"Salute" Pittura da Jarden

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Venditore Jarden

Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 34 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura, Olio su Tessuto
  • Dimensioni Altezza 39,4in, Larghezza 27,6in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Surrealismo
"Salute" From the cycle "Beauty and Ugliness" Music by Joe Dassin – Salut The painting is made under the impression of this music. Acquaintance moment. First meeting. It predetermines the further attitude towards a person. The first meeting predetermines further relations. But appearances are[...]
From the cycle "Beauty and Ugliness"
Music by Joe Dassin – Salut
The painting is made under the impression of this music.

Acquaintance moment. First meeting. It predetermines the further attitude towards a person. The first meeting predetermines further relations.
But appearances are deceptive. The reality is severe, and life is so short! Modern man has an aspiration to glory and wealth. Thus the value of communication, relationship between people, ability to listen each other is forgotten. These are those qualities that lead to success in society.
The picture shows a playing card which means two parts of a personality: appearance and deep qualities. And it even seems that these are two different persons. The author of the painting seeks to report to people: what we see is not important. Internal human qualities are more important! Politeness, respect, manner, tactfulness are really appreciated in communication.
Tradotto automaticamente
My name is Nurtai Zhardemov, I am an artist from Kazakhstan. My creative direction in the art of surrealism. I hope that my works will be considered, and professionally appraised by an art critic.

My name is Nurtai Zhardemov, I am an artist from Kazakhstan.
My creative direction in the art of surrealism.
I hope that my works will be considered, and professionally appraised by an art critic.
I have about 60 paintings in my collection.
I create paintings in my unique way - I listen to the music of famous composers and instantly create a philosophical plot for creating a future painting. During 20 minutes I transfer the idea into a canvas with a pencil, then I finish the work with oil paints.
My biggest dream is to show my works all over the world.
I'm looking for a promoter to show my works in Europe and the USA.

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Olio su Tessuto | 51,2x35,4 in
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Pittura su Tessuto | 37,4x55,1 in
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Olio su Tessuto | 35,4x51,2 in
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Olio su Tessuto | 29,5x35,4 in
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