The Gentle Queen (2019) Photographie par Georgy Bezborodov

Papier d'art, 8x8 in
  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Photographie, Giclée / Impression numérique sur Papier
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • Catégories Photographies à moins de 1 000 $US Art conceptuel
Does your sadness melt down with every snowflake that falls? Is your heart wide open? Is cold or warmth flowing from your depths? The art photograph of the young woman standing in front of a window was a stunning work of art that immediately drew the viewer's attention. The woman dressed in a casual vintage outfit, and there is a[...]
Does your sadness melt down with every snowflake that falls? Is your heart wide open? Is cold or warmth flowing from your depths?

The art photograph of the young woman standing in front of a window was a stunning work of art that immediately drew the viewer's attention. The woman dressed in a casual vintage outfit, and there is a sense of movement and energy about her, as if she were in the midst of a flurry of activity.

The woman stood in front of a large window, her face turned towards the viewer. Snow fell all around her, tumbling from a box she held in her hands. The snow itself was rendered in exquisite detail, with each flake capturing the light in a different way, as if it were in motion.

To the young woman's left was an open vintage refrigerator. The design was classic and streamlined, with clean, simple lines that echoed the function of the device. Inside, there were jars of pickles, fruit, and other preserved goods. The refrigerator was like a portal to another era, bringing with it a nostalgic sense of the past that contrasted beautifully with the present moment captured in the photograph.

The woman's demeanor was relaxed and casual, as if she was unburdened by the weight of the world. Her expression was one of pure joy and childlike abandon, as if she were playing with snow for the first time.

This is photo from theatrical project. Kamchàtka is an artist collective of diverse nationalities and disciplines who’s members first met in Barcelona in 2006. Driven by the same interests and concerns and under the artistic direction of Adrian Schvarzstein, they started training intensely in group improvisation on the streets of Barcelona and researched the subject of immigration. Barcelona… an ideal city for confronting a society laden with contradictions and immersed in profound problems of integration.

#artphotography #windowportrait #snowscatter #vintagefridge #cooltones #nostalgia #wintermood #dreamy #visualart #conceptualphoto #youthfulenergy

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Georgy Bezborodov est architecte et photographe. La composition, le volume, la lumière, la perspective, la peinture et le graphisme en photographie sont grandement aidés par sa connaissance de l'urbanisme. [...]

Georgy Bezborodov est architecte et photographe. La composition, le volume, la lumière, la perspective, la peinture et le graphisme en photographie sont grandement aidés par sa connaissance de l'urbanisme.

Son travail, qui s'articule autour des thèmes de la vie, du portrait et du paysage, se distingue par l'éclairage qui le distingue des autres artistes.

Georgy Bezborodov travaille à Moscou (Russie). Il est membre de l'Union des photographes d'art russes, conseiller du président de la Société écologique russe, membre de la Société géographique russe, membre du Club photo russe et directeur de la société de marketing Time4brand. Il a participé à de nombreuses expositions et a fait publier son travail dans de nombreuses publications tant en Russie qu'à l'étranger.

Voir plus de Georgy Bezborodov

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Photographie | Plusieurs tailles
Photographie | Plusieurs tailles
Photographie | Plusieurs tailles


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