Old Man with a Guitar (2016) Disegno da Abraham Peñamante (Abe)

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Venduto da Abraham Peñamante (Abe)

  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Disegno, Matita / Carbone / Grafite su Carta
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Iperrealismo
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Carbone Disegno realizzato con un ramo di salice o carbone di carbone carbonizzato in Europa.[...]

Temi correlati

Guitar Man

Hello, I'm Abraham Penamante, an artist hailing from Manila, Philippines. With over 10 years of experience in graphic design and traditional arts, aside from my personal projects I also have worked in[...]

Hello, I'm Abraham Penamante, an artist hailing from Manila, Philippines. With over 10 years of experience in graphic design and traditional arts, aside from my personal projects I also have worked in various industries including real estate, hospitality, and events. While I had great time doing work in the corporate world, I always have a burning desire to pursue my own personal art projects. 

My unwavering dedication to my craft and my passion for creating beautiful and meaningful art hopefully continue to inspire people.

Vedere più a proposito di Abraham Peñamante (Abe)

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Grafite su Carta | 16,5x11,7 in
3.244 USD
Matita su Carta | 11,7x8,3 in
1.722 USD
1.422 USD
Media misti
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Grafite su Carta
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