Intimate Portrait - Man (2017) Peinture par Ricardo Venturi

Crayon sur Carton, 57,1x39,4 in
2 962 $US
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Retours acceptés 14 jours Artmajeur s'engage à 100% pour la satisfaction des collectionneurs: vous disposez de 14 jours pour renvoyer une oeuvre originale. L'oeuvre doit être renvoyée à l'artiste en parfaite condition, dans son emballage original. Tous les articles éligibles peuvent être retournés (à moins d'indications contraires).
Papier d'art, 12x8 in
Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 1 collections
Ricardo Aleodor Venturi's research involves various media, from drawing, to painting, to sculpture,to installation, committed to tracing the mutation of the landscape, understood as an interior and exterior landscape. Using objects from the industrial world he investigates the concept of natural and artificial. The interest is directed[...]
Ricardo Aleodor Venturi's research involves various media, from drawing, to painting, to sculpture,to installation, committed to tracing the mutation of the landscape, understood as an interior and exterior landscape. Using objects from the industrial world he investigates the concept of natural and artificial.
The interest is directed to a reality that is transformed every day, where man simulates, measures and amplifies the world around him. The work lives in its beautiful shapes made of perfect geometries and precise shapes that also recall the childish drawings, where the synthesis allows maximum communication.
He searches among the scaffolding that constructs a face, or the roads that form the bark of a tree, the fragility in the face of change. Mixing and mixing human activity with the daily nature of nature he attempts an impossible dialogue in which reality becomes a built vision, firm, stable, contrary to the continuous succession of fashions, but above all opposed to speed. Every image seems to recall solidity, an eulogy to the slowness of a line rather than to the speed of a point.

Di vanità, di belle
fole e strani pensieri
si componea l’umana vita: in bando
li cacciammo: or che resta? or poi che il verde
è spogliato alle cose?

Giacomo Leopardi, CANTI, Ad Angelo Mai, v.115-116

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Artiste représenté par Biafarin Inc.
Ricardo Aleodor Venturi was born in Pesaro (PU) in 1994. He lives and works in Pesaro. After graduating from the Scuola del Libro, Liceo Artistico of Urbino, engraving section, he attended the Academy of Fine[...]

Ricardo Aleodor Venturi was born in Pesaro (PU) in 1994. He lives and works in Pesaro. After graduating from the Scuola del Libro, Liceo Artistico of Urbino, engraving section, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, attending the course of Painting held by Luigi Carboni. He attended PXL - Mad in Hasselt, Belgium, for a period of six months as part of the Erasmus program. He has participated in several contest and group exhibitions including the Premio EneganArt (Florence, 2016), Premio Cairo Editore (Milan, 2015, 2017), Premio Nocivelli (Brescia, 2017, 2018), Premio Combat (Leghorn, 2018), Premio Art Team Cup (Forlì, 2018). He participated in the artist’s residence V_AIR 2017 promoted by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Vimercate, curated by Martina Corgnati.
In 2018 he organized and participated in L'ABITANTE (Pesaro), an exhibition curated by Adele Cappelli. The exhibition was created at L'attico, a space for domestic use that a group of artists, together with the help of curators and experts in the field, have turned into a place of art for several months.


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