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Alexandra Stoleru

Artista (Pintura, Desenho)
Nascido em data desconhecida

My name is Stoleru Alexandra and I am a 21 year old artist from Bârlad city, Vaslui county, Romania. 

I studied at Nicolae Tonitza School of Music and Fine Arts, Ioan Popescu Barlad Pedagogical High School and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. I like to think that I was born with a passion for art.

I can still recall my first painting experience. I was a young girl in the hospital and I imagined this fisherman. When the fisherman picture was finished, I showed my mum and all the other patients. She posted it on the wall of the hospital room for everyone to see.

During my artistic life I tried almost all the techniques but few remained with me. I love working with acrylic colors, because it gives me the opportunity to work quickly and express my feelings here and now, which is very important to me. Drawing with ink / liner and painting with watercolors or gouaches are the techniques I use most often. I always avoided painting with oils because it takes a long time for the painting to reach an end.

I always dreamed of becoming a great artist, but at the same time I knew it would be a difficult road to fulfill this dream. I hope that one day it will happen, or at least after I die, I hope there will be at least one paragraph about me in an art history book.

I do not fit in a particular artistic style and I don't even know when that will happen. I have changed my artistic style hundreds of times in the almost 20 years since I painted. I think I am constantly evolving and one day I will be able to say exactly what I want to do. Until then, I will explore as much as possible.

Descubra obras de arte contemporâneas de Alexandra Stoleru, procure obras de arte recentes e compre on-line. Categorias: artistas contemporâneos romenos. Domínios artísticos: Pintura, Desenho. Artista representado por TothemArt. Tipo de conta: Artista , usuário desde 2021 (País de origem Romênia). Compre as últimas obras de Alexandra Stoleru no Artmajeur: Alexandra Stoleru: Descubra impressionantes obras do artista contemporâneo. Navegue obras de arte, comprar obras originais ou impressões de luxo.

Alexandra Stoleru Foto do perfil Grande

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