Urban architecture of the future applied in abstract (2021) Pintura por Eduardo Vidal


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Vendedor Eduardo Vidal

Papel de bellas artes, 11x8 in
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 19,7in, Anchura 15,8in
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Abstracto
The work wants to process the urban future parks and streets where there will be closed and open oval parks and it will be bright colors with artificial beaches, large cities, it will be artificial beaches and artificial lakes in the form of holograms of images recreating a false sea and false river lagoon where in the future they will recreate an[...]
The work wants to process the urban future parks and streets where there will be closed and open oval parks and it will be bright colors with artificial beaches, large cities, it will be artificial beaches and artificial lakes in the form of holograms of images recreating a false sea and false river lagoon where in the future they will recreate an artificial park created for human imagination and where the soil will be digitized where we can see the latest trends and news of the moment in virtual form the work is impilation of the future urban architects will imply in this work to create the perfect artificial park with virtual screen simulations and creating an unnatural urban space and it will be the escape center it will already offer music images it will be the most important cultural meeting center of the hera for the human race global level
The Graphic Artist Spanish Origin Eduardo Vidal He is the creator of an endless number of intellectual, artistic, cultural patent developments and patterns of artistic innovation. Among[...]

The Graphic Artist Spanish Origin Eduardo Vidal

He is the creator of an endless number of intellectual, artistic, cultural patent developments and patterns of artistic innovation.

Among these developments, the art of inverse symmetry stands out, the hydraulic art and also the art of gravitational induction, the art of futuristic concepts, urban designs, organic art, dimetric industrial art, the art of design, quantum medicine, patterns and concepts.

the graphic artist from his brand and company Vidal design Art his work team offer a dynamic diversity of areas to the market both industrial design design concepts parametric design futuristic design

the artist actively works with developers researchers scientists development humans governments governments universities laboratories reverse engineering futuristic design concepts and patterns

a whole set of industrial designs ranging from industrial design to textiles, globally recognized companies, urban designs, designs for industrialized products and designs for human scientific concepts.

The Vidal design art brand is actively in the market soon it will launch the NFT Metaverso Holograms and will master the development of Human Scientific Research new fields of quantum medicine designs patterns artificial intelligence

from foundations, private and public museums and intellectual cultural agreements with governments of dynamic areas in different sectors always linked to the design industry and intellectual art

The artist has made more than 7 million views around the world, has support from a gallery dealer, sales agents and resales, auction houses in more than 20 countries and global positioning as a brand, icon, innovation, development of new designs and futuristic artistic patterns, and a clear reference in the market. overall design

The artist is also actively working with publishing houses, TV production companies, large fashion industry, governments and research centers, governments, various areas, artistic and commercial development.

the philosophy embodied in the artist wants to be part of the solution for tomorrow and the future by offering new patterns and concepts that over time will make sense of human development and evolution perfection and evolutionary concepts design and intellectual art

Ver más de Eduardo Vidal

Ver todas las obras
Acrílico en Lienzo | 10x15 in
Bajo pedido
Pastel en Lienzo | 27,6x19,7 in
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Oleo en Lienzo | 9,8x7,9 in
Bajo pedido
Oleo en Lienzo | 5,9x3,9 in
Bajo pedido
Impresiones desde 31,09 US$


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