AUTUMN PRELUDE (2013) Pittura da Kamsar

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Venditore Kamsar

Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 6 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 47,1in, Larghezza 57,5in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Astratta
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Pittura La pittura è una forma d'arte di pittura[...]
About: Kamsar- Kamo Sahakyan was born in Yeghegnadzor, Armenia. 1971-1976 studied at Yeghennadzor Art School, in Van Yeghyan's class,who played great role in the formation of the artist's aesthetic taste[...]

Kamsar- Kamo Sahakyan was born in Yeghegnadzor, Armenia. 1971-1976 studied at Yeghennadzor Art School, in Van Yeghyan's class,who played great role in the formation of the artist's aesthetic taste and the love towards the abstract painting. 1976-1980 studied painting at the Terlemezian School of Arts in Yerevan.

1990 Kamsar is a member of Artist's Union of Armenia. Kamsar is an artist of all colors. The origin of Kamsar’s works of art is the art of petroglyphs. The artist has studied their significance and symbols for many years and then introduced them to his art.

.Individual Exhibitions:

- Pictorial art works, Yeghegnadzor Regional Museum, 1999
- Yerevan History Museum, 2013
- Goris city Gallery, 2014

. Group Exhibitions:

- Republican Youth Exhibition, Youth Palace, Yerevan, 1980
- Group exhibition of Yeghegnzdzor artists, Yeghegnadzor Branch of National Art Galery of Armenia, 1983
- Republican Youth Exhibition, Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists, Yerevan, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 2013
- “EXPORT SALONS” of Fine Art in Foreign Countries, Moscow, Russia, 1990
- Group Exhibition, Detroit, USA, Contemporary Russian Expressionism, a major exhibition of twenty Russian artists currently living and working in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Yerevan, New York and Detroit, International Gallery, Detroit, USA, 1993
- “Yeghegnadzor Painters” group exhibition, Yeghegnadzor Geological Museum, 1997
- “NORAVANK-99” Fine Art Exhibition, Yeghegnadzor Branch of National Art Gallery of Armenia, Yeghegnadzor, 1999
- “Painters of Vayots Dzor and Syunik” Fine Art Exhibition of Works, Goris Art Gallery, Goris, 2005
- “Exhibition of Vayots Dzor Painters' Works”, Yeghegnadzor Geological Museum, 2010
- Joint Exhibition of Armenian Iranian Art, Yeghegnadzor Geological Museum, 2012
- “One work Exhibition” on the 80th anniversary of RA artists, the Union of Artists, Yerevan, 2012

Vedere più a proposito di Kamsar

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Pittura su Tela | 31,5x31,5 in
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Olio | 37,6x49,6 in
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Pittura | 30,7x41,7 in
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Pittura | 41,1x51,2 in
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