Gorgons (2021) 摄影 由 Янина Ермакова

摄影, 35.4x28.4 in
价格: 免费送货
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The idea of this photo shoot was born to me after reading the "Tales of the Titans". "And six daughters were born from the mighty Deep and the mighty Old Man of the Sea. Three beauties, swan maidens, were born with silver-gray hair like sea foam... they looked like swans. But in the name of their father, Forkia, they were called[...]
The idea of this photo shoot was born to me after reading the "Tales of the Titans".
"And six daughters were born from the mighty Deep and the mighty Old Man of the Sea. Three beauties, swan maidens, were born with silver-gray hair like sea foam... they looked like swans. But in the name of their father, Forkia, they were called forkids, and the gods and people called them grays - old women... Three other daughters were born with golden wings, and they flew through the air like sea winds. And they called one of them Spheno-Strong, for her strength, another Euryale-Far jumping, the third, which was more beautiful and braver than all, Medusa - Imperious. But the sisters have a formidable name - gorgons: lightning-eyed.
The Grays and gorgons were both immeasurable, eternally young and beautiful. Grays are sailing on the sea, gorgons are flying over the sea"⠀
But as usual in myths, there was not without female envy. Pallas Athena envied Medusa and challenged her to a competition, which Medusa won. Pallas was offended and set the Olympian gods on the forkid, who turned her sister into monsters known to everyone.
So, I decided to do a project. Quite by chance I saw the most beautiful golden crown. For several months I was drooling over it, but the price bit too much. But if fate favors, then there is no chance not to realize what you have planned. And the crown waited for me, and with a very good discount.

The issue of costumes took several more months to resolve. Elena, a great designer, sewed them for me, but like any high-class professional, she had a lot of workload. However, the wait was worth it, it turned out great transformer dresses, in which I also shot Grai.

This work has participated in several exhibitions. She also won first place in the UK talent competition.



Yanina Ermakova 从 17 岁开始从事摄影工作,但从 2010 年才开始专业摄影。她尝试了不同的类型:从主题摄影到婚纱摄影。但在 2019 年,她发现了美术摄影的世界,她意识到这就是她想要做的摄影。在他看来,艺术是历史的、奇幻的、童话般的摄影。 她不断地推动我朝这个方向前进:每年,她都会计划并参加培训课程。目前,她在我的团队中有一位常驻化妆师,她的妆容最大胆。她还与莫斯科和莫斯科地区(俄罗斯)最好的服装租赁公司合作。她与几乎可以实现任何地方的装饰师一起工作。 他的计划每年都变得越来越复杂。她亲自负责整个组织:从创意到向公众展示照片。 她提出对她很重要的问题,邀请观众思考和反思这个或那个主题。 [...]

Yanina Ermakova 从 17 岁开始从事摄影工作,但从 2010 年才开始专业摄影。她尝试了不同的类型:从主题摄影到婚纱摄影。但在 2019 年,她发现了美术摄影的世界,她意识到这就是她想要做的摄影。在他看来,艺术是历史的、奇幻的、童话般的摄影。




Yanina Ermakova 出生于 1983 年。她住在俄罗斯的莫斯科市。她参加了许多培训课程,例如 2013 年至 2019 年在纽约摄影学院的一门课程。她还参加了无数展览,获得了无数奖项和出版物。

查看更多的Янина Ермакова

摄影 | 19.7x15.8 in
摄影 | 23.6x15.8 in
摄影 | 23.6x15.8 in
摄影 | 19.7x15.8 in

