Europoort (2012) Картина - Bert Hermans

Бумага изобразительного искусства, 8x10 in

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33,52 $
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Фотобанк для художественных фотографий
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Масло на картон
  • Размеры 17,7x21,7 in
    Размеры работы в одиночку, без рамы: Высота 15,8in, Ширина 19,7in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Это произведение вставлено в раму
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Импрессионизм Промышленность
This painting offers a view over the Europoort area with a special atmosphere. it shows the Europoort area near Rotterdam. The Europoort is an industrial and port area south of the Nieuwe Waterweg and north of the Hartel Canal, east of the Maasvlakte and west of the Botlek. The area belongs to the municipality of Rotterdam and is 3600 ha. Together[...]
This painting offers a view over the Europoort area with a special atmosphere. it shows the Europoort area near Rotterdam. The Europoort is an industrial and port area south of the Nieuwe Waterweg and north of the Hartel Canal, east of the Maasvlakte and west of the Botlek. The area belongs to the municipality of Rotterdam and is 3600 ha.
Together with the Botlek, the Europoort forms one of the largest petrochemical industrial areas in the world. At the beginning of the Calandkanaal ore transshipment takes place at Europoort ore transshipment company. In the east of the Europoort area, the transshipment of cars, steel and wood products takes place at specialized terminals.

Связанные темы


Переведено автоматически
I was born in Voorburg (Netherlands) and live in Rotterdam. My interest in drawing and painting started at secondary school in Tilburg. Spatial mathematics (stereometry) really appealed to me. I also took drawing[...]

I was born in Voorburg (Netherlands) and live in Rotterdam. My interest in drawing and painting started at secondary school in Tilburg. Spatial mathematics (stereometry) really appealed to me. I also took drawing lessons there from a well-known painter, Jan Asselbergs. He thought I should go to art school, but because of the poor job market prospects I didn't do that at the time. I actually wanted to become an architect myself, but I worked as a lawyer. Nevertheless, my interest in (spatial) drawing and painting remained and I have picked up that thread again carefully, in addition to my work. I took painting lessons at the Stichting Kunstzinnige Vorming in Rotterdam (SKVR) in acrylic, watercolor and oil painting. Later I started specializing in oil painting. In line with my previous interest in architecture, I focused on industrial and cultural heritage. An inexhaustible theme.

In my work I have been influenced by artists such as Pieter Saenredam, M.C. Esscher and Hopper and the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, among others.
I have been making my oil paintings since 2013 in my studio at Vest 69 in Gouda. The source of inspiration for my paintings are abandoned and often dilapidated industrial buildings, which I usually capture just before demolition or renovation through sketches and photos. In addition to industrial heritage, I also paint cultural heritage: well-maintained or restored buildings with a cultural value.
I want to make my paintings a special experience through the use of color and light. Dark desolation has to make way for light and warmth. I regularly add characters to the heritage that give the image a different or extra meaning. Some paintings contain a "hidden message" or a reference to current events.

Смотреть ещё Bert Hermans

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Масло на Холст | 31,5x47,2 in
4 409,69 $
Масло на Холст | 27,6x39,4 in
3 312,11 $
Масло на Холст | 31,5x23,6 in
2 370,68 $
Масло на Холст | 35,4x35,4 in
3 830,69 $


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