Cornfield In The Wind (2004) Pittura da Michelle Dennett

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Venditore Michelle Dennett

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32,98 USD
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  178 px  

190 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 178x190
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  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 9,1in, Larghezza 12in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 500 USD Astratta
Created on a double primed, pre-stretched canvas, using a bold mixture of white, green, yellow and black Acrylic paints, this abstract painting of a "cornfield in the wind" is fun, bright and that little bit different. Due to the paintings design It can be hung anyway up to produce a different feel to the painting.
Created on a double primed, pre-stretched canvas, using a bold mixture of white, green, yellow and black Acrylic paints, this abstract painting of a "cornfield in the wind" is fun, bright and that little bit different.

Due to the paintings design It can be hung anyway up to produce a different feel to the painting.

This painting is not framed and sizes although very close areapproxmate.

Temi correlati

Abstract Bright Acrylic Bold

Tradotto automaticamente
I'm 24 and from a very young age I loved to express myself through art. I'd spend hours fiddling with pencil sharpeners and rubbers trying to perfect the perfect picture, and still have many of them today!

I'm 24 and from a very young age I loved to express myself through art. I'd spend hours fiddling with pencil sharpeners and rubbers trying to perfect the perfect picture, and still have many of them today!

Nowadays I'm pleased to say that my addiction to art is still strong. I love challenging myself and learning new techniques then spending the grawling hours perfecting them.

Watching your work progress through the stages as you get better is a very proud feeling. I must admit that although I am no professional, I am proud of my achievements and share them with pride.

The main ambition is to have my own studio. A little place; be it a room or an outbuilding that I can establish as my own space. Where everything belongs and I can spend a multitude of hours being creative and expressing my emotions for the world to see.

Unfortunately I think this goal is a little way off yet so for the mean time my ambition is to get my work into an exhibition for the first time.I have enrolled with a local art society that specializes in wildlife art. They hold an exhibition every year and I'm happy to say that I may enter this year (providing I can complete my work in time).

To get into the show would be by far the biggest and most nerve racking pursuit I have undertaken but a goal all the same!

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Visualizzare tutte le opere
Olio | 9,1x12 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 14x8,1 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 4,9x7,1 in
Non in vendita
Olio | 4,9x7,1 in
Non in vendita


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