poetic brushplay 15 (2004) 絵画 Philipp Brita Badon によって


販売者 Philipp Brita Badon




最大解像度: 289 x 495 px

販売者 Philipp Brita Badon

  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画,
  • 寸法 高さ 8.7in, 幅 7.1in
この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル 技術 絵画 絵画は、色のついた液体を美的に適用することにより、表面に絵画を描く芸術形式です。画家は、紙、岩、帆布、木、樹皮、ガラス、コンクリート、その他多くの下地などのサポートで非常に個人的な表現を表現します。[...]
YOU won’t find Philipp Brita Badon sitting idly by – unless he is trying to capture an inspired moment. "I'd sit around to enjoy the experience," he says. "Then I'd paint it right away."

YOU won’t find Philipp Brita Badon sitting idly by – unless he is trying to capture an inspired moment. "I'd sit around to enjoy the experience," he says. "Then I'd paint it right away."
If that sounds like a rush, it is.
Badon, one of the more successful Filipino contemporary artists, rarely makes studies, and when he does, these are mostly for commissioned pieces. The bulk of his works is the product of those flashes of inspiration. It has grown into a hoard and turned his modest back street studio and gallery in Quezon City into a fine mess. "It's a jumble out there," he says.
That w0ould almost certainly be the impression you'd get if you saw it. More certainly, you couldn't escape being struck by the man's art. First, there is the wildly varied theme, which runs from the ubiquitous mother-and-daughter figures to galactic impressions and erotic art. There is the style, which has drawn comparisons – rightly or wrongly – to early Picasso without the dark mood but with a splash of color.
Then there is the price. Badon builds value in his works from the bottom up, which makes them affordable to fans of art appreciation and a good investment for buyers driven by profit motive. "You have to protect the value of your work, of course, but only up to a point," he says. "Beyond that, you have to leave it to the market."
That's as far as he goes on the commercial aspect of his work. The rest is up to his eldest daughter, 27 year old TJ Anne Badon. "We noticed that his work could use a bit more push as a business proposition. So we decided that for a start, we should look at a more effective marketing plan," she says.
TJ left her job as marketing manager of Pepsi Cola Philippines to join her father's business. She has an enormous respect for it, having watched it grow and having seen its potential. Since coming aboard a year ago, TJ has successfully marketed Badon in the United States Australia, Europe, the Philippines and key cities in Asia.
In Hong Kong for his 27th one-man show, Badon had three paintings snapped up before the exhibit opened. Earlier, he had sold out in Singapore. Plans are under way for a tour of the Middle East, starting with Qatar. But with limited exposure to the business of the art market, TJ sees a big challenge ahead. "First, we have to make contact with the right people," she says. "Only then can we begin the marketing."
It helps that her father’s works speak for themselves. "Word of mouth is a big part of the reason that more people are taking notice," TJ says.
The marketing machine cranks up a gear the more high-profile the product becomes. Badon cracked the Hollywood art circle when Tom Hanks, Diana Ross and Roberta Flack became regular clients. In Manila, celebrity TV host Boy Abunda is not shy to drop a line about his growing collection of Badon impressionists and figures.
That said, Badon still throws the occasional sales pitch, mostly to visitors to his art gallery. But this quickly turns into a ...

Philipp Brita Badonからもっと見る

絵画 | 14.2x11.8 in
絵画 | 30x24 in
絵画 | 14.2x11.8 in

