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Binary Option

Back to list Added Oct 26, 2011

True Binary Art

For me art is not just a hobby or profession, it is a way of life. Something that you do while you are busy living life, like breathing or shielding your eyes from the sun. It is not something that needs to be cognated nor contemplated and it is for the purpose of improving emotional well being and a form of outward expression. I have found that art is what you do while living, not life itself. As a means to support myself and family, I am a options trader and trade binary options on a nearly daily basis. The trick with any kind of financial trading is that you have to be impartial and unemotional about your transactions or else it is exceedingly easy to get caught up in the various aspect and problems that accompany any trade and as a result, can sometimes cause you to make faulty decisions at some point of the process which in turn can spell disaster. By drawing artwork while I patiently wait for the binary option to close, I am able to extract my ego from the situation (at least somewhat) and that in turn makes me a more effective trader. It doesn't make me a perfect trader, but every little advantage I can use and a compound effect. And part of the compound effect of the above mentioned is that aside from making a living, I also generate a healthy dose of art every day, week, month, and year.

The site I trade binary options on is - so please stock asking me that folks!


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