
748 原创艺术品,限量版和版画: 部落艺术,也被称为非西方艺术或民族志艺术,或者有争议的原始艺术,是土著人民的视觉艺术和物质文化。部落艺术通常具有仪式或宗教目的。部落艺术是部落文明物品的主题和工艺,通常起源于农村。西方人类学家、私人收藏家、民族志和自然历史博物馆历来收藏部落艺术品。

748 原创艺术品,限量版和版画:


19 世纪著名的西方艺术专业人士根本不认为非西方艺术是艺术。相反,这些物品被视为“异国情调”或“原始”文化的人工制品和文化产品。但在 20 世纪下半叶,人们看待部落艺术的方式发生了变化。在 1960 年代后现代主义发展之前,艺术评论家从严格的形式主义角度看待部落艺术,很少关注作品的象征意义、历史或文化背景或艺术家的目的。从那时起,世界范围内的收藏、展览和艺术市场都开始高度重视部落艺术,例如西方收藏的非洲艺术。






包罗万象的宗教将非洲艺术作为重要组成部分。个别图像作为据说存在于所有生物中的生命力的体现或代表。这些死者的形象经常为他们代言,保留了部落血统的精髓,让人们对祖先的灵魂产生认同感。尽管所采用的许多形式都包含世俗元素,并且一些艺术品只是装饰性和观赏性,但非洲部落手工艺品通常作为宗教艺术生产 - 用于特定的仪式或礼仪用途。



波利尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚、美拉尼西亚和澳大拉西亚是构成大洋洲次区域的四个不同的民族地理区域。原产于这四个地方的原住民的创造性遗产和习俗被称为大洋洲部落艺术。波利尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚的大部分地区最终都受到了这种拉皮塔文化的影响。另一个因素是越南东山文明(约 600 年),它是西太平洋地区的重要贸易商,并留下了在大洋洲各地发现的青铜器。


幸存下来的波利尼西亚艺术的著名例子包括社会群岛、复活节岛和马克萨斯群岛的石庙;拉帕努伊岛/复活节岛和马克萨斯群岛上的巨型石雕 (moai),体现了使用具有突出舌头和凸出眼睛的拟人形象的设计,这在波利尼西亚的许多东部和偏远地区都很常见;以及波利尼西亚西部的装饰精美的树皮布。









从 19 世纪中叶开始,随着越来越多的探险队带回部落文物,欧洲收藏家和艺术家开始对当时被称为原始主义/原始艺术的事物表现出兴趣,这是典型的黑非洲艺术。 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初见证了重要的部落艺术展览,这些展览将非西方艺术引入了西方艺术世界。现代艺术博物馆展出了重要的展览,例如 1941 年的美国印第安艺术和 1935 年的非洲黑人艺术。许多当代艺术家,包括表现主义者、立体主义者和超现实主义者,都从接触部落艺术中获得灵感。

文森特梵高和亨利马蒂斯等主要艺术家深受部落艺术的影响,而保罗高更则在法属波利尼西亚亲身接触过部落艺术。紧随其后的是 20 世纪中叶的毕加索 (Pablo Picasso),其著名的早期立体派杰作 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon 以非洲面具为特色。立体主义深受部落艺术的影响。这位艺术家主要借鉴部落艺术的形式含义,通过破坏图像和牺牲视角迅速破坏了西方范式。其主要成果之一是抽象绘画。

大约在这个时候,德国集体 Die Brücke 开始更多地关注非西方艺术的直觉、原始和仪式方面,推出了被称为表现主义的重要现代艺术风格。通过从苏黎世、纽约和巴黎的部落艺术、立体主义和表现主义中汲取影响,达达主义者为西方范式的瓦解做出了贡献。拼贴画和组合的三维对应物主要用于达达的绘画或雕塑作品。这件由回收材料制成的作品证明,艺术可以由任何东西制成,而不仅限于绘画、雕刻或建模。它的图像在政治、社会或美学层面上具有挑衅性,并且经常结合部落艺术的元素。达达引入了最终产生概念艺术的思想。观念艺术的影响与其他现代艺术流派的影响相融合,形成了当今世界所享有的庞大、广泛、极其丰富、多样和国际多元化的当代艺术之河。

Discover original contemporary Tribal Art artworks on Artmajeur

Original contemporary Tribal Art is a captivating form of artwork that has historical and cultural significance. This type of artwork is created by indigenous artists, who are inspired by their traditional art forms and cultural practices. The main types of supports and materials used in creating Tribal Art include canvas, wood, clay, and natural pigments. What makes this form of artwork unique is the way it reflects the interconnectedness of indigenous communities with nature and their surroundings. It is a celebration of their culture and their way of life, conveyed through intricate patterns, symbols, and colors that have been passed down through generations. Tribal Art is a window into a world that is both ancient and modern, and it allows us to appreciate the beauty and diversity of indigenous cultures.

雕塑,  13x22 in
Supercharged 雕塑, 13x22 in
©2012 Lorenzo Ghiglieri 艺术家表示Foundry Michelangelo

Origins and History

The origins of Tribal Art can be traced back to ancient times, where indigenous tribes created intricate and meaningful artworks that were used in rituals and ceremonies. Over the years, Tribal Art has continued to flourish, with contemporary artists creating pieces that incorporate traditional elements with modern techniques.

雕塑,  37.4x5.9 in
DNA 4 雕塑, 37.4x5.9 in
©2017 Thierry Ledé

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Original contemporary Tribal Art has undergone a significant evolution in recent years. This art form is characterized by bold colors, intricate patterns, and powerful symbolism that reflects the cultural heritage of indigenous communities. These artworks have gained immense popularity in the contemporary art market, with collectors and enthusiasts alike recognizing their unique beauty and cultural significance.

绘画,  31.9x25.6 in
Le bateau de peche 绘画, 31.9x25.6 in
©2024 Clèves Léo

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary artists who have made a name for themselves through their original contemporary Tribal Art artworks include:

  1. Kent Monkman: A Canadian artist who is best known for his paintings, Monkman combines elements from traditional Indigenous art with contemporary styles to create unique and thought-provoking pieces. His work often explores themes of gender, sexuality, and colonialism.

  2. Jeffrey Gibson: An American artist of Choctaw and Cherokee descent, Gibson’s work combines traditional Native American art forms with contemporary materials and techniques. His pieces often feature bright colors, geometric patterns, and intricate beadwork.

  3. Wendy Red Star: A member of the Crow Nation, Red Star’s work uses photography, sculpture, and performance art to explore issues related to Native American identity and representation. Her pieces often challenge stereotypes and highlight the diversity of Indigenous cultures.

  4. Edgar Heap of Birds: A Cheyenne and Arapaho artist, Heap of Birds’ work often features text-based pieces that explore issues related to Indigenous rights and histories. He uses a variety of materials and techniques, including painting, printmaking, and installation art.

  5. Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: A member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Quick-to-See Smith’s work incorporates a range of media, including painting, printmaking, and collage. Her pieces often address issues related to social justice, politics, and the environment.

These artists have all made significant contributions to the world of contemporary Tribal Art, using their unique perspectives and techniques to create powerful and thought-provoking works that challenge viewers to think critically about issues related to Indigenous cultures and histories. Their art serves as a reminder of the richness and diversity of Indigenous art forms, and the importance of continuing to support and celebrate these traditions in the modern world.

绘画,  8.3x11.7 in
City palace 绘画, 8.3x11.7 in
©2018 Kalika Handicrafts Kalika Handicrafts

Notable original contemporary Tribal Art artworks

"Red Man" by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith is a contemporary Tribal Art masterpiece created in 1990. The painting is a powerful critique of the way Native Americans have been misrepresented and stereotyped in American culture. Smith’s use of bold colors and dynamic brushstrokes captures the strength and resilience of Native American people in the face of centuries of oppression and marginalization.

"Love" by Norval Morrisseau is another iconic work of contemporary Tribal Art. Created in 1979, this painting is a celebration of the transformative power of love and its ability to heal even the deepest wounds. Morrisseau’s use of vibrant colors and sweeping lines imbues the painting with a sense of joy and hope, making it a favorite among art lovers around the world.

"Guardian Spirits" by Bill Reid is a stunning example of contemporary Tribal Artistry. Created in 1980, the sculpture depicts two Haida figures standing guard over a small village. Reid’s incredible attention to detail and his masterful use of traditional Haida techniques make this sculpture a true masterpiece of Indigenous art.

Another significant work of Tribal Art is "The Storyteller" by Roxanne Swentzell. Created in 1991, this sculpture captures the spirit of Indigenous storytelling traditions, with a figure sitting cross-legged and holding a small child in her lap. Swentzell’s use of clay and other natural materials gives the sculpture a powerful sense of connection to the earth and the natural world.

Finally, "The Dance" by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith is a vibrant and dynamic painting that captures the energy and spirit of Native American dance traditions. Created in 1992, the painting features bold colors and sweeping lines that convey a sense of movement and rhythm. Smith’s use of traditional Native American symbols and motifs adds depth and meaning to the painting, making it a true masterpiece of contemporary Tribal Art.

最相关的 | 最新

雕塑 标题为“Supercharged” 由Lorenzo Ghiglieri, 原创艺术品, 青铜
Supercharged - 雕塑, 13x22 in ©2012 由Lorenzo Ghiglieri - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, Horse, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Luxury, Mirror, Polished, Ferrari Horse, Sculpture

Lorenzo Ghiglieri


雕塑 - 青铜 | 13x22 in

绘画 标题为“City palace” 由Kalika Handicrafts Kalika Handicrafts, 原创艺术品, 水彩
City palace - 绘画, 8.3x11.7 in ©2018 由Kalika Handicrafts Kalika Handicrafts - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 丰富多彩的

Kalika Handicrafts Kalika Handicrafts

"City palace"

水彩在其他基材上 | 8.3x11.7 in

设计 标题为“Медведь и Север” 由Alexey Saralidze, 原创艺术品, 饰品
Медведь и Север - 设计, 23.6x33.5 in ©2024 由Alexey Saralidze - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 动物, панно, чеканка, север, bear, олени

Alexey Saralidze

"Медведь и Север"

设计 | 23.6x33.5 in

绘画 标题为“La colline en face” 由Irina Cavat, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
La colline en face - 绘画, 19.7x23.6 in ©2024 由Irina Cavat - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 景观

Irina Cavat

"La colline en face"

油在亚麻帆布上 | 19.7x23.6 in

雕塑 标题为“Aura Cibernética” 由Manuel Molina, 原创艺术品, 塑料
Aura Cibernética - 雕塑, 31.5x23.6 in ©2024 由Manuel Molina - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 灵性, innovacion artistica, impresion 3d, aerosol sobre mdf, mascara tribal, mascara contemporanea, destellos metalicos, tribales, cultura reinventada, espiritual

Manuel Molina

"Aura Cibernética"

雕塑 - 塑料 | 31.5x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“Traboule 15” 由Marie-France Capron (CAPMA), 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木板上
Traboule 15 - 绘画, 14.6x11.8 in ©2024 由Marie-France Capron (CAPMA) - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 肖像, peinture, papier, art, contemporain, portrait

Marie-France Capron (CAPMA)

"Traboule 15"

丙烯在纸上 | 14.6x11.8 in

绘画 标题为“Doli Kahaar” 由Charul Gandotra, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Doli Kahaar - 绘画, 11.7x16.5 in ©2023 由Charul Gandotra - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 日常生活, madhubani mithila painting, monochrome art, bridal palanquin art, doli kahaar, orange and black painting, traditional indian art, cultural heritage art, handmade folk art, palanquin bearers painting, unique wedding art, ethereal dawn painting, contemporary madhubani

Charul Gandotra

"Doli Kahaar"

丙烯在纸上 | 11.7x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“The Rave People” 由Liliia Pilikina, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在纸板上
The Rave People - 绘画, 15.8x19.7 in ©2018 由Liliia Pilikina - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 音乐, rave, party, dance, glow, glowing, music, night, night life, fun, uv, ultraviolet, fluorescent, experimental art

Liliia Pilikina

"The Rave People"

丙烯在纸板上 | 15.8x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“Les couleurs du tem…” 由Niankoye Lama, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Les couleurs du temps - 绘画, 31.5x31.5 in ©2023 由Niankoye Lama - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 非洲, Afrique, peinture africaine, couleurs du temps, peinture acrylique, art africain, Rep Guinée, Guinée Conakry

Niankoye Lama

"Les couleurs du temps"

丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in

纺织艺术 标题为“PONCHO DE ARGOLLAS…” 由Antonio Avar, 原创艺术品, 布
PONCHO DE ARGOLLAS G447 - 纺织艺术, 78.7x74.8 in ©2024 由Antonio Avar - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 部族的

Antonio Avar


纺织艺术在布上 | 78.7x74.8 in

绘画 标题为“Princesses” 由Maud Berhault, 原创艺术品, 粉彩
Princesses - 绘画, 19.7x26 in ©2024 由Maud Berhault - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 灵性, dendrobate, regard, yeux, feuilles, nature, grenouille, amazonie

Maud Berhault


粉彩在纸上 | 19.7x26 in

绘画 标题为“DRAGON AND THE SUN,…” 由Yulia Belasla, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
DRAGON AND THE SUN, blue and pink - 绘画, 19.7x19.7 in ©2023 由Yulia Belasla - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 动物, dragon, gold line, blue, merrychristmas, happy new year, xmas, 2024, square, coral

Yulia Belasla

"DRAGON AND THE SUN, blue and pink"

丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x19.7 in

雕塑 标题为“DNA 4” 由Thierry Ledé, 原创艺术品, 木
DNA 4 - 雕塑, 37.4x5.9 in ©2017 由Thierry Ledé - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 性质, CINETIC, FINEART, WOOD

Thierry Ledé

"DNA 4"

雕塑 - 木 | 37.4x5.9 in

绘画 标题为“Bolk Mirrk Jiyi” 由Nyalkba, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Bolk Mirrk Jiyi - 绘画, 20.1x20.1 in ©2024 由Nyalkba - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 部族的, Aboriginal, Culture, Tribal, Native, Indigenous, Australia


"Bolk Mirrk Jiyi"

丙烯在帆布上 | 20.1x20.1 in

摄影 标题为“" VINCI "” 由Philippe Reynaud, 原创艺术品, 数码摄影
" VINCI " - 摄影, 31.5x23.6 in ©2018 由Philippe Reynaud - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 电影院, cinema, mode, nu, studio, noiretblanc, femme

Philippe Reynaud

"" VINCI ""

摄影 | 31.5x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“Un monde fou” 由Herve Ricaud, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
Un monde fou - 绘画, 74x70.1 in ©2023 由Herve Ricaud - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 丰富多彩的

Herve Ricaud

"Un monde fou"

油在帆布上 | 74x70.1 in

雕塑 标题为“Fiammifero” 由Joshua Stazio, 原创艺术品, 木
Fiammifero - 雕塑, 27.6x11.8 in ©2023 由Joshua Stazio - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 部族的

Joshua Stazio


雕塑 - 木 | 27.6x11.8 in

绘画 标题为“African colorful ma…” 由Jan Keteleer, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
African colorful mask - 绘画, 15.8x15.8 in ©2023 由Jan Keteleer - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 非洲, portrait, figurative art, woman, color, expressionism, industrial design, romanticism, retro style, interpersonal relationship, symbolism (arts), africa, african people

Jan Keteleer

"African colorful mask"

丙烯在中密度纤维板上 | 15.8x15.8 in

绘画 标题为“Blue VR776” 由Kseniya Rai, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
Blue VR776 - 绘画, 19.7x19.7 in ©2023 由Kseniya Rai - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 爱情, african woman, african posrtrait, african people, love, pool, summer

Kseniya Rai

"Blue VR776"

油在帆布上 | 19.7x19.7 in

雕塑 标题为“Poisson Bothus” 由Muriel Mougeolle, 原创艺术品, 粘土
Poisson Bothus - 雕塑, 6.5x8.3 in ©2023 由Muriel Mougeolle - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 鱼, Poisson, Fish, Poisson en céramique, Céramique, Poterie, Ceramic fish, Pottery Fish, Céramique contemporaine

Muriel Mougeolle

"Poisson Bothus"

雕塑 - 粘土 | 6.5x8.3 in

绘画 标题为“Energie” 由Aurélie Sarrazin, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Energie - 绘画, 31.5x23.6 in ©2023 由Aurélie Sarrazin - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 灵性

Aurélie Sarrazin


丙烯在纸板上 | 31.5x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“(SN N°02) DANSE DU…” 由Elise Cabanes, 原创艺术品, 墨 安装在纸板上
(SN N°02) DANSE DU GHANA I - 绘画, 24.4x18.9 in ©2005 由Elise Cabanes - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 非洲, Tableau, Peinture, Encre de chine, Danse africaine, Corps, Graphisme

Elise Cabanes


墨在纸上 | 24.4x18.9 in

绘画 标题为“Nuages” 由Fabienne Dequidt, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Nuages - 绘画, 31.5x23.6 in ©2022 由Fabienne Dequidt - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 景观

Fabienne Dequidt


丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in

雕塑 标题为“Oracle 1” 由Alain Platet, 原创艺术品, 木
Oracle 1 - 雕塑, 45.7x14.6 in ©2023 由Alain Platet - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 非洲, art singulier, art brut, Afrique

Alain Platet

"Oracle 1"

雕塑 - 木 | 45.7x14.6 in

绘画 标题为“Le bateau de peche” 由Clèves Léo, 原创艺术品, 油
Le bateau de peche - 绘画, 31.9x25.6 in ©2024 由Clèves Léo - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 船

Clèves Léo

"Le bateau de peche"

油在帆布上 | 31.9x25.6 in

绘画 标题为“Vision Cosmique” 由Christafari, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Vision Cosmique - 绘画, 37.8x24.8 in ©2023 由Christafari - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 非洲, ethnique, contemporain


"Vision Cosmique"

丙烯在帆布上 | 37.8x24.8 in

图画 标题为“Juliette” 由Lola Ledermann, 原创艺术品, 墨
Juliette - 图画, 25.6x19.7 in ©2024 由Lola Ledermann - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 女性肖像, encre de chine, couleurs

Lola Ledermann


墨在纸上 | 25.6x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“L'oiseau très rare.…” 由As, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
L'oiseau très rare... - 绘画, 27.6x19.7 in ©1998 由As - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 鸟, Pas de répit., CNEW, THALASSA


"L'oiseau très rare..."

丙烯在纸上 | 27.6x19.7 in

图画 标题为“Origin I” 由Ewa Dura, 原创艺术品, 标记
Origin I - 图画, 11.7x8.3 in ©2024 由Ewa Dura - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 世界文化, origin, ethno, tribal, Dura, EwaDura, ritual, black, metallic, ornament, pattern, knowledge, artistic drawing

Ewa Dura

"Origin I"

标记在纸上 | 11.7x8.3 in

绘画 标题为“Le voyageur” 由Michel Delvingt, 原创艺术品, 墨
Le voyageur - 绘画, 21.3x19.7 in ©2023 由Michel Delvingt - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 幽默

Michel Delvingt

"Le voyageur"

墨在纸上 | 21.3x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“Praesidium Mare Dul…” 由Rimp, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Praesidium Mare Dulce - 绘画, 47.2x23.6 in ©2017 由Rimp - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 性质, mer, océans, personnification, totem, fétiche, protecteur, rondeur


"Praesidium Mare Dulce"

丙烯在亚麻帆布上 | 47.2x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“Wolf robe” 由David Lopez, 原创艺术品, 油
Wolf robe - 绘画, 11.8x8.7 in ©2023 由David Lopez - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 部族的

David Lopez

"Wolf robe"

油在帆布上 | 11.8x8.7 in

雕塑 标题为“voodoo # 63” 由Cambrousse, 原创艺术品, 木
voodoo # 63 - 雕塑, 16.1x4.7 in ©2023 由Cambrousse - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 部族的, art premier, art primitif, vaudou, voodoo


"voodoo # 63"

雕塑 - 木 | 16.1x4.7 in

纺织艺术 标题为“Minotaurus Tapes ta…” 由Rom Av.Jc, 原创艺术品, 挂毯
Minotaurus Tapes tapisserie - 纺织艺术, 55.1x35.4 in ©2022 由Rom Av.Jc - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 神话, amphore, mosaique, rome antique, grece antique, mythologie, minotaure

Rom Av.Jc

"Minotaurus Tapes tapisserie"

纺织艺术在亚麻帆布上 | 55.1x35.4 in

绘画 标题为“Ressource” 由Dominique Comolet, 原创艺术品, 拼贴
Ressource - 绘画, 26.8x11.4 in ©2009 由Dominique Comolet - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 世界文化, Fontaine, Source, Forme ovale, Eau

Dominique Comolet


拼贴在其他基材上 | 26.8x11.4 in

雕塑 标题为“ONCE” 由Antonio Martinez Ruiz, 原创艺术品, 木
ONCE - 雕塑, 31.5x18.1 in ©2023 由Antonio Martinez Ruiz - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, 抽象主义, tribal, africa, oxido, oxidados

Antonio Martinez Ruiz


雕塑 - 木 | 31.5x18.1 in


