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Remigijus Januskevicius Artiste

Artmajeur est une plate-forme résolument orientée vers international

Interview réalisée le 19 janv. 2017

As for the sale of this painting, it bought the client from my mailing list. When I uploaded a new painting on my gallery in Artmajeur, I send a newsletter with information about the painting to all my clients. This buyer paid the money via Paypal. He has already bought four of my paintings. He is a big fan of my paintings. Yes, I use the order and billing system offered by Artmajeur. I think it is a very convenient system for me and the buyer.

I spend a little time for my account administering on Artmajeur. Generally, as long as necessary to upload a new painting photo or to answer to letters, compliments. I'm still not using the image management system on Artmajeur, because I upload the photos already arranged. I have already recommended and would recommend Artmajeur to friends.

I am very glad that Artmajeur is a highly Internationally oriented platform, that I can take advantage of this opportunity to show my paintings to the whole world. In my contacts are people from different countries. I can get acquainted, interact with other artists, see their works, get feedback, I can see which countries are most interested in my painting. It is amazing!

I sell many of my work directly without intermediaries. Direct sale to the artist is the best way to get the highest price for their work and by analogy to the buyer - to purchase a work of art for the lowest price. Direct contact with the artist gives to the buyer the opportunity to choose or to order the painting, this is a guarantee to buy an original work of art. I believe that my clients appreciate this opportunity. Meanwhile, the direct contact for the artist provides not only advantages but also risks to meet with an unfair buyer. I also have had several such "buyers". I am keeping of one rule: I do not send the painting to the client as long as I do not see the money in my bank account.

My advice: Always must be the first- money, then the painting. If the customer wants to order the painting, always need to ask for advance payment. I usually ask a 10% advance payment of the agreed price. Only a possession the gallery page on the Internet does not give good results in sales.The highly internationally oriented online platform by itself, without the hard work of the artist, in addition to painting advertising will not give good sales results and maximum prices for the paintings.

I participate in various art fairs, exhibitions, art festivals, distribute hundreds of business cards with a link to my gallery.

~ Remigijus Januskevicius
Ils ont vendu sur Artmajeur: Remigijus Januskevicius

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