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Yitzy Rosengarten

Back to list Added Mar 8, 2022

Landscape Painting With The Landecio's Technique: Paint Like A Master

Landscape painting is a challenging art form. It requires a lot of patience, skill and experience to create a piece of artwork that captures the beauty and grandeur of nature. New York-based landscape painter Yitzy Rosengarten uses the Landecio’s technique for creating his artworks. This technique involves the use of layers and tones. This technique has been used to create landscapes with different moods, ranging from tranquil to dramatic or even dramatic-romantic. Here are some tips from Yitzy Rosengarten on how you can apply this technique to your own landscape paintings.

The Landecio Technique

Yitzy Rosengarten explains that landscape paintings are created by layering paint on top of each other. They can go from light to dark and everything in between. The Landecio technique is best suited for painting a landscape with romantic or dramatic tones, but you can use this technique in any type of landscape painting. Yitzy Rosengarten shares the steps for creating landscapes with the Landecio’s technique:

1) Start with the darkest tone and paint the texture of the ground first.

2) Use lighter shades to create highlights on rocks, trees, etc.

3) Paint grass with yellow ochre.

4) To make the sky look more interesting, paint it with blue ultramarine or cobalt blue.

Tips for applying the technique to your own landscape paintings

First, Yitzy Rosengarten indicates that you need to decide what type of mood you want your painting to convey. Is your painting going to be more dramatic or romantic? Will it have a tranquil or calmer feel?

Next, set the scene for your painting. It could be a specific time during the day or even set in a particular location. You’ll want to think about how many people will be viewing the painting and whether it would make sense to paint it on location or in a studio.

Next, Yitzy Rosengarten recommends deciding on the colors of your landscape. You can paint with watercolors, oils or acrylics. There are some great tutorials online that show how to use these different mediums effectively in landscapes and they provide step-by-step guides on how to mix colors and paint.

To get started, start with an outline of where you want to place your figure in relation to the horizon line and work from there. Remember that you’re using this technique so that people can see through the landscape into the foreground figures and understand exactly what is happening as well as being able to focus on smaller details. After filling in the background with layers of color, then add detail in small areas around the figure(s) by adding highlights and shadows.



Landscape painting is a complex process, but Yitzy Rosengarten shares that the Landecio Technique simplifies the process and makes it easy for beginners to learn. Although using the Landecio Technique for landscape painting isn't a sure-fire way to produce a work of art, it is an easier way to get started.


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