febb-2019.jpg (2019) 絵画 Evaldo Amatizi によって

キャンバスの絵画, 47.2x31.5 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (16)
発送元: イタリア
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画, キャンバスの その他
  • 寸法 高さ 47.2in, 幅 31.5in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満
Oil painting. I represent the couple who shatters when they touch each other. Pittura ad olio. Rappresento la coppia che nell'atto di toccarsi si frantuma. この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル [...]
Oil painting. I represent the couple who shatters when they touch each other.

Pittura ad olio. Rappresento la coppia che nell'atto di toccarsi si frantuma.


ManiHandsPittura Di ManiHand PicturesHand's Art

Amatizi Evaldo was born in 1975 in Rome but of Marche origin. In the first years of carefree life, he fed infinitely on continuous backward journeys, from the city of Rome, to his native country, in the[...]

Amatizi Evaldo was born in 1975 in Rome but of Marche origin.
In the first years of carefree life, he fed infinitely on continuous backward journeys, from the city of Rome, to his native country, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, during the holidays of his parents: simple state employees who never let him miss anything.
Woods, healthy living, simple games, were a watershed between a city life and a country life. But also tales of a past life. Tales of grandparents told how the Germans blew up the bridge of the neighboring country or when they fled to Rome on foot walking at night to escape enemy planes. Stories that gave a time and a soul to everything around him in childhood.
So was his life for all elementary schools. Always a watershed between the real world made of tasks and duties and games where time no longer had fixed rules. More than spending the days playing ball with his teammates, time often spent isolating himself in a world of his own that, in time, would become his real home.
An imaginary place to live and breathe.
As self-taught, some results have been seen. In fact, in 1999 he distinguished himself with the "Moscow" prize for literature by writing "illusory disappointments" a small monologue dedicated to the relationship that ended badly with a woman. You could write beautiful things and suffer like a dog: the two moods coexisting in one body.

In 2001 he decided to enroll in the illustration academy. But only after much hesitation, and years spent as self-taught.
Anyway, we needed a confrontation to move forward. New techniques to discover, fears to set aside or cover with a layer of paint.
He attended "The Academy of Illustration" from 2001 to 2004. the exercises were constant and the technique was not lacking.
The idea of the constant moving line is something of futurists and you can read it, another thing is to live it on your shoulders. When images come alive, lines become the true backbone of a visual language.
From 2008, he spent two days a week collaborating with the art gallery "Cassiopea"
With the Cassiopea we were doing the preparation of paintings and the creation of flyers.
Design exhibitions for which he has also participated in several of these.

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