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2.320 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita:

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Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche di disegno: arte contemporanea, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, paesaggi, ritratti, scene di vita, nudi, matita, inchiostro, carboncino, pastello... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza affianca da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire... o acquisire! Il punto di riferimento mondiale per il design artistico. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova il disegno o lo schizzo preferito che metterà davvero in risalto la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, i disegni sono selezionati da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di designer di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di disegni artistici online.

Discover contemporary Gouache Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Gouache Drawings are a type of original artwork that has recently gained popularity among artists and art enthusiasts. Gouache is a water-based paint that is opaque and dries to a matte finish. This medium has been used by artists for centuries, but contemporary artists have pushed the boundaries of what is possible with this medium. They use various types of supports such as paper, canvas, and wood panels to create their artworks. In addition to paints, artists also use various materials such as brushes, pencils, and pens to achieve different effects and textures. What makes contemporary gouache drawings unique is the combination of traditional and modern techniques used to create them. These artworks are characterized by their bold colors, intricate details, and expressive compositions that capture the imagination of viewers.

Disegno,  14,6x13 in
Angels. Reproduction of the Rogier Van Der Weyden Disegno, 14,6x13 in
©2006 Andrew Metto

Origins and History

Contemporary gouache drawings emerged in the late 20th century, as artists sought to revive the traditional medium. Gouache, a water-based paint that produces a matte finish, was first used in medieval illuminated manuscripts. It gained popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries among landscape painters, before falling out of favor in the age of oil painting. However, artists such as David Hockney and Edward Hopper brought it back into fashion in the mid-20th century. Today, contemporary gouache drawings are widely admired for their versatility, allowing artists to create both vibrant and subtle effects. The medium has been used to create everything from abstract pieces to realistic portraits. As artists continue to experiment with gouache, new techniques and styles are constantly emerging.

Disegno,  9,8x13,8 in
SUMMER PAINTS/NIGHT Disegno, 9,8x13,8 in
©2021 Vladislava Art

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Gouache Drawings have undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years, becoming increasingly popular among artists and collectors alike. This medium, which consists of opaque watercolors mixed with a binding agent, has gained traction for its versatility and luminosity.

Disegno,  11,8x8,7 in
Девочка с пепельницей Disegno, 11,8x8,7 in
©2020 Antonietka

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists renowned for their contemporary gouache drawings include the likes of Marlene Dumas, Ryan McGinness, and Julie Mehretu.

Marlene Dumas, a South African artist, is well-known for her expressive and often political artworks that feature gouache drawings. Her works explore themes of identity, race, and gender, and are characterized by their raw emotional power.

Ryan McGinness is an American artist who creates colorful and bold gouache drawings that often incorporate elements of pop culture and graphic design. His works are playful and engaging, and often feature a sense of humor.

Julie Mehretu is an Ethiopian-American artist whose gouache drawings are known for their intricate, layered compositions that explore the complexities of urban life. Her works are characterized by their energetic and dynamic mark-making, and often incorporate architectural and geometric forms.

Other prominent contemporary artists working with gouache drawings include Kent Williams, Annie Lapin, and Wangechi Mutu. Each of these artists brings their own unique style and perspective to the medium, creating works that are visually stunning and emotionally resonant.

Disegno,  11,8x7,9 in
#14 Disegno, 11,8x7,9 in
©2021 Aia

Notable contemporary Gouache Drawings

Contemporary Gouache Drawings are a delight to behold. These artworks are created using opaque watercolors, which are perfect for creating vibrant and rich hues. Below are some of the well-known contemporary gouache drawings and their details.

  1. "Flower Fields," by Maryanne Jacobsen, created in 2018, is a gorgeous depiction of a field of flowers. The artwork is bursting with colors, and the use of gouache adds depth and texture to the piece. The flowers appear to be swaying in the wind, and the overall effect is enchanting.

  2. "Honeybee," by Karen Bullock, created in 2017, is a stunning portrait of a bee. The details of the bee are intricate, and the use of gouache adds a sense of realism to the artwork. The bee appears to be hovering in mid-air, and the colors in the piece are warm and inviting.

  3. "Canyon," by John Muir Laws, created in 2019, is a breathtaking landscape of a canyon. The use of gouache adds depth and texture to the rocks and foliage, and the colors in the piece are rich and vibrant. The artwork is a wonderful representation of the natural beauty of the American Southwest.

  4. "Birds on a Wire," by Elizabeth St. Hilaire, created in 2016, is a whimsical depiction of birds perched on a wire. The use of gouache adds a sense of playfulness to the artwork, and the colors in the piece are bright and cheerful. The birds appear to be chatting with each other, and the overall effect is charming.

  5. "Succulent," by Lisa Congdon, created in 2018, is a stunning portrayal of a succulent plant. The details of the plant are intricate, and the use of gouache adds a sense of depth and texture to the artwork. The colors in the piece are warm and inviting, and the overall effect is calming and serene.

These contemporary gouache drawings are a testament to the beauty and versatility of the medium. Each artwork is unique and captivating, and the use of gouache adds a sense of depth and texture to the pieces.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Disegno intitolato "Angels. Reproductio…" da Andrew Metto, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Angels. Reproduction of the Rogier Van Der Weyden - Disegno, 14,6x13 in ©2006 da Andrew Metto - Figurative, figurative-594, Religione, art, painting, gouache, angels, Medieval, human, copy, reproduction, paper, eleborate, drapery, cloth, wings, fire, religious

Andrew Metto

"Angels. Reproduction of the Rogier Van Der Weyden"

Gouache su Carta | 14,6x13 in

237,07 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "#14" da Aia, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
#14 - Disegno, 11,8x7,9 in ©2021 da Aia - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Color, художник Aia, artist Aia, artist AIA, aia artmajeur, picter, paint



Gouache su Carta | 11,8x7,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "7" da Zhenya Syman Zhenya Syman, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
7 - Disegno, 8,3x15,8 in ©2024 da Zhenya Syman Zhenya Syman -

Zhenya Syman Zhenya Syman


Gouache su Carta | 8,3x15,8 in

915,82 USD
Disegno intitolato "JANUS" da Eugene Sorus, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
JANUS - Disegno, 16,5x11,6 in ©2016 da Eugene Sorus -

Eugene Sorus


Gouache su Carta | 16,5x11,6 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Moscow River" da Yulia Aks, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Moscow River - Disegno, 7,6x10,7 in ©2018 da Yulia Aks - Figurative, figurative-594, Barca, Река, акварель, гуашь, графика, рисунок, лодка, пристань, Москва-река, вода

Yulia Aks

"Moscow River"

Gouache su Carta | 7,6x10,7 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 30,17 USD
Disegno intitolato "Arrosoir amoureux" da Hassen Bakiri, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Arrosoir amoureux - Disegno ©2019 da Hassen Bakiri -

Hassen Bakiri

"Arrosoir amoureux"

Gouache su Carta

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Stones" da Veronique Nerou, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Stones - Disegno, 22,4x22,4 in ©2023 da Veronique Nerou - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Graffiti, Gouache, Charcoal, Drawing, Abstract, Expressionism

Veronique Nerou


Gouache su Carta | 22,4x22,4 in

851,39 USD
Disegno intitolato "Chez Therèse" da Vakarelova Emma, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Chez Therèse - Disegno, 6,7x9,9 in ©2016 da Vakarelova Emma - Figurative, figurative-594, cofee, inside, indoor, table, togeather, playing, drinking, atmosphere

Vakarelova Emma

"Chez Therèse"

Gouache su Carta | 6,7x9,9 in

393,21 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Prelude" da Jovana Pestoric, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Prelude - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2020 da Jovana Pestoric - Abstract, abstract-570, Musica, abstract, blue, music, painting, watercolor

Jovana Pestoric


Gouache su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

283,8 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Karakteristiek Nede…" da Sam Masoud, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Karakteristiek Nederland - Disegno, 5,9x7,9 in ©1995 da Sam Masoud - cultuur, geschiedenis, natuur, windmolen, nederland, landschap, miniatuur, oosters, gouache

Sam Masoud

"Karakteristiek Nederland"

Gouache su Carta | 5,9x7,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato ""Study1"" da Amit Ari, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
"Study1" - Disegno, 16,5x11,4 in ©2021 da Amit Ari - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Geometrico

Amit Ari


Gouache su Carta | 16,5x11,4 in

232,51 USD
Disegno intitolato "" Motifs rythmiques…" da Mr Foe'Z, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
" Motifs rythmiques " - Disegno, 12,6x9,5 in ©2019 da Mr Foe'Z - Abstract, abstract-570, argent, reflets, eau, onirisme, poetry, absorbtion, cubisme russe, anti-figuratif, peinture d'ombre

Mr Foe'Z

"" Motifs rythmiques ""

Gouache su Carta | 12,6x9,5 in

282,66 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "SUMMER PAINTS/NIGHT" da Vladislava Art, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
SUMMER PAINTS/NIGHT - Disegno, 9,8x13,8 in ©2021 da Vladislava Art - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Paesaggio, original art, landscape, summer, summer landscape, nature, moscow, scenic landscape, drawing, night landscape, black, ночной пейзаж, природа, лето, москва, рисунок гуашью, летний пейзаж, evening, park, парк

Vladislava Art


Gouache su Cartone | 9,8x13,8 in

162,41 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Волна.гуашь" da Irina Borisova, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Волна.гуашь - Disegno, 15,4x19,7 in ©2016 da Irina Borisova - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Paesaggio marittimo, волна, море

Irina Borisova


Gouache su Carta | 15,4x19,7 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "oui-non.jpg" da Eugene Sorus, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
oui-non.jpg - Disegno ©2016 da Eugene Sorus -

Eugene Sorus


Gouache su Carta

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "The sail is lonely" da Yulia Aks, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
The sail is lonely - Disegno, 7,6x10,7 in ©2018 da Yulia Aks - Figurative, figurative-594, Barca, река, акварель, гуашь, графика, рисунок, берега, белый парус, вода

Yulia Aks

"The sail is lonely"

Gouache su Carta | 7,6x10,7 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 30,17 USD
Disegno intitolato "Pichet véniel" da Jacques Charon, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Pichet véniel - Disegno, 15,8x12,2 in ©2023 da Jacques Charon - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorato, Joie, Bonheur, Rêves, Couleurs, Inspirante

Jacques Charon

"Pichet véniel"

Gouache su Cartone | 15,8x12,2 in

336,23 USD
Disegno intitolato "Big bills competiti…" da J Kong, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Big bills competition - Disegno, 15x21,3 in ©2019 da J Kong - gouache, bird, animals, painting, big

J Kong

"Big bills competition"

Gouache su Carta | 15x21,3 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 27,94 USD
Disegno intitolato "Принцесса ветра" da Ira Rozuvanova, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Принцесса ветра - Disegno, 11,8x15,8 in ©2023 da Ira Rozuvanova - Figurative, figurative-594, Ritratti di donne, девушка, ню, портрет, символизм, модерн, єльфі

Ira Rozuvanova

"Принцесса ветра"

Gouache su Carta | 11,8x15,8 in

101,44 USD
Disegno intitolato "L'étreinte" da Edith Stenven, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
L'étreinte - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2022 da Edith Stenven - Illustration, illustration-600, fantastico, illustration, artiste, gouache, aquarelle, pastel, Edith Stenven, amour, émotions

Edith Stenven


Gouache su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Che'vald'OR" da Valerie Guiot, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Che'vald'OR - Disegno, 8,3x11,4 in ©2019 da Valerie Guiot - Surrealism, surrealism-627

Valerie Guiot


Gouache su Carta | 8,3x11,4 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 27,94 USD
Disegno intitolato "Hollandse duinen" da Sam Masoud, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Hollandse duinen - Disegno, 7,9x5,9 in ©1995 da Sam Masoud - miniatuur, oosters, nederland, duinen, landschap, natuur, cultuur

Sam Masoud

"Hollandse duinen"

Gouache su Carta | 7,9x5,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Essais peinture aqu…" da Mr Foe'Z, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Essais peinture aquarelle / abstrait.. - Disegno, 12,6x9,5 in ©2019 da Mr Foe'Z - Abstract, abstract-570, eau sale, eau salée, pinceaux, geometries, anti-figuratisme, appartenance, gouttes de pluies

Mr Foe'Z

"Essais peinture aquarelle / abstrait.."

Gouache su Carta | 12,6x9,5 in

237,07 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "A395 AÏCHA" da Etienne Bonnet, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
A395 AÏCHA - Disegno, 11,8x8,3 in ©2008 da Etienne Bonnet - Figurative, figurative-594, pinceau, encre de chine, nu, nude, woman

Etienne Bonnet

"A395 AÏCHA"

Gouache su Carta | 11,8x8,3 in

401,19 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Девочка с пепельниц…" da Antonietka, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Девочка с пепельницей - Disegno, 11,8x8,7 in ©2020 da Antonietka - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Color


"Девочка с пепельницей"

Gouache su Carta | 11,8x8,7 in

153,87 USD
Disegno intitolato "Protect me" da Edith Stenven, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Protect me - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 da Edith Stenven - Illustration, illustration-600, fantastico, Bulle, explosion, fantastique, illustration, Edith Stenven

Edith Stenven

"Protect me"

Gouache su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 33,52 USD
Disegno intitolato "nounours.jpg" da Eugene Sorus, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
nounours.jpg - Disegno ©2016 da Eugene Sorus -

Eugene Sorus


Gouache su Carta

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Sand Spit" da Yulia Aks, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Sand Spit - Disegno, 7,6x10,7 in ©2018 da Yulia Aks - Figurative, figurative-594, Barca, Акварель, гуашь, графика, река, лодка, гора, берег, вода, рисунок

Yulia Aks

"Sand Spit"

Gouache su Carta | 7,6x10,7 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 30,17 USD
Disegno intitolato "Joconde ..." da Jacques Charon, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Joconde ... - Disegno, 18,9x9,8 in ©2022 da Jacques Charon - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorato, Joconde, couleurs, Joie, Bonheur, Instants de Rêves, Inspiration

Jacques Charon

"Joconde ..."

Gouache su Cartone | 18,9x9,8 in

336,23 USD
Disegno intitolato "Catherine la magici…" da Valerie Guiot, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Catherine la magicienne. - Disegno, 11,4x8,3 in ©2018 da Valerie Guiot - Surrealism, surrealism-627

Valerie Guiot

"Catherine la magicienne."

Gouache su Carta | 11,4x8,3 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Портрет" da Ira Rozuvanova, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Портрет - Disegno, 11,8x15,8 in ©2023 da Ira Rozuvanova - Figurative, figurative-594, Ritratti di donne, портрет девушка, эльф, фантазии, модерн

Ira Rozuvanova


Gouache su Carta | 11,8x15,8 in

101,44 USD
Disegno intitolato "Anemone in vase" da Oksana Muzyka, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Anemone in vase - Disegno, 11,8x8,3 in ©2023 da Oksana Muzyka - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fiore, anemones, spring flower, tender, expession, dynamic, violet, purple, green, white flower

Oksana Muzyka

"Anemone in vase"

Gouache su Carta | 11,8x8,3 in

145 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "East meets West, tw…" da Sam Masoud, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
East meets West, twee culturen. - Disegno, 7,9x5,9 in ©1995 da Sam Masoud - cultuur, miniatuur, gouache, tulp, bloem, klomp, nederland, oosters, kleurrijk

Sam Masoud

"East meets West, twee culturen."

Gouache su Carta | 7,9x5,9 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato ""Gambling"" da Amit Ari, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
"Gambling" - Disegno, 16,5x11,4 in ©2021 da Amit Ari -

Amit Ari


Gouache su Carta | 16,5x11,4 in

232,51 USD
Disegno intitolato "" Squelettes bleus…" da Mr Foe'Z, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
" Squelettes bleus & noirceur " - Disegno, 12,6x9,5 in ©2019 da Mr Foe'Z - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, peinture abstraite, demonologie bleue, secrets, esperanza, graffitti couleurs, empreintes, aquarelle, inspiration du poete

Mr Foe'Z

"" Squelettes bleus & noirceur ""

Gouache su Carta | 12,6x9,5 in

202,88 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Sea" da Anna Petrenko, Opera d'arte originale, Gouache
Sea - Disegno, 7,9x11,4 in ©2022 da Anna Petrenko - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark Fantasy

Anna Petrenko


Gouache su Carta | 7,9x11,4 in

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