Portrait of Mother Earth.jpg (2017) 绘画 由 Elena Martém

彩瓦在纸上, 27.6x19.7 in
价格: 免费送货
客户评价 (3)
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  • 原创艺术品 绘画, 彩瓦 在纸上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 27.6in, 宽度 19.7in
  • 分类 画作 低于US$5,000 形象艺术
Картина "Портрет Матери- Земли" - Portrait of Mother Earth- выполнен в уникальной техники плавленных восковых красок - Энкаустики -Encaustik , на специальном белом картоне, имеет расспарту и раму со стеклом. Прекрасно смотриться при направленном освещении, при котором краски светяться ещё больше и видны всевозможные 3Д эффекты [...]
Картина "Портрет Матери- Земли" - Portrait of Mother Earth- выполнен в уникальной техники плавленных восковых красок - Энкаустики -Encaustik , на специальном белом картоне, имеет расспарту и раму со стеклом. Прекрасно смотриться при направленном освещении, при котором краски светяться ещё больше и видны всевозможные 3Д эффекты
Elena Martém was born in Moscow. She received a higher artistic - pedagogical and architectural education in Russia. She worked as an artist-architect in the Chamber of Commerce of Russia and in the world famous[...]

Elena Martém was born in Moscow. She received a higher artistic - pedagogical and architectural education in Russia. She worked as an artist-architect in the Chamber of Commerce of Russia and in the world famous film studios “Mosfilm” in Moscow.
She came to Sweden in 1986 and from that moment her work began to grow: it was exhibited in Sweden, Germany, the Czech Republic and in other countries. Elena participated in many International Competitive Exhibitions. She settled near the foot of the Soderasen hills in Skane in southern Sweden.
“My paintings are created as a symbiosis of my multifaceted internal feelings, impressions and ideas concerning space and reincarnation. My main task is to create paintings that are full of feelings about all topics and soul moods, to demonstrate power, happiness and harmony for all people in various environments. I use different materials and techniques in order to create, through my paintings, the desired feelings and experiences. In my projects, I want to involve the spectator as a participant who can hopefully experience the feelings I convey.”
Elena - Artist, designer, architect, illustrator - just the citizen of the Earth. She is a Swedish artist with unique style, utilising both encaustic and mix media. She uses several techniques such as oil, acrylic, drawing, lithography, mixed media, ink, etching and aquatint, pencil and encaustic.

查看更多的Elena Martém

丙烯在帆布上 | 13.8x13.8 in
绘画 | 13.8x9.1 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 8.7x8.7 in
拼贴 | 20.5x18.9 in

