Disegni a penna a sfera in vendita

4.316 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita: Stai cercando[...]

4.316 Disegni e illustrazioni originali in vendita:

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Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche di disegno: arte contemporanea, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, paesaggi, ritratti, scene di vita, nudi, matita, inchiostro, carboncino, pastello... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza affianca da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire... o acquisire! Il punto di riferimento mondiale per il design artistico. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova il disegno o lo schizzo preferito che metterà davvero in risalto la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti contemporanei del mondo. Su Artmajeur, i disegni sono selezionati da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di designer di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di disegni artistici online.

Discover contemporary Ballpoint pen Drawings on Artmajeur

Contemporary Ballpoint pen drawings have recently gained popularity in the art world due to their unique approach to creating original artwork. Artists use ballpoint pens to create intricate and detailed drawings on various supports such as paper, canvas, and even wood. The materials used in this type of art range from traditional ballpoint pens to more specialized pens with different ink colors and thicknesses. What makes this type of original artwork unique is the use of a simple tool, which results in complex and intricate designs. These drawings show incredible attention to detail and require a great deal of patience and skill to create. The use of ballpoint pens allows for a wide range of textures and shading techniques that can create a sense of depth and dimensionality in the artwork. Contemporary Ballpoint pen drawings are an exciting and innovative way for artists to express themselves and showcase their creativity.

Disegno,  12,2x12,2 in
The Boss 2 Disegno, 12,2x12,2 in
©2023 Irfan Ajvazi

Origins and History

Contemporary Ballpoint pen Drawings have a rich and interesting history that dates back to the early 20th century. The first patent for a ballpoint pen was filed in 1888, but it wasn’t until the 1930s that the modern ballpoint pen was invented and marketed. As a result, Ballpoint pen Drawings didn’t become popular until the mid-20th century.

Disegno,  8,3x11,4 in
Evening Walk Disegno, 8,3x11,4 in
©2023 Irfan Ajvazi

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary ballpoint pen drawings have undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years. The importance of these drawings in the contemporary art market cannot be overstated.

Disegno,  27,6x19,7 in
Réflexion Disegno, 27,6x19,7 in
©2021 Marion Bivort

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary ballpoint pen artists are emerging as prominent figures in the art world. These artists create intricate and detailed drawings using the humble ballpoint pen, challenging the traditional notion of what a pen can achieve.

One such artist is Toyin Ojih Odutola, a Nigerian-American artist known for her large-scale ballpoint pen portraits. Her work explores themes of identity, race, and gender, depicting her subjects in a way that challenges preconceived notions of beauty.

Another notable artist is Mark Powell, a British artist who uses vintage envelopes and documents as his canvas for his ballpoint pen drawings. His pieces often depict portraits of elderly individuals, capturing the essence of their life stories and experiences.

Diana Beltran Herrera is a Colombian artist who uses ballpoint pens to create three-dimensional sculptures of birds and other wildlife. Her work is a fusion of drawing and sculpture, resulting in intricate and lifelike pieces.

Juan Francisco Casas is a Spanish artist whose ballpoint pen drawings often depict intimate moments and scenes of everyday life. His hyperrealistic style and attention to detail make his work both captivating and thought-provoking.

Lastly, Samuel Silva is a Portuguese artist who creates photorealistic ballpoint pen drawings that are often mistaken for photographs. His work is a testament to the versatility of the humble ballpoint pen and its ability to create stunning works of art.

Overall, these contemporary ballpoint pen artists push the boundaries of what is possible with a simple pen, creating works that are both striking and thought-provoking.

Disegno,  19,7x15,8 in
Société Disegno, 19,7x15,8 in
©2021 Marion Bivort

Notable contemporary Ballpoint pen Drawings

Contemporary ballpoint pen drawings are a fascinating art form that has evolved over the years. Here are some of the most well-known artworks that showcase the beauty and intricacy of this medium.

  1. "Blackout" by Toyin Ojih Odutola (2015) This stunning piece features a monochromatic portrait of a woman, drawn entirely with black ballpoint pen on paper. The details are so intricate that the woman’s hair and clothing seem to come alive on the page. The use of negative space and shading creates a sense of depth and emotion that is both haunting and beautiful.

  2. "Darkness Visible" by Fiona Tang (2014) Inspired by the concept of duality, this drawing depicts a powerful wolf emerging from a shadowy void. The intricate linework and shading create a sense of movement and power that is both breathtaking and awe-inspiring. The use of ballpoint pen adds a level of detail and precision that makes this piece truly remarkable.

  3. "The Lady of Shalott" by Mark Powell (2016) This beautiful drawing features a portrait of a woman with flowing hair, drawn on a vintage map of England with a ballpoint pen. The use of the map as the canvas adds a layer of meaning to the piece, as if the woman is trapped in her own world and unable to escape. The level of detail and shading in the drawing is truly remarkable, and the use of the map adds a level of nostalgia that is both charming and haunting.

  4. "Wanderlust" by James Mylne (2018) This intricate drawing features a portrait of a woman with a sense of wanderlust, drawn with ballpoint pen on a vintage map. The use of the map creates a sense of adventure and exploration, as if the woman is searching for something beyond the borders of the page. The level of detail and shading in the drawing is truly remarkable, and the use of the map adds a level of meaning and depth to the piece.

Contemporary ballpoint pen drawings are a testament to the beauty and power of this medium. These artworks showcase the intricate linework, precise shading, and emotional depth that can be achieved with a simple ballpoint pen and a piece of paper. Each piece is a work of art that captures the essence of the human experience in a unique and powerful way.

Più rilevanti | I più recenti

Disegno intitolato "The Boss 2" da Irfan Ajvazi, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
The Boss 2 - Disegno, 12,2x12,2 in ©2023 da Irfan Ajvazi - Figurative, figurative-594, Geometrico, Art, artist

Irfan Ajvazi

"The Boss 2"

Biro su Carta | 12,2x12,2 in

876,8 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Société" da Marion Bivort, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Société - Disegno, 19,7x15,8 in ©2021 da Marion Bivort - animalier

Marion Bivort


Biro su Carta | 19,7x15,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Harlock...(per gli…" da Edoardo Lima, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Harlock...(per gli appassionati).png - Disegno, 18,9x13 in ©2018 da Edoardo Lima - disegno, disegno a penna, penna

Edoardo Lima

"Harlock...(per gli appassionati).png"

Biro | 18,9x13 in

774,84 USD
Disegno intitolato "La robe de bal" da Patricia Saccaggi, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
La robe de bal - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 da Patricia Saccaggi - Abstract, abstract-570, Astratta, abstrait, dessin intuitif, stylos bille, marqueur, collage, peinture acrylique, danse, robe, technique mixte

Patricia Saccaggi

"La robe de bal"

Biro su Cartone | 15,8x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Bonbon acidulé" da Patricia Saccaggi, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Bonbon acidulé - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 da Patricia Saccaggi - Abstract, abstract-570, Astratta, tryptique, poupées russes, peinture acrylique, stylos à bille, marqueur, dessin intuitif, abstrait, format A5, format A3

Patricia Saccaggi

"Bonbon acidulé"

Biro su Cartone | 15,8x11,8 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Le Temps Volatile" da Machété Braid, Opera d'arte originale, Biro Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Le Temps Volatile - Disegno, 11,8x15,8 in ©2023 da Machété Braid - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Natura

Machété Braid

"Le Temps Volatile"

Biro su Carta | 11,8x15,8 in

2.561,29 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "1890.jpg" da Pan Val, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
1890.jpg - Disegno, 8,3x11,4 in ©2005 da Pan Val - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, fineness

Pan Val


Biro su Carta | 8,3x11,4 in

563,01 USD
Disegno intitolato "Sitka" da Corinne Maggiore, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Sitka - Disegno, 32x23 in ©2020 da Corinne Maggiore - Figurative, figurative-594, Uccello, zelmifineart, art, artiste, dessin, stylo, stylobille, acrylique, figuratif

Corinne Maggiore


Biro su Carta | 32x23 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 27,77 USD
Disegno intitolato "Chess" da Sandro Brito (Sanarts), Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Chess - Disegno, 13,8x9,8 in ©2011 da Sandro Brito (Sanarts) -

Sandro Brito (Sanarts)


Biro su Carta | 13,8x9,8 in

277,54 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "botanical beast" da Yog-Sothoth, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
botanical beast - Disegno ©2022 da Yog-Sothoth - Illustration, illustration-600, fantastico, plant, horror, dark, monster, vegetable, creepy


"botanical beast"


Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Youtube - Screenshot" da Prop, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Youtube - Screenshot - Disegno, 7,9x7,9 in ©2018 da Prop - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Fumetto, internet, musique, youtube


"Youtube - Screenshot"

Biro su Carta | 7,9x7,9 in

306,99 USD
Disegno intitolato "Louisa II" da José Agube, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Louisa II - Disegno, 12x8 in ©2020 da José Agube - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, erotic, erotica, nude, love, romance, sexy, jose agube, drawing, naked, boobs

José Agube

"Louisa II"

Biro su Carta | 12x8 in

370,43 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Evening Walk" da Irfan Ajvazi, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Evening Walk - Disegno, 8,3x11,4 in ©2023 da Irfan Ajvazi -

Irfan Ajvazi

"Evening Walk"

Biro su Legno | 8,3x11,4 in

762,38 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Gentiane" da Alixire, Opera d'arte originale, Biro Montato su Pannello di legno
Gentiane - Disegno, 10,2x8,3 in ©2021 da Alixire - Abstract, abstract-570, Natura, dessin, art, stylo-bille, dentelle, collage, tissu, brin d'herbe, couture, nature, vieux livre, papier



Biro su Carta | 10,2x8,3 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "L'âne kabyle" da Farinas Merabet, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
L'âne kabyle - Disegno, 19,7x13,8 in ©2019 da Farinas Merabet - Figurative, figurative-594

Farinas Merabet

"L'âne kabyle"

Biro su Carta | 19,7x13,8 in

312,66 USD
Disegno intitolato "Oscillation N°2" da Pogum, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Oscillation N°2 - Disegno, 16,5x11,7 in ©2021 da Pogum -


"Oscillation N°2"

Biro su Carta | 16,5x11,7 in

374,96 USD
Disegno intitolato "Renault 4l plein air" da Amaury Brumauld, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Renault 4l plein air - Disegno, 6,7x9,8 in ©2023 da Amaury Brumauld - Figurative, figurative-594, Auto, voiture de collection, femme, renault, dessin au bic

Amaury Brumauld

"Renault 4l plein air"

Biro su Carta | 6,7x9,8 in

362,5 USD
Disegno intitolato "Envol" da Cynthia Dormeyer, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Envol - Disegno, 11,7x16,5 in ©2017 da Cynthia Dormeyer - Figurative, figurative-594, oiseau, éclaboussure, dessin, peinture d'osieau

Cynthia Dormeyer


Biro su Carta | 11,7x16,5 in

Disegno intitolato "57-2021" da Armin Andreas Pangerl, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
57-2021 - Disegno, 11,7x16,5 in ©2021 da Armin Andreas Pangerl - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Astratta, Outsider Art, Art Brut, Aussenseiterkunst

Armin Andreas Pangerl


Biro su Carta | 11,7x16,5 in

1.277,81 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "55-2021" da Armin Andreas Pangerl, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
55-2021 - Disegno, 8,3x11,7 in ©2021 da Armin Andreas Pangerl - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Astratta, Outsider Art, Art Brut, Aussenseiterkunst

Armin Andreas Pangerl


Biro su Carta | 8,3x11,7 in

1.232,5 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Les masturbatrices…" da Valeria Jaramillo, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Les masturbatrices II - Disegno, 11,6x15,8 in ©2018 da Valeria Jaramillo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Amore, sex, love, pain, fantasy, passion, demons, devils

Valeria Jaramillo

"Les masturbatrices II"

Biro su Carta | 11,6x15,8 in

633,24 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Caos en la ciudad 1" da Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati), Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Caos en la ciudad 1 - Disegno, 39,4x47,2 in ©2020 da Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati) - Abstract, abstract-570, ciudades, abstractas

Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati)

"Caos en la ciudad 1"

Biro su Cartone | 39,4x47,2 in

Su richiesta
Stampe a partire da 27,77 USD
Disegno intitolato "iTunes Movie Traile…" da Prop, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
iTunes Movie Trailers - Screenshot - Disegno, 7,9x7,9 in ©2018 da Prop - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Fumetto, internet


"iTunes Movie Trailers - Screenshot"

Biro su Carta | 7,9x7,9 in

306,99 USD
Disegno intitolato "Dobrolubova st. Niz…" da Dea Lieotto, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Dobrolubova st. Nizhny Novgorod. 3 July, 2016 - Disegno ©2016 da Dea Lieotto - Figurative, figurative-594, tourism, city, blackandwhite, sketch, lovecity, frame, church, Храм знамения Божией матери, Dobrolubova, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, art

Dea Lieotto

"Dobrolubova st. Nizhny Novgorod. 3 July, 2016"

Biro su Carta

Su richiesta
Disegno intitolato "Réflexion" da Marion Bivort, Opera d'arte originale, Biro Montato su Cartone
Réflexion - Disegno, 27,6x19,7 in ©2021 da Marion Bivort - animalier

Marion Bivort


Biro su Carta | 27,6x19,7 in

Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "La-bas.jpg" da Laurent Diesler, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
La-bas.jpg - Disegno, 11,8x15,8 in ©2018 da Laurent Diesler - Là-bas, Laurent Dissler, Diesler, artiste de longny au perche, artiste longny les villages, Bande dessinée, visage, portarit, réfugié, migrant, espoir

Laurent Diesler


Biro, Fotografia digitale | 11,8x15,8 in

152,93 USD
Disegno intitolato "Éveil d'un éclat d'…" da Azathoth, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Éveil d'un éclat d'existence - Disegno ©2021 da Azathoth - Illustration, illustration-600, Fantascienza, cyborg, robot


"Éveil d'un éclat d'existence"


Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "Twins" da Azathoth, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Twins - Disegno ©2021 da Azathoth - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, artwork_cat.Men, dualité, division, union, jumeaux, 二元性, déssin, draw




Non in vendita
Disegno intitolato "La Pietà Sanguinante" da Machété Braid, Opera d'arte originale, Biro Montato su Telaio per barella in le…
La Pietà Sanguinante - Disegno, 15,8x11,8 in ©2023 da Machété Braid - Figurative, figurative-594, Icone religiose

Machété Braid

"La Pietà Sanguinante"

Biro su Carta | 15,8x11,8 in

3.136,76 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Sans titre" da Cynthia Dormeyer, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Sans titre - Disegno, 11,7x16,5 in ©2017 da Cynthia Dormeyer - Figurative, figurative-594, nature, oiseau, dessin, bird, animaux

Cynthia Dormeyer

"Sans titre"

Biro su Carta | 11,7x16,5 in

Disegno intitolato "Black drawing" da Sandro Brito (Sanarts), Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Black drawing - Disegno, 13,8x9,8 in ©2011 da Sandro Brito (Sanarts) -

Sandro Brito (Sanarts)

"Black drawing"

Biro su Carta | 13,8x9,8 in

277,54 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Femme des années 20" da Florence Bichard (Flo), Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Femme des années 20 - Disegno, 11,7x16,5 in ©2018 da Florence Bichard (Flo) - Illustration, illustration-600

Florence Bichard (Flo)

"Femme des années 20"

Biro su Carta | 11,7x16,5 in

254,88 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Le cauchemar de M.N." da Valeria Jaramillo, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Le cauchemar de M.N. - Disegno, 15,8x11,6 in ©2018 da Valeria Jaramillo - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Dark Fantasy, nightmare, passions, fear, scared, horror, dog, dreams

Valeria Jaramillo

"Le cauchemar de M.N."

Biro su Carta | 15,8x11,6 in

633,24 USD
Stampe disponibili
Disegno intitolato "Caos en la ciudad 2" da Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati), Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Caos en la ciudad 2 - Disegno, 47,2x39,4 in ©2020 da Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati) - Abstract, abstract-570, ciudades, abstractas

Maria De Los Ángeles Posadas (Cati)

"Caos en la ciudad 2"

Biro su Cartone | 47,2x39,4 in

Su richiesta
Stampe a partire da 27,77 USD
Disegno intitolato "Médusa" da Alixire, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
Médusa - Disegno, 78,7x70,9 in ©2016 da Alixire - Surrealism, surrealism-627, femme, surréalisme, volutes, arabesques, portrait, dessin, stylo bille, noir et blanc, détail, humain, visage, hyperréalisme, calligraphie, fantastique, mythologie



Biro su Tela | 78,7x70,9 in

Non in vendita Stampe a partire da 35,54 USD
Disegno intitolato "The spot on the roa…" da Dea Lieotto, Opera d'arte originale, Biro
The spot on the road. 25 September, 2015 - Disegno, 11,7x8,3 in ©2015 da Dea Lieotto - Abstract, abstract-570, paper, decor, frame, abstract, art, black, and, whiet, spot, signal, object, shape, exciting, fine art, innovation, figura, illustration, picture

Dea Lieotto

"The spot on the road. 25 September, 2015"

Biro su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in

Su richiesta


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