The blind View.jpg Zeichnungen von Sandra Schacherl


Verkäufer Sandra Schacherl

  • Original-Kunstwerk Zeichnungen, Graphit
  • Masse Höhe 11in, Breite 15,4in
  • Kategorien Expressionismus
What would be your view on world with decreasing sight? Filled with atrocity or love -or both at the same time, so just Maya? Drawn with graphit and self made color from red earth. Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken & Stile
What would be your view on world with decreasing sight? Filled with atrocity or love -or both at the same time, so just Maya?
Drawn with graphit and self made color from red earth.
* born 1999 in Austria; I have been drawing and painting with pleasure since childhood, began professionally at the age of 12 (support f. ex. by the teachers Thomas Steiner, Christa Mayrhofer,Thomas Enzenhofer...later[...]

* born 1999 in Austria; I have been drawing and painting with pleasure since childhood, began professionally at the age of 12 (support f. ex. by the teachers Thomas Steiner, Christa Mayrhofer,Thomas Enzenhofer...later at a highschool specialized on fine arts). At the age of 11 I got ill by a viral infection (mononucleosis), which triggered a encephalopathy. For the further 4 years I could handle the illness, still visit school (with limitations) and leave bed. After These 4 years I wasnt´t able leaving home any longer -but still able to paint and draw. But since 3 years now, I´m completely bedbound and can´t even hold a pencil. This defacement on my portrait is Herpes Zoster because my encephalopathy (called "M.E. -severe myalgic encephalomyelitis") is a neuroimmune disease which includes severe immunodeficiency. I know, it´s not beautiful, but it´s "me" and it´s "M.E.".

Mehr von Sandra Schacherl

Alle Kunstwerke sehen
Kreide auf Papier | 16,7x11,6 in
Acryl auf Leinwand | 19,7x19,7 in
Kreide auf Papier | 7,5x11,4 in
Kohle | 16,5x11,8 in


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