STROKE A CACTUS #2 (2024) 絵画 Frank Willems によって

ウッドのアクリル, 23.6x23.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Frank Willems
発送元: オランダ (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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STROKE A CACTUS #2 by Frank Willems. STROKE A CACTUS is a serie of artworks of cacti. These are painted 2D, but have a 3D effect by the nails sticking out of the wood. For people who like to touch everything with their hands: be careful and definitely do not touch these cacti. Made from waste wood and nails. The stripes in the red[...]
STROKE A CACTUS #2 by Frank Willems.

STROKE A CACTUS is a serie of artworks of cacti. These are painted 2D, but have a 3D effect by the nails sticking out of the wood. For people who like to touch everything with their hands: be careful and definitely do not touch these cacti.
Made from waste wood and nails. The stripes in the red background are milled.

Year: 2024
Size: 60x60cm
Materials: Acrylic, marker, spraypaint on reused wood

#cactus #nails #milled #wood #text #desert #basquiat #haring



Frank’s work is a mix of urban art, pop art and neo-expressionism. He aims to create his art as much as possible on used, discarded materials, but mostly wood. In a playful and humorous way he tries to portray[...]

Frank’s work is a mix of urban art, pop art and neo-expressionism. He aims to create his art as much as possible on used, discarded materials, but mostly wood. In a playful and humorous way he tries to portray themes such as sex, the current zeitgeist and current events. These can be serious topics, but also absurd improbabilities and topics about events in his own life. He explains:

“I am not the best speaker and in a discussion I often keep a low profile. But I observe everything and use this to create my art. I don’t push my opinion. I think it’s more important to make people think about it. Life, freedom and equality are central themes in my work.”

Frank’s artworks have been seen at various exhibitions in the Netherlands, Germany and USA. His work has been auctioned by Christie’s, you may have seen him at KunstRai Amsterdam and he had a residency in Sofitel Legend The Grand in Amsterdam. Collectors worldwide own his art.

Frank Willemsからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 9.8x9.8 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 9.5x11.8 in
紙の製版 | 11.8x11.8 in
紙の製版 | 15.8x15.8 in

