Denis D Image de profil

Denis D

Nijmegen, Pays-Bas
Artiste (Peinture)
Né(e) en 1973

About author
In 1999 he graduated at Academy for Art and Design in Den Bosch in Netherlands, direction visual communication. Denis worked shortly for a small graphic office in Nijmegen. After a few months he started working for publisher Miller, where he has been working for nine years now as designer on the Caplan division for interactive and graphic design. Denis also uses to work for different customers under the flag of his own company, the Identity. Currently he has been working as Visual designer, UX/UI designer and painter. He spends a lot of time painting and promoting his work. Denis also exhibits in different galleries. He lives in Nijmegen.

On this website you can see a small selection of work arise from 1998 until today. There has been worked with different techniques and sizes. Most works are acryl paintings on the canvas. On most paintings and illustrations there is a figurative expression by which accent is strengthen put on color, forms and nuance between different parts.
On all his paintings you can see and feel a particular harmony between space and figures, light and shadow, and this all on a very subtle and naïve way. Motives on the recent paintings are mainly very recognizable and clear situations from the life of modern man, situations that each individual meets daily. Particular situations are expressed very strongly by very strong spatial expression that is represented very well. Motives and elements are a reflection of the artist. The painted ambiance can be seen as a kind of stage that makes a quite strong impression on the public. It appears as if is it interaction between spectator, work of art and at present.

Découvrez les oeuvres d'art contemporain de Denis D, parcourez les oeuvres d'art récentes et achetez en ligne. Catégories: artistes contemporains hollandais. Domaines artistiques: Peinture. Type de compte: Artiste , membre depuis 2016 (Pays d'origine Pays-Bas). Achetez les dernières œuvres de Denis D sur Artmajeur: Découvrez de superbes oeuvres par l'artiste contemporain Denis D. Parcourez ses oeuvres d'art, achetez des oeuvres originales ou des impressions haut de gamme.

Denis D Image de profil Grand

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