I am ready! (2017) 绘画 由 Alfred Freddy Krupa

丙烯在纸上, 29.9x22.1 in
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关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 丙烯 使用传统颜料与合成树脂混合的油漆。 墨 一种强烈着色的液体或糊剂,用于标记纸张或其他可打印材料。该设计是使用厚板,羽毛,刷子或矫直机手动完成的。
Alfred Krupa's (1971-) first public academic confirmation reached its peak in the year 1995 when he successfully completed his MFA in Painting studies at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb[...]

Alfred Krupa's (1971-) first public academic confirmation reached its peak in the year 1995 when he successfully completed his MFA in Painting studies at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb which was established in 1907 as (in Croatian) Kraljevsko zemaljsko više obrazovalište za umjetnost i umjetni obrt (in English: the Royal College for Arts and Crafts). This esteemed institution has a long-standing reputation for excellence.


During his time at the university, Krupa had the privilege of being mentored by highly respected professors, including Dr. Matko Peić and Nikola Koydl MFA, a renowned artist who has exhibited his works at the highly respected Venice Biennale. Krupa's academic accomplishments and the guidance of his esteemed mentors undoubtedly paved the way for his successful career in the arts.

Krupa's passion for art history led him to pursue non-degree postgraduate research under the tutelage of Dr. Tonko Maroević at the University of Zagreb in 1997 and 1998. He also had the opportunity to continue his research as a postgraduate student in Japan from 1998 to 1999, thanks to The Monbukagakusho Scholarship (文部科学省奨学金, Monbukagakushō Shōgakukin). During this time, he studied under the guidance of Prof. Akira Itoh at Tokyo Gakugei University (東京学芸大学) or Gakudai (学大).

Krupa's outstanding work in drawing led to his admission into the Royal College of Art's postgraduate "Post Experience Programme" on February 16, 2001. The program was carefully evaluated by Professor Deanna Petherbridge CBE FRCA Hon. FRIBA Hon DDes at the Centre for Drawing Research. Despite being unable to attend the program due to financial constraints, Krupa continued his art education studies at the University of Zagreb and in 2005 was formally recognized as "Professor of Drawing and Painting" by the Croatian State Institute for Education, now known as the Education and Teacher Training Agency (ETTA/AZOO).

Krupa's impressive body of work has garnered both public and professional recognition since the very beginning, culminating in a celebratory 30-year anniversary in 2020. His name first entered the public eye in 1990, thanks to a feature in the widely-read Yugoslav weekly "Vikend/Weekend". That same year, Krupa held his inaugural solo exhibition, and has since exhibited frequently across a range of geographies, including Europe, Central and East Asia, Australia, and North and Central America. His works have been showcased alongside other luminaries of the art world, such as Edo Murtić, Miroslav Šutej, Ivan Kožarić, and many more.

查看更多的Alfred Freddy Krupa

墨在纸板上 | 39.4x27.6 in
墨在纸板上 | 27.6x39.4 in
拼贴在纸上 | 27.6x19.7 in
墨在纸板上 | 15.8x12.6 in

