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Artista (Pintura)
Nacido en fecha desconocida
Cuando Amaral se sienta con un pincel y un lienzo, la pintura cobra vida y comienza una nueva creación.

When Amaral sits down with a brush and canvas, the paint comes alive and a new creation begins.  He explores form and color in all his paintings and breaks away from art as it is represented in real life.  The elements of each of his painting are defined boldly and purposed so that viewers can have roam their imagination for a deeper meaning.  Amaral’s skills lie in his ability to use textures and colors to their best visual strength and create a composition from these elements. Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Western art had been, from the Renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century, underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality. By the end of the 19th century many artists felt a need to create a new kind of art which would encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology, science and philosophy. The sources from which individual artists drew their theoretical arguments were diverse, and reflected the social and intellectual preoccupations in all areas of Western culture at that time. Abstract art, non-figurative art, non-objective art, and non-representational art, are closely related terms. They are similar, but perhaps not of identical meaning.

Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Amaral, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas portugueses contemporáneos. Dominios artísticos: Pintura. Artista representado por Artmajeur. Tipo de cuenta: Artista , miembro desde el 2021 (País de origen Brasil). Compre los últimos trabajos de Amaral en Artmajeur: Amaral: Descubre impresionantes obras del artista contemporáneo. Explorar obras de arte, comprar obras originales o impresiones de alto nivel.

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