Wind through the lotus pond 荷风清露 (No.F18BK18019) (2022) 绘画 由 Dayou Lu


卖家 Dayou Lu



最大分辨率: 3517 x 885 px

卖家 Dayou Lu

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 颜料 / 在纸上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 13in, 宽度 53.2in
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 东方艺术
"Dayou Lu, born in 1958. He is the member of Chinese National Artist Association (CAA), National Artist Level 1, the Vice Present of Academy of Fine Art of Central Committee of CNCA, the member of Konstnärernas Riksorganisation (KRO), the member of International Artist Association (IAA), the member of Visual Art Association in UK (VAA), distinguished[...]
"Dayou Lu, born in 1958. He is the member of Chinese National Artist Association (CAA), National Artist Level 1, the Vice Present of Academy of Fine Art of Central Committee of CNCA, the member of Konstnärernas Riksorganisation (KRO), the member of International Artist Association (IAA), the member of Visual Art Association in UK (VAA), distinguished artist of GBK, Vice dean of China Academy of Ink Art, Deputy director of JS Cultural committee of CNDCA.
Dayou's works inherited and made breakthroughs on the basis of traditional culture. Dayou's works have been highly praised by the many art circles in China and Europe. In these years of painting exhibitions, Dayou is not only exporting the influence of Chinese culture but also constantly learning and absorbing the energy of European art and culture, making his works more tense and appealing. Especially in recent years, the newly created series of heavy-color lotus works have become more symbolic and recognizable, and their unique styles are impressive. Dayou's artworks have continued to be sought after by the world art circle. He artwork is integrating the outside objective observations and inside subjective feelings. The beauty of his artwork lies between the similar and different. He insisted on the most basic form of expression of Chinese painting, and at the same time added the display of personality, breakthroughs and innovations, reflecting the true art of natural society and the beauty of life, and giving people a beautiful enjoyment.


Dayou Lu

吕大有,中国南京人。他是中国美术家协会(CAA)的会员,中央美术学院中央绘画学院副主席,KonstnärernasRiksorganisation(瑞典国家美术家协会)的会员,国际美术家协会的会员(IAA) ),台北故宫书画院名誉院长,中国水墨艺术研究院副院长。 大有从事中国水墨画已有近50年的历史。他以双色水墨画而闻名。近年来,大有在美国,加拿大,瑞典,俄罗斯和日本举办了数十个个展和艺术联合展。[...]

吕大有,中国南京人。他是中国美术家协会(CAA)的会员,中央美术学院中央绘画学院副主席,KonstnärernasRiksorganisation(瑞典国家美术家协会)的会员,国际美术家协会的会员(IAA) ),台北故宫书画院名誉院长,中国水墨艺术研究院副院长。

大有从事中国水墨画已有近50年的历史。他以双色水墨画而闻名。近年来,大有在美国,加拿大,瑞典,俄罗斯和日本举办了数十个个展和艺术联合展。 2009年,他参加了由文化部和中国美术家协会在台湾中山纪念堂举办的“当代中国画大师”展览。 2014年,他参加了在日本东京都美术馆举行的中日书画联展。 2013年,他参加了中国驻瑞典大使馆举办的首届中国艺术节,并担任主要嘉宾。 2015年,他参加了北美绘画学校的巡回展览,并获得了“中国轻艺术功勋奖”。从2009年到2018年,大禹在瑞典举办了四个个人展览。

近年来,大有出版了20多本个人艺术专辑,报纸和综合专辑中还收录了100多种艺术品。大有的作品参加了许多国内外艺术展览并获得了奖项。他的作品已被国内外美术馆,博物馆,收藏机构和个人所收藏。政府将一些作品作为礼物赠送给其他国家和地区的领导人。 2002年,他被中国人事部授予“中国画优秀人才”称号。

查看更多的Dayou Lu

颜料在纸上 | 19.7x19.7 in
颜料在纸上 | 17.7x26.8 in
颜料在纸上 | 9.5x60.2 in
颜料在纸上 | 19.7x19.7 in

