Souske Immagine del profilo


Kanagawa, Giappone
Artista (Pittura, Disegno)
Nato a 1969

Souske est né au Japon en 1969. Mais son premier souvenir est en Russie. Dans son enfance, il a vécu en Russie et a visité des pays européens. Il a étudié la peinture japonaise à l'école d'art et a voyagé au Japon. C'est pour l'aider à résoudre son identité. Première exposition personnelle, 1994. Depuis 2011, il continuons à publier des œuvres qui poursuivent la beauté japonaise en participant à des expositions et des foires d'art centrées sur l'Europe cinq à dix fois par an. Pour ses œuvres, la beauté de la surface et la beauté de l'intérieur sont très importantes.

Souske was born in Japan in 1969. But his first memory is in Russia. In his childhood, he lived in Russia and visited European countries. He studied Japanese painting at art school and traveled to Japan. It's to help him solve his identity. First solo exhibition, 1994. Since 2011, he continue to publish works that pursue Japanese beauty by participating in exhibitions and art fairs centered on Europe five to ten times a year. For his works, the beauty of surface and the beauty of inner are very important.

*Born in Japan
First Solo exhibition. After that, a lot in Japan.

*Recent activities*
*Italy, Art Gallery Rome “ArtExpo Winter Rome 2017”
*Germany, “Japan Festival Berlin 2017”
*Hong Kong, “Asia Contemporary Art Show 2017 mar”
*Singapore “Affordable Art Fair 2017 apr”
*Japan, “Tokyo International Art Fair 2017”
*Itary, Gallerie 360 “Arte Contemporanea Firenze”
*France, “Salon Art Shopping 2017 oct”
*PRC, "Shenzhen City Art Fear 2017 dec"


*Germany, “Japan Festival Berlin 2018”   in Gallery booth

*Hong Kong, “Asia Contemporary Art Show 2018 mar” Solo booth

*France, “Salon Art Shopping 2018 may” my team booth

*Australia, “Pop Japan 2018 In Brisbane”  in group exhibition

*UAE, Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery “Dubai meets the world”  in group exhibition

*PRC, "Shenzhen International Art Fear 2018” my team booth

*and, "Shenzhen City Art Fear 8th” 

+ Artmajeur, Silver award winning

+ ”In Art Magazine” (Italy), Cover of the book and articles

+ “The Development of Galleries in Greater Bay Area Summit Forum”


*PRC, Art & Harmonygallery (Shenzhen) “International Art Show”

*Germany, “Japan Festival Berlin 2019” 

*Japan, Gallery K “ARTEX TOKYO 2019”

*UAE, Aisha Alabbar Art Gallery “mini solo exhibition”

*Japan, Gallery Hinoki “ JCAA sellection 2019”

*PRC, SYART Gallery (Beijing 798 Art Area) “”

and, Ningbo Museum of Art “2019 Hands Across the Pacific Art Exhibition“

and, “The 22nd Art Expo beijing”  in Gallery booth

Participation plan this year (2019):

Scopri opere d'arte contemporanea di Souske, naviga tra le opere recenti e acquista online. Categorie: artisti giapponesi contemporanei. Domini artistici: Pittura, Disegno. Tipo di account: Artista , iscritto dal 2018 (Paese di origine Giappone). Acquista gli ultimi lavori di Souske su Artmajeur: Scopri le opere dell'artista contemporaneo Souske. Sfoglia le sue opere d'arte, compra le opere originali o le stampe di alta qualità.

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