di lino | 59,1x39,4 in

1.886,75 USD
Pittura intitolato "2023.7.1" da Oscar Boffy, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
2023.7.1 - Pittura, 38,2x51,2 in ©2023 da Oscar Boffy - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, Contemplation, Sensation, Émotion, Nature, Forêt, Couleur, Odeur, Lumière, Pénombre, Bleu, Jaune, Rouge, Orange, Violet, Prune, Gris, Rose, Noir, Cascade, eau

Oscar Boffy


Acrilico su Tela | 38,2x51,2 in

6.659,14 USD
Pittura intitolato "Dance with blue" da Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka), Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio…
Dance with blue - Pittura, 11,8x9,5 in ©2023 da Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka) - Abstract, abstract-570, Fiore, painting, small, garden, red, blue abstract, expressive, brushstrokes, beautiful, little, painting for gift, katia solodka, ukrainian artist, abstract, landscape, flowers

Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka)

"Dance with blue"

Acrilico su Tela | 11,8x9,5 in

318,23 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Seerosen" da B Fischer, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Seerosen - Pittura, 63x47,2 in ©2023 da B Fischer - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fiore

B Fischer


Olio su Tela | 63x47,2 in

3.117,79 USD
Pittura intitolato "FLEURS II.IX" da Jean Lerin, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
FLEURS II.IX - Pittura, 59,1x98,4 in ©2024 da Jean Lerin - Figurative, figurative-594, Fiore, GRAND FORMAT, FLEURS ROUGES, LARGE BANDE JAUNE

Jean Lerin


Pittura su Tela di lino | 59,1x98,4 in

12.950,21 USD
Pittura intitolato "Hawthorn. Beauty of…" da Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka), Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Hawthorn. Beauty of the rain - Pittura, 63x47,2 in ©2023 da Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka) - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, blossom, dark, large art, texture, paint, red, pink, flowers, contemporary, Landscape, floral, museum, high quality, blue, art for hotels, big abstract, canvas, abstrakt flowers, sakura, night

Kateryna Solodka (Katia Solodka)

"Hawthorn. Beauty of the rain"

Acrilico su Tela di lino | 63x47,2 in

4.595,71 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Fall in love with…" da Nadiia Boichenko, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Fall in love with… - Pittura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 da Nadiia Boichenko - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, Burgundy, Chicago, New York, landscape, interior art, dark blue, orange, interior painting, autumn, fall

Nadiia Boichenko

"Fall in love with…"

Pittura su Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

531,15 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Iris parmes sur fon…" da Johanne Spinella, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Iris parmes sur fond jaune - Pittura, 45,7x35 in ©2024 da Johanne Spinella - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fiore, iris, Fleurs, Peinture de fleurs, Peinture d'iris, Champ de fleurs, Champ d'iris, Expressionnisme, Freurs expressionnistes, Peinture figurative, Figuratif expressionniste, Fleurs parmes, Provence, Fleurs de Provence, Peinture stylisée

Johanne Spinella

"Iris parmes sur fond jaune"

Acrilico su Tela | 45,7x35 in

3.061,16 USD
Pittura intitolato "The patch of Gold a…" da Vanya Georgieva, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in…
The patch of Gold and Shadows 2 - Pittura, 23,6x19,7 in ©2024 da Vanya Georgieva - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Albero, fall Painting, fall landscape, autumn Painting, Knife Painting, Italian artist, Italian art, oil Painting, colorful landscape, best artist, Artmajour, modern Painting

Vanya Georgieva

"The patch of Gold and Shadows 2"

Olio su Tela | 23,6x19,7 in

1.736,13 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Petals in Flux III" da Carlos Gamez De Francisco, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Petals in Flux III - Pittura, 16,1x16,1 in ©2024 da Carlos Gamez De Francisco - Figurative, figurative-594, Fiore, Flower, Tulips, Flores, Art, Fine Art, Artwork, Carlos Gamez de Francisco, Purple, Lavander, Tondo

Carlos Gamez De Francisco

"Petals in Flux III"

Acrilico su Tela | 16,1x16,1 in

2.943 USD
Pittura intitolato "Bouquet" da Alyssa Pasquier, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Bouquet - Pittura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 da Alyssa Pasquier - Abstract, abstract-570, Fiore,

Alyssa Pasquier


Pittura su Tela | 15,8x11,8 in

339,75 USD
Pittura intitolato "nature" da Ac1, Opera d'arte originale, Spray Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
nature - Pittura, 55,1x55,1 in ©2017 da Ac1 - Natura



Spray su Tela | 55,1x55,1 in

4.193,67 USD
Pittura intitolato "L'insaisissable 2" da Bernardita Castillo, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in…
L'insaisissable 2 - Pittura, 39,4x39,4 in ©2023 da Bernardita Castillo - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Fiore, CERCLEDEVIE, TOURNESOL, JOIEDEVIVRE, JAUNE, ENSOLEILLE

Bernardita Castillo

"L'insaisissable 2"

Olio su Tela di lino | 39,4x39,4 in

3.404,31 USD
Pittura intitolato "Blue hydrangeas on…" da Irina Privedentseva, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Blue hydrangeas on green - Pittura, 19,7x23,6 in ©2023 da Irina Privedentseva - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fiore,

Irina Privedentseva

"Blue hydrangeas on green"

Pittura su Tela | 19,7x23,6 in

1.552,67 USD
Pittura intitolato "Soul of Lotus #1" da Lifeng Zhang, Opera d'arte originale, Inchiostro
Soul of Lotus #1 - Pittura, 35,4x37,4 in ©2024 da Lifeng Zhang - Abstract, abstract-570, Fiore, lotus, spirtual, enlightment, natural energy, healing, peace, lotus abstract

Lifeng Zhang

"Soul of Lotus #1"

Inchiostro su Carta | 35,4x37,4 in

3.273 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Inspiration Florale…" da Sandrine Belmont, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico Montato su Telaio per barell…
Inspiration Florale 1 - Pittura, 21,7x18,1 in ©2024 da Sandrine Belmont - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, floral, nature, fleurs, flowers, peinture au couteau, couleurs vives, détails texturés, tableau à vendre

Sandrine Belmont

"Inspiration Florale 1"

Acrilico su Tela | 21,7x18,1 in

1.063,42 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Golden irises." da Anny Myrna, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Golden irises. - Pittura, 31,5x19,7 in ©2022 da Anny Myrna - Figurative, figurative-594, Fiore, irises, Flowers, garden

Anny Myrna

"Golden irises."

Olio su Tela di lino | 31,5x19,7 in

1.050,97 USD
Pittura intitolato "Pinos en Mendaza" da Maricel Buzamurga, Opera d'arte originale, Olio
Pinos en Mendaza - Pittura, 31,5x31,5 in ©2023 da Maricel Buzamurga - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Albero, arbol, paisaje, pino, monte

Maricel Buzamurga

"Pinos en Mendaza"

Olio su Tela | 31,5x31,5 in

6.667,06 USD
Pittura intitolato "TONDO 4 (Jura)" da Jean-Paul Schmitt, Opera d'arte originale, Olio Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
TONDO 4 (Jura) - Pittura, 39,4x39,4 in ©2024 da Jean-Paul Schmitt - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Natura, Jura, Rivière, impressionnisme

Jean-Paul Schmitt

"TONDO 4 (Jura)"

Olio su Tela | 39,4x39,4 in

3.189,14 USD
Pittura intitolato "Orchids" da Neringa Petrošiute, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Orchids - Pittura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 da Neringa Petrošiute - Figurative, figurative-594, Fiore,

Neringa Petrošiute


Pittura su Tela | 15,8x15,8 in

544,74 USD
Pittura intitolato "Champs de Blé Dorée…" da Sandrine Lefebvre, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Champs de Blé Dorée - abstrait jaune orange bleu - Pittura, 12,8x9,1 in ©2016 da Sandrine Lefebvre - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, Blé, Culture, Pain, Nature, Champs, Jaune, Or, Doré, Abstrait, Ciel bleu, Plante

Sandrine Lefebvre

"Champs de Blé Dorée - abstrait jaune orange bleu"

Pittura su Carta | 12,8x9,1 in

101,93 USD
Stampe disponibili
Pittura intitolato "Les Feuilles 02" da Bettina Eberhaerd, Opera d'arte originale, Acrilico
Les Feuilles 02 - Pittura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2012 da Bettina Eberhaerd - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Natura, peinture, acrylique, expressionnisme, nature

Bettina Eberhaerd

"Les Feuilles 02"

Acrilico su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

498,3 USD


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