Fish scales-foliage 3 (2020) Textilkunst von Katia Bondar


Verkäufer Katia Bondar

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken & Stile Stoff Technik, die darin besteht, eine Arbeit auf der Basis von Stoffen zu schaffen, die durch Hinzufügen[...]

Verwandte Themen


Artist Statement (Short)

Artist Statement (Short)

For the development of the human trait itself: the creation of a new one.
In this opinion, what has already been invented is worthy of preservation (since it already contains the element of creation inside) and further development.
This is done by forming a position, for example: modern Russian identity, and strengthening the position: for example, ornaments in modern art and industries.
Methods: study of interaction. The use of collaboration, synthesis between several objects, where their elements are taken and crossed with each other; or one object with the external environment.
It is necessary to accept yourself and others: people and cultures, living beings and objects, ideas, opinions and situations. For peaceful and beneficial interaction with each other. Otherwise, destruction, not development.

Short biography
Artist, designer, teacher
Winner of the state award for support of talented youth (2009, 2010)
Winner of the Russian Art Week in Moscow (2018,2016,2015)
Member Of The Peace Foundation
Personal exhibition: "Synthesis of ethnic groups"(2017), " mutual Understanding "(2019).
Higher design (2010-2014) and pedagogical education.

Mehr von Katia Bondar

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