Bon Cafe (DHL express - fast delivery guaranteed!) (2017) Disegno da Irina Rets

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Venditore Irina Rets

Carta per belle arti, 11x8 in

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33,49 USD
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  1053 px  

1500 px
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 13 collezioni
DHL express - fast delivery guaranteed! 300 g watercolor paper, watercolor, liner. The aroma of morning coffee and croissant creates a great mood and inspires to paint. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili[...]
DHL express - fast delivery guaranteed!
300 g watercolor paper, watercolor, liner.
The aroma of morning coffee and croissant creates a great mood and inspires to paint.

Temi correlati

Coffee IlustrationFoood SketchWatercolor CketchMorning Coffee

Tradotto automaticamente
  Irina Rets is a contemporary artist who creates vibrantly colorful works. I have no traditional art education. But I have always been in awe of the fine arts, as a child I drew for hours, even[...]


Irina Rets is a contemporary artist who creates vibrantly colorful works.

I have no traditional art education. But I have always been in awe of the fine arts, as a child I drew for hours, even in school during classes.

Many years of my life I spent designing and developing fur outerwear.

I returned to the fine arts in 2014 when my family and I were forced to leave our home in Donbas and move to Kiev. Art became a way for me to survive the pain of my life circumstances...


 Over time, painting has become an opportunity for me to convey my impressions of such a diverse and vibrant world around me. I am inspired by the delightful light streaming through the foliage in the forest and the dramatic contrasting shadows of buildings, I am passionate about expressing nature in beautiful colors, but also the vibrant city. I also see and try to convey the beauty of the rhythms of nature or the city in moments of everyday life - sometimes it can even be a picturesquely swept garbage can.


Working from observations of the reality around me, I gather visual information with a sketchbook or camera, sometimes I start work on a canvas en plein air, ending in my studio. Expressively working in mostly watercolor and liner.

I am also gradually starting to work in other materials such as acrylics and oil.

 Some of my paintings have found a home with private collectors.

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