Thorny earrings with pyrite stones (2016) デザイン Irena Zelickman によって

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発送元: イスラエル
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  • カテゴリ デザイン $500未満
Natural crystals of pyrite stone hang off a length of beadwork thorns. The earrings are strange and wild. The length below ear wires is 6cm (2 3/8”) この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル ジュエリー [...]
Natural crystals of pyrite stone hang off a length of beadwork thorns. The earrings are strange and wild. The length below ear wires is 6cm (2 3/8”)


Pyrite EarringBeige EarringsMineral EarringsMineral JewelryPunk Earrings

Hello, my name is Ira Zelikman, I am a jewelry designer from Israel.

Hello, my name is Ira Zelikman, I am a jewelry designer from Israel.

My jewelry is made of tiny glass seed beads, natural pearls, different gemstones and minerals and many other types of beads.

The art of bead weaving is ancient. It was invented separately in different locations of the World many centuries ago. Modern bead artists have a privilege to use techniques of African, American, European and Slavic origins together with modern aesthetic to create original and contemporary jewelry and wearable art pieces

When I was a kid, my father, sculptor Adolf Neystat, paid a lot of attention to developing my artistic taste and appreciation for art. He took me to museums and exhibitions, using art work to explain the fundamentals of color coordination, composition and proportion. This knowledge has become an integral part of my personality, and to this day I continue my self-education in this field. Of course, I follow fashion trends and take into consideration my clients’ wishes, but I also always make sure my jewelry conforms to the classic aesthetic canons.

Any interesting observation could become a source of inspiration for me, but first and foremost I am inspired by my customers—women of all types, ages, and styles. I offer a large selection of pieces, ranging from simple to quite extravagant and luxurious. In my collection, one can find a set for any occasion.

Jewelry made of beads, pearls and gemstones and assembled with a special nylon thread could sometimes be a very complex structure.  The arrangement of beads and thread in every piece is carefully calculated to ensure that it maintains its shape and lasts for many years, even with everyday use.

We can always find the right piece and the right gem for each customer. I really want every woman to be beautiful and charming in her own, unique way. And if my jewelry can help with this, I would consider my mission accomplished.

Irena Zelickmanからもっと見る


