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Erna Berger Moise

Bucharest, Rumanía
Artista (Pintura)
Nacido en 1962

I started my artistic education in 1972 at the Art School in Targu Mures, Romania and I graduated from the Art High School in 1980 in Targu Mures, Romania.
In 1983 I emigrated to Israel where I was admited to the Shenkar College of Textile Art where I studied for 3 years, printing, serigraphic, but I also experimented Jacquard weaving technique, Tuffting, knitting and painting in my diversified projects.
In 1990 I returned to Romania where I completed my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts "Nicolae Grigorescu" in Bucharest.
Since than, I aproached the interior design field as a conceptual interior designer and I also continued my artistic activity like painting, textile instalation and printing.
Lately I turned to Mythological subjects,both antropomorph and zoomorph symbols, zodiacal signs and grafissm from the hebrew alphabet.

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