DIVE (2020) 絵画 Daria Dudochnykova によって

リネンキャンバスのオイル, 23.6x23.6 in
プライス: 送料無料
お客様のレビュー (6)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Daria Dudochnykova



最大解像度: 2728 x 2724 px

販売者 Daria Dudochnykova

"Be like water, my friend" by Bruce Lee. When Lee said "be like water," he called upon people to embrace flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. He asserted that life is unpredictable and full of changes, and in order to effectively meet challenges, we must be able to react to them "smoothly,"[...]
"Be like water, my friend" by Bruce Lee.

When Lee said "be like water," he called upon people to embrace flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. He asserted that life is unpredictable and full of changes, and in order to effectively meet challenges, we must be able to react to them "smoothly," while preserving our essence.
He also emphasized the value of emptiness and the absence of preconceived notions. Water fills empty space effortlessly, and Lee claimed that we should also be open to new knowledge and experiences, ready to embrace new ideas and change our own perspectives.
Ultimately, "be like water" has become a symbol of adaptation, harmony, pliability, and the ability to overcome obstacles in life. This quote continues to inspire people to seek balance and harmony in their own lives, as well as to achieve success through flexibility and adaptability.

● 100% original hand-painted
● The painting is textured
● The picture is painted with high quality oil paints on the canvas.
● The painting is covered with varnish resistant to thermal and mechanical damage.
● Ready to hang, framing is not required, edges painted
● This original artwork is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity.
● I use all professional packing materials to make sure your artwork gets to you safely wherever in the world you may live.


Ocean ArtOcean PowerSeaside ColoursEaside PaintingUkrainian Art

Hi my name is Daria Dudochnykova. I was born in 1989 in Dnipro, Ukraine. In 2011, I graduated from the Faculty of Design and Art of (KNUKiM) Kyiv University of Culture and Art. Since 2009, I have been participating[...]

Hi my name is Daria Dudochnykova. I was born in 1989 in Dnipro, Ukraine. In 2011, I graduated from the Faculty of Design and Art of (KNUKiM) Kyiv University of Culture and Art. Since 2009, I have been participating in exhibitions and teaching classical painting at several art schools in Ukraine. 

My paintings show a strong connection with my lifestyle and childhood memories spent out of town on the sea. I travel a lot, get inspired, and observe the water element. At the moment I live and work in my studio in Dnipro.

Thank you for visiting and showing interest in my art. Join me on an exciting journey where paintings reflect the beauty and emotions of the ever-changing sea. Each brushstroke is a sincere expression, a harmony between tranquility and the vibrant pulse of life. Welcome to a world where art creates a sanctuary, and the whispers of the sea come alive on canvas.

Daria Dudochnykovaからもっと見る

MDFボードのオイル | 15.8x15.8 in
MDFボードのオイル | 15.8x15.8 in
MDFボードのオイル | 15.8x15.8 in
キャンバスのオイル | 23.6x23.6 in

