The Touch of Bliss (2022) 絵画 Adriana Rossarolla によって

キャンバスのオイル, 30x40 in
プライス: 送料無料
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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Adriana Rossarolla が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル
  • 寸法 31x41 in
    フレーミングなしの作品のみの寸法: 高さ 30in, 幅 40in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング この作品は額装されている (フローティングフレーム)
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 コンセプチュアルアート
ADRIANNA%TOUCHOFBLISSRIGHT6-16-22, 6/16/22, 10:16 AM, 8C, 9000x12000 (0+0), 150%, Repro 2.2 v2, 1/20 s, R130.0, G89.4, B98.0 この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル オイル [...]
ADRIANNA%TOUCHOFBLISSRIGHT6-16-22, 6/16/22, 10:16 AM, 8C, 9000x12000 (0+0), 150%, Repro 2.2 v2, 1/20 s, R130.0, G89.4, B98.0


Hand Of GodGod's CreationMichelangeloWomanLandscape

                 Adriana Rossarolla I was born in the shiny country of Brazil. However, I always wanted to experience countries where I could enjoy every season. The extreme changes in nature always[...]

                 Adriana Rossarolla

I was born in the shiny country of Brazil. However, I always wanted to experience countries where I could enjoy every season. The extreme changes in nature always inspire me with colors and moods. I also get inspired by beauty, not only form, but the beauty of mind. For many years, I have been reading about healing, especially metaphysics. There is something about the mind that discerns all the inspiration I have from all forms, perhaps the mind that is spiritual.
My artwork is developed with the idea of expressing higher concepts and principles of goodness. In the end, all I want is to see good in everything.
With an Italian passport, I spent some years living in Europe, before I ended up in California. I always felt like a traveler, looking for a home for my heart. I spent my life looking for myself; I guess, we all do. I mean, it wasn't through the skills, courses, languages or even travelling that I learned about myself.
It was the journey within - uncovering my secret "no's," my old patterns, the vicious attitudes, negative thinking, shame, fear. Art is where my heart found expression, and so, a place to call home. I hope within the years ahead, I can express my feelings of hope, connection with God or life, the fantasies of my childhood, the idealism of romance, my inspirations like Shakespeare or fairytales, the comprehension about the mortal man and the one that is divine...and so on... there's a lot to cover.

My biography about my art career might be different than the majority of artists. I started later, not late. I compiled years of studying human nature. From the deepest fears and the amazing glory of being alive. From loving as an act of need to loving as an act of freedom. I think, these are important things to bring to an art expression.

Adriana Rossarollaからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 30x40 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30x40 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30x40 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30x40 in

