Moses (2009) Pittura da Ghenadie Sontu


Venditore Ghenadie Sontu

  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 31,5in, Larghezza 23,6in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD Figurativo
According to the book of Exodus, Moses was born to a Hebrew mother, Jochebed, who hid him when the Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed, and he ended up being adopted into the Egyptian royal family. After killing an Egyptian slave-master, Moses fled and became a shepherd, and was later commanded by God to deliver the Hebrews from slavery.[...]
According to the book of Exodus, Moses was born to a Hebrew mother, Jochebed, who hid him when the Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed, and he ended up being adopted into the Egyptian royal family. After killing an Egyptian slave-master, Moses fled and became a shepherd, and was later commanded by God to deliver the Hebrews from slavery. After the Ten Plagues were unleashed on Egypt, he led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, through the Red Sea.

Painting Category: Ghenadie Sontu, Christian art, biblical art, Messianic art, fine art, canvases, artworks, art prints, Christian oil painting, Ghenadie Sontu art

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#MosesGhenadie SontuChristian ArtBiblical ArtMessianic Art

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Personal: Born: December 16, 1979, Republic of Moldova Address: of.109, 59/1, Calea Esilor str., Chisinau 2069, Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 795 74 875 E-mail: Web-site:


Born: December 16, 1979, Republic of Moldova
Address: of.109, 59/1, Calea Esilor str., Chisinau 2069, Republic of Moldova
Tel: +373 795 74 875

2011 – 2013. DeVos Institute of Arts Management, Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., USA
2007 – 2010. “Consolidation of Cultural Sector of Moldova”, ECF & Soros Foundation Moldova, Matra Programme, Netherland
2008 - 2009.“European Leadership and Political Learning for Highly Motivated Young Leaders in Moldova”, IDIS Viitorul, GMF
2007. Fellowship for Training for trainers in cultural policy. European Cultural Foundation (ECF), Amsterdam, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) Matra program (NL)
1999 - 2005. Academy of Theater, Music and Fine Arts, Faculty of Painting, Chisinau, Moldova
2001 - 2003. Invisible College of Moldova, Laboratory of Philosophy, Anthropology and Culturology
1992 - 1999. Republican Art Lyceum “I. Vieru”, Chisinau, Moldova
Professional experience:
2012. - present, Member of the Advisory Committee of the Eastern Partnership Culture Program
2012. - present, Expert at Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, Heritage Issues Group
2012. - Expert at the Think-Thank Expert-Grup, Chisinau, Moldova
2012. Cultural diplomacy - training program for EaP culture managers, Warsaw, Poland
2012. Consultant, “Troika Moldova” developed through the European Neighborhood programme, Arts & Culture Program of the Open Society Institute – Budapest, the Soros Foundation Moldova and European Cultural Foundation.
2012. Manager of Tandem Projects in Palanca, Eclectic Line and Symbiosis, Casa Parinteasca, Chisinau, Brussel, Riga, Berlin, ECF, Mit Ost, Culture in Action, Soros Moldova
2011 - 2012, Deputy Director at Agency for Inspection and Restoration of Monuments in Moldova, Ministry of Culture of Moldova
2002. present, President, ARS DOR Association
2011. Expert, Eastern Partnership Index, IDIS Viitorul, Moldova
2010. present, Member of National Committee for Creation of National Cultural Fund of Moldova
2010. present, Project Director, Discovering New Talents”, ARS DOR, Moldova-USA
2009. present, Member of "A Soul for Europe" Strategy Group, The Berlin Conference Project, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany
2009. National advocacy campaigns and debates for the creation of National Cultural Fund of Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, Moldova
2007. Expert, Kiev Initiative Program, Council of Europe, Strasburg, France
2007. - 2009, Member of the Board of the Centre of Training and Professional Development, JOINT, KEDEM, Moldova
2007. - present, Board Member, CSC Moldova, International IFES Organization, Moldova
2005 - 2006. Business School of Dr. Simkhovich’s, KJJC, Joint, Chisinau, Moldova
2006. Project Director, “Eurointegration through Art”, IFPC-UNESCO, ARS DOR, Moldova
2005. Internship, International Art Fair “Caucasus 2006”, Gulliver Connect Program, Netherlands/Caucasus Foundation, Tbilisi, ...

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