Sculptures originales à vendre

Le plus pertinent | Plus récentes

Sculpture intitulée "FLOWERS OF LIFE" par Dilshod Khudayorov, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
FLOWERS OF LIFE - Sculpture, 8,3x8,3 in ©2024 par Dilshod Khudayorov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fleur, Глина, Цветок, Масло, Картина, Тарелка, Весна, Топ, Новый

Dilshod Khudayorov


Sculpture - Huile | 8,3x8,3 in

670,72 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Vivid knitted croch…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Fibre Textile
Vivid knitted crochet orange, yellow, red flowers - Sculpture, 6,3x4,7 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Fleur, handmade sculpture, funny home decor, eco friendly art, colorful art for home decor, gift for woman, gift for mom, pop art style artwork, vibrant colors still life, colorful flowers, bright flowers in vase, fine art sculpture, simple still life, simple flowers, crochet art, knitted art, Matisse style art, summer flowers, positive mood gift, toys art, bouquet of flowers

Irina Bast

"Vivid knitted crochet orange, yellow, red flowers"

Sculpture - Fibre Textile | 6,3x4,7 in

324 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Enlivened Nature - I" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Enlivened Nature - I - Sculpture, 13,8x31,5 in ©2020 par Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, deer, nature, wild, water, flow of life

Jiang Wang

"Enlivened Nature - I"

Sculpture - Bronze | 13,8x31,5 in

8 862 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Daidalos( large siz…" par Jaromir Gargulak, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Daidalos( large size 52 cm high) - Sculpture, 20,5x16,5 in ©2024 par Jaromir Gargulak - Figurative, figurative-594, Portrait, largesize, bronzesculpture, oneofakind, famousartist, figurativeart, modernhome

Jaromir Gargulak

"Daidalos( large size 52 cm high)"

Sculpture - Bronze | 20,5x16,5 in

8 720,49 $US
Sculpture intitulée "King Louis" par Valerii Filipchenko, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
King Louis - Sculpture, 9,2x7,7 in ©2024 par Valerii Filipchenko - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Gothique, skull, gothic, vanity, france, Louis

Valerii Filipchenko

"King Louis"

Sculpture - Résine | 9,2x7,7 in

677 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Flower power" par Dervis Yusuf Akdemir, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Flower power - Sculpture, 35,8x29,5 in ©2024 par Dervis Yusuf Akdemir -

Dervis Yusuf Akdemir

"Flower power"

Sculpture - Résine | 35,8x29,5 in

3 032,48 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Latin American wome…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Bois
Latin American women - original colorful set of sculptures - Sculpture, 11,8x11,8 in ©2023 par Irina Bast - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Portraits de femmes, Frida Kahlo style, Spain, Mexico, spanish decor, eco friendly art, wooden sculpture, colorful art for home decor, gift for woman, woman art, pop art style artwork, naive art portrait, vibrant colors woman face portrait, fine art female portrait, fine art sculpture, vibrant contrasts, contemporary sculpture, artistic interpretation, bold aesthetic, happy style, bright colors wall art

Irina Bast

"Latin American women - original colorful set of sculptures"

Sculpture - Bois | 11,8x11,8 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "papaver red poppy" par Alexandra Konstantinovna, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
papaver red poppy - Sculpture, 17,7x5,9 in ©2023 par Alexandra Konstantinovna - Figurative, figurative-594, Nature, Flower, Red, Nature, Beautiful, Sculpure, Bronze

Alexandra Konstantinovna

"papaver red poppy"

Sculpture - Bronze | 17,7x5,9 in

2 492,52 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Wall Flower" par Marina Nimmo, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Wall Flower - Sculpture, 70,9x55,1 in ©2023 par Marina Nimmo - Figurative, figurative-594, Nature

Marina Nimmo

"Wall Flower"

Sculpture - Céramique | 70,9x55,1 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Blue skull 1" par Oxana Kondratenko, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Blue skull 1 - Sculpture, 12,2x12,2 in ©2020 par Oxana Kondratenko - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women

Oxana Kondratenko

"Blue skull 1"

Sculpture - Céramique | 12,2x12,2 in

591,33 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Blue skull 3" par Oxana Kondratenko, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Blue skull 3 - Sculpture, 12,2x12,2 in ©2020 par Oxana Kondratenko - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Men, people

Oxana Kondratenko

"Blue skull 3"

Sculpture - Céramique | 12,2x12,2 in

591,33 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Mama Moon" par Marina Nimmo, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Mama Moon - Sculpture, 22,8x32,7 in ©2023 par Marina Nimmo - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Nature

Marina Nimmo

"Mama Moon"

Sculpture - Céramique | 22,8x32,7 in

3 080,23 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Tetrahedron | Flowe…" par Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v), Œuvre d'art originale, Bois
Tetrahedron | Flower of life - Sculpture, 6,3x6,3 in ©2024 par Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v) - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Géométrique, merkaba, geometrique, solide de platon, tetraèdre, string art, mandala, fractal, octahedron, fleur de vie, sacred geometry

Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v)

"Tetrahedron | Flower of life"

Sculpture - Bois | 6,3x6,3 in

413,94 $US
Sculpture intitulée "The Druid" par Armen Manukyan-Burovtsov (Armmenart), Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
The Druid - Sculpture, 15,8x11 in ©2024 par Armen Manukyan-Burovtsov (Armmenart) - Figurative, figurative-594, Mythologie, flowers, leaves, timber, texture

Armen Manukyan-Burovtsov (Armmenart)

"The Druid"

Sculpture - Céramique | 15,8x11 in

13 056 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Sunflowers in vase.…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Plastique Monté sur Panneau de bois
Sunflowers in vase. Unique 3d recycle toys art still life - Sculpture, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - 3d art, sunflowers, van gogh, mosaic sculpture, colorful sculpture, living room artworks, woman gift, flowers in vase, trend art, original wall sculpture, contemporary sculpture, modern sculpture, mosaic wall art, wall art for interior, Matisse style art, naive art, art for dining area, contemporary still life, baby boy nursery decor, gift for boy

Irina Bast

"Sunflowers in vase. Unique 3d recycle toys art still life"

Sculpture - Plastique | 27,6x19,7 in

1 785 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Vivid knitted croch…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Fibre Textile
Vivid knitted crochet blue, turquoise, yellow white flowers - Sculpture, 5,1x6,3 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Fleur, Matisse style art, art for dining area, shelf decor, kitchen decor, abstract still life, summer flowers, summer still life, positive mood gift, crochet art, knitted art, fiber art, handmade sculpture, funny home decor, gift for woman, gift for mom, pop art style artwork, vibrant colors still life, colorful flowers, bright flowers in vase, bouquet of flowers

Irina Bast

"Vivid knitted crochet blue, turquoise, yellow white flowers"

Sculpture - Fibre Textile | 5,1x6,3 in

324 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Magenta and emerald…" par Sasha Robinson, Œuvre d'art originale, Plâtre
Magenta and emerald relief flowers - Sculpture, 19,7x19,7 in ©2024 par Sasha Robinson - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Fleur, flowers, sculpture painting, abstract artwork, magenta, emerald green

Sasha Robinson

"Magenta and emerald relief flowers"

Sculpture - Plâtre | 19,7x19,7 in

525 $US
Impressions disponibles
Sculpture intitulée "Tetrahedron_xl | Pa…" par Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v), Œuvre d'art originale, String Art
Tetrahedron_xl | Parabolic curves 2 layers - Sculpture, 8,3x8,3 in ©2020 par Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v) - Geometric, geometric-572, Spiritualité, string art, tetrahedron, stringart, sacred geometry, flower of life, sacred art

Kevin Fernandez (Artwork.e.v)

"Tetrahedron_xl | Parabolic curves 2 layers"

Sculpture - String Art | 8,3x8,3 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Boucle" par Marina Nimmo, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Boucle - Sculpture, 22,8x32,7 in ©2022 par Marina Nimmo - Abstract, abstract-570, Nature

Marina Nimmo


Sculpture - Céramique | 22,8x32,7 in

3 023,78 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Vicious Circle of L…" par Yuliia Khovbosha, Œuvre d'art originale, Pâte polymère
Vicious Circle of Life - Sculpture, 5,5x10,2 in ©2020 par Yuliia Khovbosha - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Nature, life and death sculpture, driftwood art piece, black butterfly sculpture, hyper-realistic floral art, nature cycle sculpture, mixed media nature art, orchid and butterfly art, black and white art, reflection on life cycles, interconnectedness of life, transient beauty, nature hyper-realistic art, natural cycle symbolism art, botanical art, tropical plants, tree stump centerpiece, hyper-realistic flowers, insect, cabinet of curiosity, white orchid sculpture

Yuliia Khovbosha

"Vicious Circle of Life"

Sculpture - Pâte polymère | 5,5x10,2 in

692 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Alexandra Konstanti…" par Alexandra Konstantinovna, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip, x3, Tulips, Bronze, Unuque - Sculpture, 16,5x11,8 in ©2021 par Alexandra Konstantinovna - Figurative, figurative-594, Nature, Art, Sculpture, Bronze, Unique, Flower, Tulip, Nature, Red, Green, Beauty, Gift, Modern, Design, Interior, life, love

Alexandra Konstantinovna

"Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip, x3, Tulips, Bronze, Unuque"

Sculpture - Bronze | 16,5x11,8 in

Sculpture intitulée "Alexandra Konstanti…" par Alexandra Konstantinovna, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip 2, Bronze, Unique - Sculpture, 16,9x3,2 in ©2021 par Alexandra Konstantinovna - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, art, sculpture, bronze, uniqie, flower, tulp, nature, red, green, beauty, gift, modern, design, interior, life, love

Alexandra Konstantinovna

"Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip 2, Bronze, Unique"

Sculpture - Bronze | 16,9x3,2 in

Sculpture intitulée "Blue skull 2" par Oxana Kondratenko, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Blue skull 2 - Sculpture, 12,2x12,2 in ©2020 par Oxana Kondratenko - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Women, human

Oxana Kondratenko

"Blue skull 2"

Sculpture - Céramique | 12,2x12,2 in

591,33 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Care of your flower" par Mohamadhadi Danesh, Œuvre d'art originale, Pierre
Care of your flower - Sculpture, 11,8x4,3 in ©2021 par Mohamadhadi Danesh - Figurative, figurative-594, Amour

Mohamadhadi Danesh

"Care of your flower"

Sculpture - Pierre | 11,8x4,3 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Vibrant precious st…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Pierre Monté sur Panneau de bois
Vibrant precious stones flowers in golden vase - Sculpture, 29,5x21,7 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Nature morte, contemporary still life, modern still life, vivid home decor, flowers in vase, trend art, original wall sculpture, contemporary sculpture, modern sculpture, mosaic wall art, art for dining area, kitchen wall decor, abstract still life, summer flowers, summer still life, positive mood painting, dopamine decor, impressionistic still life, expressionistic still life, vibrant colors still life, pop art still life

Irina Bast

"Vibrant precious stones flowers in golden vase"

Sculpture - Pierre | 29,5x21,7 in

1 885 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Whispers in White:…" par Olesya Sushkova (OLSU), Œuvre d'art originale, Pâte polymère Monté sur Carton
Whispers in White: Sculptural Dreams, Handcrafted 3D Art - Sculpture, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 par Olesya Sushkova (OLSU) - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrait, WhiteRosesArt, #ArtWithTexture, DecorativeArt, ModernSculpture, ArtForSale, UniqueArtwork, ContemporaryArt, 3DArtOnCanvas, AbstractArtFloral, SculpturalPainting, MixedMediaArt, FloralSculpture, AbstractArt, HandmadeArt, AbstractSculpturalАlowers

Olesya Sushkova (OLSU)

"Whispers in White: Sculptural Dreams, Handcrafted 3D Art"

Sculpture - Pâte polymère | 11,8x11,8 in

371 $US
Impressions disponibles
Sculpture intitulée "Mexican women - ori…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Bois
Mexican women - original colorful set of sculptures for home - Sculpture, 11,8x11,8 in ©2023 par Irina Bast - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Portraits de femmes, authentic eclectic, trend art, modern sculpture, abstract female art, bright colors, primitive style sculpture, contemporary woman portrait, vivid home decor art, pop art woman portrait sculpture, unique sculpture, toys, mexican woman, famous faces, feminist art, woman figurine, woman with flowers, modern portrait, woman portrait, contemporary sculpture, Latin American women

Irina Bast

"Mexican women - original colorful set of sculptures for home"

Sculpture - Bois | 11,8x11,8 in

Sculpture intitulée "Sunflowers Van Gogh…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Collages Monté sur Panneau de bois
Sunflowers Van Gogh. Unique 3d recycle art still life mosaic - Sculpture, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Nature morte, sunflowers, van gogh, contemporary sculpture, van gogh art, van gogh painting, van gogh sculpture, modern sculpture, recycle art, eco friendly art, original wall sculpture, yellow flowers, flowers in vase, gift for woman, 3d art, three dimensional wall art, toys art, toys sculpture, unique art object, living room wall decor, vincent van gogh paintings

Irina Bast

"Sunflowers Van Gogh. Unique 3d recycle art still life mosaic"

Sculpture - Collages | 31,5x23,6 in

2 385 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Jesus" par Valerii Filipchenko, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Jesus - Sculpture, 7,2x7,9 in ©2024 par Valerii Filipchenko - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Gothique, skull, gothic, jesus, dead, hardcore, vanitas

Valerii Filipchenko


Sculpture - Résine | 7,2x7,9 in

577 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Flower Chain" par Marina Nimmo, Œuvre d'art originale, Céramique
Flower Chain - Sculpture, 22,8x32,7 in ©2023 par Marina Nimmo - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Nature

Marina Nimmo

"Flower Chain"

Sculpture - Céramique | 22,8x32,7 in

2 967,34 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Vivid knitted pink,…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Fibre Textile
Vivid knitted pink, white and red flowers in vase. Naive art - Sculpture, 6,3x5,1 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - handmade sculpture, funny home decor, eco friendly art, colorful art for home decor, gift for woman, gift for mom, pop art style artwork, vibrant colors still life, colorful flowers, bright flowers in vase, fine art sculpture, bouquet of flowers, primitive flowers, primitive still life, living room artworks, Matisse style art, simple flowers, summer flowers, shelf decor, vivid flowers

Irina Bast

"Vivid knitted pink, white and red flowers in vase. Naive art"

Sculpture - Fibre Textile | 6,3x5,1 in

324 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Alexandra Konstanti…" par Alexandra Konstantinovna, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip 3, Tulips, Bronze, Unique - Sculpture, 16,5x4,7 in ©2021 par Alexandra Konstantinovna - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, art, sculpture, bronze, unique, tulip, flower, nature, red, green, beauty, gift, modern, design, interior, life, love

Alexandra Konstantinovna

"Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip 3, Tulips, Bronze, Unique"

Sculpture - Bronze | 16,5x4,7 in

Sculpture intitulée "Flower of harmony" par Irina Tkachenko (iraHAPPYart), Œuvre d'art originale, Plâtre Monté sur Châssis e…
Flower of harmony - Sculpture, 31,5x23,6 in ©2022 par Irina Tkachenko (iraHAPPYart) - Abstract, abstract-570, Nature, texture design, painting design ideas, art ideas, decorating ideas, traditional, decorating, luxury emulsion, decorating living room, luxury decor, luxury paint, decor ideas for home, professional painting, dark living room, dulux heritage paint, painting in the interior, painting in the bedroom, the frey life, luxury home on a budget, beautiful decor, best painting

Irina Tkachenko (iraHAPPYart)

"Flower of harmony"

Sculpture - Plâtre | 31,5x23,6 in

Pas à Vendre Impressions à partir de 123,88 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Alexandra Konstanti…" par Alexandra Konstantinovna, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip, Tulp 1, Bronze, Unique - Sculpture, 16,5x4,7 in ©2021 par Alexandra Konstantinovna - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, art, sculpture, bronze, unique, flower, tulip, nature, red, green, beauty, gift, modern, design, interior, love, life

Alexandra Konstantinovna

"Alexandra Konstantinovna, Tulip, Tulp 1, Bronze, Unique"

Sculpture - Bronze | 16,5x4,7 in

Sculpture intitulée "Care of your flower…" par Mohamadhadi Danesh, Œuvre d'art originale, Pierre
Care of your flower 2 - Sculpture, 11,8x12,2 in ©2021 par Mohamadhadi Danesh - Figurative, figurative-594

Mohamadhadi Danesh

"Care of your flower 2"

Sculpture - Pierre | 11,8x12,2 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Sunflowers in vase.…" par Irina Bast, Œuvre d'art originale, Plastique Monté sur Panneau de bois
Sunflowers in vase. Unique 3d recycle art still life mosaic - Sculpture, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 par Irina Bast - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Nature morte, 3d art, sunflowers, van gogh, mosaic sculpture, colorful sculpture, living room artworks, still life, flowers in vase, trend art, original wall sculpture, contemporary sculpture, modern sculpture, mosaic wall art, Matisse style art, vibrant flowers, art for dining area, kitchen wall decor, abstract still life, positive mood painting, original gift for woman

Irina Bast

"Sunflowers in vase. Unique 3d recycle art still life mosaic"

Sculpture - Plastique | 31,5x23,6 in

1 785 $US


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