Sounds of summer (2023) Pintura por Dita Lūse


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Vendedor Dita Lūse

  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 27,6in, Anchura 39,4in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Figurativo Bicicleta
A stop in a summer meadow, light scent of chervil hanging in the air. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta[...]
A stop in a summer meadow, light scent of chervil hanging in the air.
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Dita Lūse is represented by:               Gallery Rāmis in Riga, Latvia               Gallery MuseumLV in Riga, Latvia               AP Gallery in Vilnius, Lithuania               Artmajeur Dita[...]

Dita Lūse is represented by:

              Gallery Rāmis in Riga, Latvia

              Gallery MuseumLV in Riga, Latvia

              AP Gallery in Vilnius, Lithuania


Dita Lūse is an award-winning artist based in Latvia, whose artworks have been exhibited internationally.  She has studied at the Art Academy of Latvia and University of Wisconsin and has had over 30 solo shows and participated in numerous group shows. Dita Lūse is a painter and works in oil on canvas, in a manner which resembles watercolour painting - with thin washes in multiple layers.  While her art explores diverse subjects, the recurring theme is the relation between light and time. Luse often depicts spaces that are laden with memories, highlighting the depth and atmosphere that light creates. Her engaging compositions fuse realism with impressionism and conceptual art. The works by the artist cover themes such as the interplay of light and shadow in interiors, the enigmatic characters of X-ray images and the depiction of multi-layered memories in the works of the recent years. 

Ver más de Dita Lūse

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Pintura | 55,1x39,4 in
Bajo pedido
Oleo en Lienzo | 35,4x39,4 in
Bajo pedido
Oleo en Lienzo | 35,4x39,4 in
Bajo pedido
Pintura | 30,3x39,8 in
Bajo pedido


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