Pray VI20 (2020) 绘画 由 Hyun Ae Kang

油在帆布上, 48x60 in

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Oil and resin on canvas, 2020 Size US: 48 × 60 × 1 in Size Europe: 122 × 152.4 × 2.5 cm Hyun Ae Kang combines traditional Korean painting with Western abstract imagery using natural materials to create innovate mixed-media works that are rich in both color and texture. Hyun Ae Kang was born in 1959 in South[...]
Oil and resin on canvas, 2020

Size US: 48 × 60 × 1 in
Size Europe: 122 × 152.4 × 2.5 cm

Hyun Ae Kang combines traditional Korean painting with Western abstract imagery using natural materials to create innovate mixed-media works that are rich in both color and texture.

Hyun Ae Kang was born in 1959 in South Korea. She studied contemporary sculpture at the Ihwa Women's University in Seoul, where she received a bachelor of fine arts (1986) and a master of fine arts (1991). Her earliest works are largescale sculptures made of different metals, wood and stone, in which the artist tried to Express the supernatural, visually denoting the mundane only by hints. Subsequently, Hyun Ae Kang was most fully able to realize her artistic quest in an abstract painting, which she still works with today. The artist's experience as a sculptor can be traced in the rich texture of her paintings, in which the paint strokes resemble ceramics. Hyun Ae Kang currently lives and works in California, USA.

The artist's works are in public and private collections all around the world, for example: in the Seoul Museum of Art (the Seoul Museum of Art) in South Korea. Korea, the Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center in Anaheim, California, and the Brea Museum and Historical Society, California.

In 2020, Hyun Ae Kang's major solo exhibitions were held at Accademia Fine Art & Auction House in Monaco and Museo Dei Bozzetti in Italy. Her work will also be featured in an upcoming retrospective at the Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center in Anaheim in 2022. The exhibition will be the first retrospective of the artist In the United States and will present works from the early period in South Korea, as well as new projects.

Hyun Ae Kang actively participates in numerous international art fairs, including Art Miami, Art Central Hong Kong, Palm Beach Modern and Contemporary, LA Art show, Art Shanghai, Art New York. The artist's current estimate is 15000€-20000€ and it constantly growing. Her works are of high interest to investors, as evidenced by the auction. In 2019, Hyun Ae Kang's work "Sunrise" was sold at the Accademia Fine Art & Auction House Monaco in Monaco for €18000.


Boccara ArtArt InvestmentsInvestmentsArt MarketDansaekhwa

艺术家表示DAKKARA Art Galleries
玄爱康是韩国著名的当代艺术家。她是韩国创作风格 dansaekhwa 或“单色绘画”的追随者,其实践者的定义是作品的多层次质感和创作艺术的精神方法。但玄爱康远离单色,继续创作抽象画。 康通过雕塑元素探索理论与自然之间的相互作用。纯几何形状,如球体或立方体,展开成无定形的形式,其不规则性唤起了一种原始感。同样,抛光石头或青铜的异常光滑被类似生物物质的崎岖斑块破坏。甚至康对媒介的选择也是对这两个看似对立的概念的审问;通过将抛光青铜与粒状木材或半透明大理石与不可穿透的黑曜石并置,Kang[...]

玄爱康是韩国著名的当代艺术家。她是韩国创作风格 dansaekhwa 或“单色绘画”的追随者,其实践者的定义是作品的多层次质感和创作艺术的精神方法。但玄爱康远离单色,继续创作抽象画。

康通过雕塑元素探索理论与自然之间的相互作用。纯几何形状,如球体或立方体,展开成无定形的形式,其不规则性唤起了一种原始感。同样,抛光石头或青铜的异常光滑被类似生物物质的崎岖斑块破坏。甚至康对媒介的选择也是对这两个看似对立的概念的审问;通过将抛光青铜与粒状木材或半透明大理石与不可穿透的黑曜石并置,Kang 拥抱了材料的异质性,以实现视觉上的和谐。

Hyun Ae Kang 于 1959 年出生于韩国,在著名的梨花女子大学获得了雕塑专业的 BFA 和 MFA。康的作品被首尔艺术博物馆、加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的 Muzeo 博物馆和文化中心以及加利福尼亚州的布雷亚博物馆和历史协会永久收藏。她在美国加利福尼亚生活和工作。

艺术家在 Artmajeur 杂志的一篇文章中被强调:

查看更多的Hyun Ae Kang

油在木上 | 40x30 in
雕塑 - 青铜 | 7.1x9.8 in
雕塑 - 青铜 | 5x14 in
油在帆布上 | 36x84 in

