Rembrandt (2022) 絵画 Gabriel Angel Jimenez Lopez Lopez によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 47.2x35.4 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (2)
発送元: ブラジル (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Gabriel Angel Jimenez Lopez Lopez が販売



最大解像度: 1199 x 1600 px

Gabriel Angel Jimenez Lopez Lopez が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの アクリル
  • 寸法 高さ 47.2in, 幅 35.4in
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 印象主義
This work of art is a reinterpretation of the Dutch artist Rembrandt's self-portrait. Inspired by the technique of spontaneus realism, the work seeks to express the power of colors giving life to its surroundings Esta obra de arte es una reinterpretación del autorretrato del artista holandés Rembrandt. Inspirada en la técnica del[...]
This work of art is a reinterpretation of the Dutch artist Rembrandt's self-portrait. Inspired by the technique of spontaneus realism, the work seeks to express the power of colors giving life to its surroundings

Esta obra de arte es una reinterpretación del autorretrato del artista holandés Rembrandt. Inspirada en la técnica del realismo espontáneo, la obra busca expresar el poder de los colores dando vida a su entorno.

Esta obra de arte é uma reinterpretação do autorretrato do artista holandês Rembrandt. Inspirada na técnica do realismo espontâneo, a obra busca expressar o poder das cores dando vida ao seu entorno


RembrandtSpontaneus RealismoImpressionismo

Gabriel Lopez was born in 1980 in Colombia and spent part of his life in the militancy of social movements, mainly in the student movement in his country. He arrived in Brazil in 2009 and began his journey[...]

Gabriel Lopez was born in 1980 in Colombia and spent part of his life in the militancy of social movements, mainly in the student movement in his country. He arrived in Brazil in 2009 and began his journey in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, where he stayed for 1 year, closely following the social movements in the region. His concern for social issues led him to continue his academic studies at UFSCAR (Federal University of São Carlos), where he became a Bachelor of  Social Science in 2015 and Master in Social Anthropology in 2018. His research addressed the issue of refuge and refugees and immigrants in Brazil. During this period he connects with art and its various forms of expression, dedicating himself to music and painting. He creates his first works in 2019, the result of individual study and his look anthropological. Soon art becomes part of his life and existence. Your painting seeks to express not only feelings and emotions, but also to show the multiple possibilities of understanding the different and the human.

Gabriel Lopez nasceu em 1980 na Colômbia e viveu parte da sua vida na militância dos movimentos sociais, principalmente no movimento estudantil em seu País. Chega ao Brasil em 2009 e inicia sua jornada em Santa Maria no Rio Grande do Sul, onde permanece 1 ano acompanhando de perto os movimentos sociais da região. Sua inquietude pelas questões sociais o leva a dar continuidade aos estudos acadêmicos na UFSCAR (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), onde torna-se bacharel em Ciências
Sociais em 2015 e Mestre em Antropologia Social em 2018. Sua pesquisa abordou a temática do refúgio e dos refugiados e imigrantes no Brasil. Durante esse período se conecta com a arte e suas variadas formas de expressão, dedicando-se a música e a pintura. Cria suas primeiras obras em 2019, fruto do estudo individual e de seu olhar
antropológico. Logo a arte torna-se parte da sua vida e de sua existência. Sua
pintura busca expressar não apenas sentimentos e emoções, mas também mostrar as múltiplas possibilidades de entender o diferente e o humano.

Gabriel Angel Jimenez Lopez Lopezからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 27.6x23.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 47.2x35.4 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 35.4x47.2 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 31.5x39.4 in

