In the arms of nature. (2022) Malarstwo autorstwa Elena Giersch (Charmelena.Art)

Akryl na Płótno, 31,5x23,6 in
3 906,96 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa
Opinie klientów (2)
Wysłano z: Niemcy (Drewniana skrzynia) Statki w promieniu 2 tygodnie
Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni
Wysyłka na całym świecie
Transakcja w 100% bezpieczna
Darmowe zwroty
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
Zwrot zaakceptowany 14 dni Artmajeur jest w 100% zaangażowany w zadowolenie kolekcjonerów: masz 14 dni na zwrot oryginalnego dzieła. Praca musi zostać zwrócona artyście w idealnym stanie, w oryginalnym opakowaniu. Wszystkie kwalifikujące się przedmioty mogą zostać zwrócone (chyba że zaznaczono inaczej).
Licencjonowanie cyfrowe

Ten obraz jest dostępny do pobrania z licencją

32,42 USD
129,70 USD
270,20 USD
Rozdzielczość maksymalna: 1500 x 2000 px
Pobierz natychmiast po zakupie
Artyści otrzymują wynagrodzenie za każdą sprzedaż

Sprzedawca Elena Giersch (Charmelena.Art)

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Gotowe do zawieszenia
Zamontowany na Drewniana rama noszy
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 31,5in, Szerokość 23,6in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 5 000 USD Abstrakcyjna Natura
As the artist, I poured my soul into creating a vivid tapestry of life, intertwining with nature's boundless dance. With each stroke of my acrylics, I captured the essence of growth and vitality, blending abstract thought and expressionistic fervor. This piece, alive with fauvist colors and metaphysical whispers, offers a[...]
As the artist, I poured my soul into creating a vivid tapestry of life, intertwining with nature's boundless dance.

With each stroke of my acrylics, I captured the essence of growth and vitality, blending abstract thought and expressionistic fervor.
This piece, alive with fauvist colors and metaphysical whispers, offers a semi-abstract reflection of our deep connection to the earthly symphony.

Its energy will infuse any space with an organic vibrance, inspiring a deep, serene contemplation.

Powiązane tematy


Przetłumaczone automatycznie
My name is Elena. I find ideas for creativity in my own imagination. This means that I am don't copy anyone. I am a self-taught artist. Everything in this life is individual and inimitable.

My name is Elena.

I find ideas for creativity in my own imagination. This means that I am don't copy anyone. I am a self-taught artist. Everything in this life is individual and inimitable.

I experiment with different materials and I use acrylic paints. I paint my pictures in mixed media in the modern style.

My modernism was reflected in like important directions of modernism: impressionism, expressionism, fauvism, pointillism, abstract art, surrealism.

I love life and the people around me. Love and harmony are the most important things to me.

I listen to the voice of my heart and I trust my feelings. The play of color and light fascinates me.

In my creativity I rely on my intuition and my subconscious imagination and vivid impressions and emotions.

I learn from nature to see this world as a child. Like the first time.

I am learning to feel and to be happy. It is reflected in my painting.

I was born in Russia in the city of Vladivostok. The city of contrasts, where the beauty of nature and the advantages of civilization merged; the capital of the Russian Far East.

I lived in St. Petersburg for many years. This amazing city is the cultural center of Russia.

In this city I met a multitude of wonderful masterpieces of world culture.

Art and travel inspire me and recharge my positive energy.

Moving to Germany was a milestone in my life for me.

Here I feel the desire to create and convey my feelings in painting.

I thank my family and the wonderful people who are with me for their support and help.

I take the liberty to paint what moves me and gives me pleasure.

I would like to add the following: when we look at the picture we should feel that it was painted with love and this is important.

I want my painting to bring you happiness, love, harmony with light and joy.

Zobacz więcej od Elena Giersch (Charmelena.Art)

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