Guanyin (Guan Yin 觀音), original cast bronze sculpture artist's proof by Pan He Escultura por Chong En Cao

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Vendedor Leona Craig Art Gallery

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Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original Escultura, Fundición
  • Dimensiones Altura 44,1in, Anchura 11,8in
  • apto para exteriores? No, Esta obra de arte no se puede exhibir al aire libre.
  • Categorías Esculturas desde 20.000 US$ Asia
The Guanyin is a female bodhisattva associated, in Eastern Asian Buddhism, with compassion. The name Guanyin (also, Guanshiyin) is a translation from the Sanskrit Avalokitasvara, referring to the Mahāyāna bodhisattva of the same name and is also revered by the Taoists as one of the immortals. In her hand she holds a bottle of holy water from the[...]
The Guanyin is a female bodhisattva associated, in Eastern Asian Buddhism, with compassion. The name Guanyin (also, Guanshiyin) is a translation from the Sanskrit Avalokitasvara, referring to the Mahāyāna bodhisattva of the same name and is also revered by the Taoists as one of the immortals. In her hand she holds a bottle of holy water from the lake in which Buddha's mother washed herself after Buddha's birth. Buddhists believe that when one departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus and, then, sent off to the land of Sukhāvatī.
Indeed, the Guanyin is often depicted seated in the lotus position on top of a lotus flower. However, as Pan's idol is Michelangelo, he tends to make sculpture of people with flowing robes, and this rendition of the Guanyin is more like a Christian saint.
Religions, after all, borrow from one another. Both Buddha and Christ came from virgin births. We have also recently seen painting from a Tibetan artist who put halos around the heads of the figures in his paintings.
Although Pan He's sculptures were originally Red, he later changed to subtle social commentary, and more recently has done sculptures of the Chinese minorities, in another type of social commentrary. He has done a Buddha and several Guanyin's in different media. The original large model of this one is high on a hill top in a temple, in Shanxi Province, in the north. This sculpture of the Guanyin is rather unique in his repertoire of works.

Temas relacionados

Sculpture Of Bodhisattva Guanyin

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Artista representado por Leona Craig Art Gallery

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