Report 107A - No Intelligent Life On This Planet (2021) Pittura da Adeleia U

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Venditore Adeleia U

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
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Metaphysical Landscapes - project. Report 107A - No Intelligent Life On This Planet. Alien wandering on planet Earth. Dystopic thoughts, but not hopeless. Dreaming of better future. Signed and dated on back. Certficate of authenticity. A proposito[...]
Metaphysical Landscapes - project. Report 107A - No Intelligent Life On This Planet. Alien wandering on planet Earth. Dystopic thoughts, but not hopeless. Dreaming of better future.

Signed and dated on back. Certficate of authenticity.

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Website: Adeleia works across a multitude of mediums including video, poetry, painting and photography. Surreal, liminal states fascinate Adeleia's artistic work, forgotten[...]


Adeleia works across a multitude of mediums including video, poetry, painting and photography. Surreal, liminal states fascinate Adeleia's artistic work, forgotten special places and spaces gives her continual inspiration with their entity and essence. Most of her work is about liminality and a research what is to be human as a spiritual and psychological being and how we relate to different spaces and places, how spaces reflect the constitution of psyche. Pieces work together as interpretations of liminal states and mental concepts. She approaches the construction of art through ritual and transition which includes her painting or photographing process.

She paints abstract and figurative, and also a combination of these. Abstract artworks are mostly expressionistic. She listens music while painting and experience the momentum which then emerges out of the canvas. She experiments with paint, with the painting process itself and she loves the incompleteness and defects. Figurative or pieces with figurative elements come from past events and experiences, happened miraculous occurrences, old family photographs, imagination, dreams or real eerie situations. Supernatural and spirit world are present in many pieces.

There is an entity in a painting and the painting itself intrinsically is an entity which must be tempted to emerge. There is always a mystical part in the painting process and she praises that. In the final artwork that must be necessarily present.


Self Taught
Master of Arts in Fine Arts
Master of Arts - Anthropology, Literature, Art History

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