PORTRAIT OF A POET (2019) Dibujo por Irene Cordes

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Vendedor Irene Cordes

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33,31 US$
Usage: Licencia web
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  1002 px  

1500 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1002x1500
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Banco de imágenes de arte
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 4
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Dibujo, Pigmentos / Papel en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 35,4in, Anchura 25,6in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en buenas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Dibujos menos de 5.000 US$ Figurativo
The aesthetics of poetry, as you know, has always influenced the image of a person. There is an exaggerated image in the artist’s drawing, but you must agree what a wonderful charm and mood it conveys to us. a prize-winning pose, a focused look, and now we will hear the creation of a genius.
The aesthetics of poetry, as you know, has always influenced the image of a person. There is an exaggerated image in the artist’s drawing, but you must agree what a wonderful charm and mood it conveys to us. a prize-winning pose, a focused look, and now we will hear the creation of a genius.

Temas relacionados


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I watch this life and seek in a simple new sense.  In my work, I use the knowledge of the classical school to work with urgent problems of our time.  It is important!  I have a realistic, surreal drawing style.[...]

I watch this life and seek in a simple new sense.  In my work, I use the knowledge of the classical school to work with urgent problems of our time.  It is important!  I have a realistic, surreal drawing style.  I love to experiment and keep traditions.  I can get to work, and by the end the topic changes, which means more important ideas appear.  First, I photograph my idea: a portrait or a landscape.  I consider my art of realistic things to be important.  After that, already in large format, I add my fonts to better reveal my theme.  There is no greater joy for me when the public likes my work.  I'm happy to share my work with the whole world, that's why I'm here!

Ver más de Irene Cordes

Ver todas las obras
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Oleo en Lienzo | 11,8x11,8 in
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