Original abstract art works for sale

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Photography titled "Focal and red filte…" by Cédric Hajiji, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Focal and red filter.. on a platycercus elegans with white V - Photography ©2016 by Cédric Hajiji - Classicism, classicism-933, Colorful, one platycercus, blue red, adult, platycercus, elegans, fauna, plumage, white vignette, grande perruche, perruche, tall parakeet, red plumage, exotism, australian origin, Australia bird, psittacidae, myst, humid forest, above bush, vignette effet

Cédric Hajiji

"Focal and red filter.. on a platycercus elegans with white V"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $29.03
Painting titled "VI LOIN" by Jennifer Daisy Hermange, Original Artwork, Acrylic
VI LOIN - Painting, 41.7x38.4 in ©2023 by Jennifer Daisy Hermange - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art, streetart, artcurator, exhibitions, expositions, artnouveau, cubisme, galaxie, acrylic, tableau, peinture, toile, critic

Jennifer Daisy Hermange


Acrylic on Canvas | 41.7x38.4 in

Prints available


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