Panic (2004) Pintura por Dianne Roberson

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Vendedor Dianne Roberson

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32,00 US$
129,00 US$
269,00 US$
Resolución máxima: 388 x 155 px
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Vendedor Dianne Roberson

Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original Pintura, Oleo
  • Dimensiones Dimensiones disponibles bajo pedido
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$
A Cayote chasing a rabbit under the hot sun. Acrylic on masonite. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Oleo Pintura compuesta por[...]
A Cayote chasing a rabbit under the hot sun. Acrylic on masonite.

Temas relacionados

Cayote Animals Wildlife Rabbit Sun Hot Painting Acrylic Southwestern Western American Alaska American Gold Cowboy Texas Chase Action Dog

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As a young artist, I traveled every summer to the mountains where I sketched Native Americans expressing their creativity through pottery, weaving, beadwork, carving, and dancing. It was this tradition of recording[...]

As a young artist, I traveled every summer to the mountains where I sketched Native Americans expressing their creativity through pottery, weaving, beadwork, carving, and dancing. It was this tradition of recording their lives with art that bonded me to these distant Cherokee relatives. I have painted these artistic native people throughout North, South, and Central America. My Arctic Life Series and Native Portraits are a continuation of this experience, and a hope to create lasting visual images of Alaska's native people and their traditions.
Through the years, my life has taken me on many journeys far from my roots. I was drawn to Alaska, as if a magnet was pulling me back to nature. I didn't choose to come here, I simply could not stay away. My Night Life Series was born on a January excursion. In the cold dark night surrounded by silence near the top of the world, I saw magnetic pulses of light. It was ten degrees below zero as the many colors of reflected lights were magnified by the accumulation of snow on the ground. An intense emotion encompassed me and I understood why our ancestors were so in awe, even frightened, by the luminous dances of the Northern Lights. I have been compelled to paint this unending series in many veins and under many different influences since. My interpretation of the Aurora Borealis includes the human figure or wildlife to give a definition of scale as well as to celebrate the joyous Alaskan spirit.
My aim in painting is to create pulsating, luminous surfaces that emanate a mystic light and give my deepest insight into the experience of Arctic life and nature.

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Pintura | 24x30 in
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