The Story of Jake and Rosie 1 (original)(Oregon, USA) (2023) Pintura por Elodie M. Richard

Aquarela em Papel, 7x10 in
US$ 258
Preço: Envio Grátis
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« Jake and Rosie are blind. They were used in a wedding release, where the couple insisted on having the pigeons dyed to match the color of their wedding, green. The dye apparently killed most of the pigeons used that wedding day. Three survived; all are blind. I have two, Jake and Rosie, a mated pair. They are very much in love and depend upon each[...]
« Jake and Rosie are blind. They were used in a wedding release, where the couple insisted on having the pigeons dyed to match the color of their wedding, green. The dye apparently killed most of the pigeons used that wedding day. Three survived; all are blind. I have two, Jake and Rosie, a mated pair. They are very much in love and depend upon each other, but each is very different. Rosie is a sweetheart and very inquisitive. One of the things she enjoys the most is going to a new place with lots of uncluttered space and walking determinedly until she finds a wall. Then, she turns around and walks another direction, until she finds another. Seeking her limits is enjoyable for her. Jake, on the other hand, is no sweetheart; he is a pecker head. And, he isn’t particularly inquisitive either. Jake’s joy comes in being the center of attention, which manifests in “love” bites, hovering as high as he can, and endlessly cooing. Even though Jake and Rosie are both completely blind, they have mastered our home. They know exactly where every piece of furniture is, where the stairs are and how to get downstairs and back up. They have also lived a tremendously rich life. Jake and Rose are my ambassadors for my speaking engagements about the history of pigeons. They have met, inter alia, the Jacksonville Boosters, the Kiwanis Club, the Soroptimists, the Rotary Club, and the Northwest Bird Club. They have entertained countless children at story times and summer camps and have gone to the State Capital in Sacramento to lobby against the release of domesticated pigeons for money, sport and entertainment. They have been an artist’s, Melody Blore’s, muse for a series of paintings she did, entitled “Frieda and Her Pigeons.” Both have also been my inspiration. To watch their tenacity and their love for one another leaves me only with deep respect and awe. «

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Elodie M Richard ArtBird ArtDove ArtPigeon ArtCall To Pigeons

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Elodie M. Richard was born in France but with a complex heritage including Polish and Russian. Due to her father’s career in the Army her family had to regularly move and adapt to new locations in France and[...]

Elodie M. Richard was born in France but with a complex heritage including Polish and Russian. Due to her father’s career in the Army her family had to regularly move and adapt to new locations in France and abroad. Her life path as a child and adult is made of travels and regular changes of geographical locations, constantly balancing between feeling of loss, challenges and new life starts. 

Unlike a superficial society that gets lost in ultra consumption, Elodie creates a refined, symbolic and meditative world around the broad notion of identity. She takes her inspirations from personal experiences but also current events and her connection to nature.
The artist currently lives in Central Florida with her husband (artist himself) and their small flock of 5 rescued pigeons.

This page shows an inventory of her work as a painter and illustrator since 2016 up to this current year. 

Some of her artworks appear as sold, if interested in an art piece, please private message Elodie.

Ver mais de Elodie M. Richard

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Aquarela em Papel | 7x10 in
US$ 258
Aquarela em Papel | 10x7 in
US$ 258
Acrílico em Tela | 18x24 in
US$ 964
Aquarela em Papel | 10x7 in
US$ 258


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