Case in trasparenza (1994) Zeichnungen von Tonino Gottarelli

Conté-Buntstifte auf Papier, 13x9,5 in
210,65 $
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Kundenrezensionen (4)
Versand aus: Italien (Rohr) Versand unter 1 Tag
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
Art is a wonderful gift for friends, family members, or partners! Wonderful figurative drawing by the Italian artist Tonino Gottarelli entitled "Houses in transparency", cm 33x24 (12.9x9,4 in), Pencil and acrylic on paper 1994. The drawing is signed on the front and is accompanied by the Certificate of Authenticity on photo,[...]
Art is a wonderful gift for friends, family members, or partners!
Wonderful figurative drawing by the Italian artist Tonino Gottarelli entitled "Houses in transparency", cm 33x24 (12.9x9,4 in), Pencil and acrylic on paper 1994.
The drawing is signed on the front and is accompanied by the Certificate of Authenticity on photo, issued by the Tonino Gottarelli Foundation
The drawing is not framed and will be carefully packaged to ensure safe delivery, will be shipped rolled in a tube.
I ship worldwide by express courier, with tracking service.
In his book “Thoughts in Perspective”, Tonino Gottarelli writes: "Containers of Heaven: I call the empty intervals between houses".

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
"I have my own world that has gradually grown up with me" ( Tonino Gottarelli) 1967 Armando Montanari, brochure preface, Bologna; Daniel Abadie, Tonino[...]

"I have my own world that has gradually grown up with me" (Tonino Gottarelli)


Armando Montanari, brochure preface, Bologna; Daniel Abadie, Tonino Gottarelli, Combat 13.2.1967, Paris; Henri Adam, review of Les Lettres françaises (The French Letters), Paris; Philippe Caloni, review of Periscope, Paris; Dario Zanelli, Il Resto del Carlino (The Rest of Carlino) March 10, 1967, Bologna;


Giacinto Spagnoletti, presentation of the volume of poems La bambina e la rivoluzione (The Little Girl and the Revolution), ed. Rebelled, Padua;


Andrea Raccagni, brochure presentation Youth Gallery, Imola;


Efrem Tavoni, Poeta della penna e del pennello (Poet of Pen and Brush), exhibition catalog, Sasso Marconi (BO); Giorgio Ruggeri, Sogni, rimembranze e foglie morte nei quadri di Tonino Gottarelli (Dreams, remembrances and dead leaves in the paintings by Tonino Gottarelli), Sasso Marconi (BO); Luigi Cavallari, Carrà and Gottarelli at Casa dell'Arte, The Rest of Carlino, Bologna


Giorgio Ruggeri, Se il poeta scopre il colore della rosa (If the poet discovers the color of the rose), Imola; Giorgio Ruggeri, La pelle di Tonino Gottarelli (The skin of Tonino Gottarelli), Bondeno;


Vittorio Sgarbi, Opinioni ambulanti (Walking opinions), Bologna; Franco Basile, Gottarelli, Eremita delle sensazioni, monografia (Gottarelli, Hermitage of the sensations, monograph), art ed. Guelfi, Verona; Francesco Buturini, Presentation Artisti Italiani d’oggi (Nowadays Italian Artists) booklet no. 574 - Ed Ghelfi Verona; Alessandro Mozzambani, Presentation Artisti Italiani d’oggi (Nowadays Italian Artists) booklet no. 500 - Ed. Guelfi, Verona


Marcello Venturoli, Comme se il paesaggio fosse da inventare (As if the landscape was to be invented), monograph Mondatori Milano; Jean Pierre Jouvet, Per Gottarelli poeta (For Gottarelli, the Poet), monograph Mondatori Milano; Paolo Levi Tonino Gottarelli, Monographs Mondadori, Milan; Paolo Levi Conversazione con l’artista (Conversation with the Artist), Monograph Mondadori, Milan; Luigi Seravalli, L’amico, Gottarelli (Gottarelli, the Friend), Monograph Mondadori, Milan; Marina Fossati, Il cielo “finito” of Gottarelli (The "Finished" Sky of Gottarelli), monograph Mondatori, Milan; 

1992   Niva Lorenzini - Volume Presentation Lettere Inutili ( Worthless Letters), Bologna;

2002   And here we are in February 2002, the year of the creation of the Study Center Foundation that took his name and has as task and wants to witness his poetic and pictorial journey, a splendid act of generosity towards his city, to which he had always been extremely bound.

2005  Marilena Pasquali, Respiri di poesia (Breathing Poetry), exhibition catalog, Cesena

2008  Katia Cerè, Tonino Gottarelli, Percorsi attraverso la poetica pittorica (Tonino Gottarelli, Paths Through Pictorial Poetics), graduate dissertation, University of Bologna, Bologna;

2017 Claudio Spadoni, Tonino Gottarelli, exhibition catalog, Museum of San Domenico in Imola.

Mehr von Tonino Gottarelli

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