Quattro Elementi (2010) Disegno da Jenny D Alessio

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Venditore Jenny D Alessio

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33,31 USD
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  442 px  

640 px
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Disegno,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 21,7in, Larghezza 17,7in
  • Categorie Disegni sotto i 1.000 USD
Pastello e inchiostro su foglio nero. In cornice artigianale di alta qualità. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili [...]
Pastello e inchiostro su foglio nero. In cornice artigianale di alta qualità.

Temi correlati


Jenny D’Alessio is an Italian artist, gifted of a remarkable talent for both drawing and painting. She was born in 1986 in Pescia, province of Pistoia, a town in nothern Tuscany, Italy. In the same area, she[...]

Jenny D’Alessio is an Italian artist, gifted of a remarkable talent for both drawing and painting. She was born in 1986 in Pescia, province of Pistoia, a town in nothern Tuscany, Italy. In the same area, she grew up and was educated in public schools. She lived in a family of “upper middle” socioeconomic status, her father was president of a construction company and she was expecting that she would get into the family business, but, at a very early age, she began to draw the cartoons she watched in television.

Jenny decided to seek artistic career, despite her family’s wishes. Instead of school of architecture, she attended the Petrocchi School of Art in Pistoia, where she achieved a master in Arts, Metals and Goldsmith. During the master she realised that she wasn’t quite shrewd enough for jewelry and that art was more to her liking.

Since childhood she had always felt strong emotions by picking up a pencil and draw. Jenny started with Snoopy and Woodstock, and she never stopped since then.

She has a particular predilection for comic books, especially mangas, for which she has always been passionate enough to try to reproduce the stretch and soften her lines. Imagination and emotions did the rest … to the point of trying new ways to expose and represent them.

Everyday’s reality never fascinated her and she preferred to hide in her fantasy world, where higher principles lived. Even today she still wants to find these emotions and these feelings.

This is what happens to Jenny every time she grabs a pencil in her hand. When she approaches the blank page, she only has one desire: to give life to the fantasy world that is in our minds.

Vedere più a proposito di Jenny D Alessio

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Disegno | 15x20,9 in
Non in vendita
Disegno | 21,7x16,9 in
Non in vendita
Pittura | 13x9,5 in
Non in vendita
Disegno | 18,9x14,6 in
Non in vendita


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